Disease X was in the news recently. Media now is in perpetual hyperventilation mode, OMG THE CRISIS 24/7, and Disease X was The Current Freak-Out for a week or so in early January. The WHO held a conference, ginning up terror about the hideous potential for another world destroying pathogen, quick hide under your bed with your mask on. Buy a ventilator, train how to intubate yourself. It was a thing at Davos too.
It was all hypothetical of course. There is no Disease X, it is merely the medical cartel justifying it’s desire to pass the WHO Pandemic Treaty, to give global, authoritarian bio-controls to internationalist bureaucrats. Every new illness outbreak is now and forever going to be the next pandemic, until it isn’t. The next pandemic that does happen will surely be as suspiciously fake as the last one, another bioweapon, but we better give over our personal and national sovereignty to the eugenicist, rumored mass murderer, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at the WHO, and his death-bed buddies at the WEF and UN, because they are the worlds greatest, most pristine, exalted experts.
Covid was a coup, btw. There was no covid pandemic. It was a bioweapon and a coup.
There Was No Covid-19 Pandemic
To reiterate, why to look askance at Disease X. The banks were in a state of collapse in Oct 2019. They needed to print trillions of dollars ASAP, but they couldn’t do that publicly, after they already did that to float the big banks during the Great Recession. The Dept of Defense was ready with a pathogen and a fake vaccine, they just needed a reason. 95% of Americans have no idea 5trillion was printed just to float the banks, on top of the 5trillion printed to float the “main street” economy. It was a coup because it also:
Allowed for the theft of an election
Another attempt to get rid of Trump for good
In conjunction with the J/6 set-up, a means to demonize heritage Americans
It forced DEI onto the culture
It forced Trans onto the culture
It vastly expanded the Censorship Complex
It allowed for the greatest transfer of wealth up the social pyramid in history
It was a test run for authoritarian social controls
It opened the door to mRNA “therapuetics” for every illness under the sun, which had never been used before, because the platform causes auto-immune disorders, among other horrors.
The good news is, like Phizer with their pill Paxlovid, for allegedly reducing the symptoms of covid their fake vaccine didn’t prevent you from getting, the medical cartel is working on an mRNA jab to fix the auto-immune disorder you got from your Covid mRNA 19 jab! Which all of it together is a multi trillion dollar business, a fix for illness that makes you sicker, perpetuating eternal profits, at least until we are all dead prematurely, or the regime collapses, whichever comes first.
I can’t actually prove their mRNA jabs for every illness won’t work, but I can confidently say, after Covid, that if you are damaged, they will gaslight you, mock you, call you delusional, call you a liar, call you an anti-vaxxer or pretend you don’t exist.
Moderna, which is a wholly spawned subsidiary of Defense Intelligence, which had exactly one product, or maybe two, as some of their patented genes apparently showed up in the covid bioweapon, is effectively bankrupt, has not less than 44 new mRNA jabs in the pipeline, for everything from flu to lymes.
The FDA has decided too, mRNA jabs for new covid strains don’t need clinical trials, because the original trials that revealed how useless and dangerous the jabs are, were totally sufficient. One can presume every new mRNA iteration for any and every disease will receive approximately the same no oversight.
In fact, Disease X does exist, it is like a hemorrhagic fever in the brains of bio-control freaks, causing mental illness and deeply anti-human, grotesquely totalitarian, murderous behavior, something like high-functioning technocratic rabies.
This is a typical article of the type. The “kinks” merely have to do with the efficacy of delivery, not the damage it does. For this brain damaged author, the Covid jabs are not just Safe and Effective, but harmless:
For example, the mRNA in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines directs cells to produce a harmless version of the virus’ spike protein that trains the immune system to recognize and better prepare for potential infection.
The journal Nature is so far gone they are drooling. They are more invested in marketing than science, which is mostly what The Science has become.
The abstract:
The therapeutic use of messenger RNA (mRNA) has fueled great hope to combat a wide range of incurable diseases. Recent rapid advances in biotechnology and molecular medicine have enabled the production of almost any functional protein/peptide in the human body by introducing mRNA as a vaccine or therapeutic agent. This represents a rising precision medicine field with great promise for preventing and treating many intractable or genetic diseases. In addition, in vitro transcribed mRNA has achieved programmed production, which is more effective, faster in design and production, as well as more flexible and cost-effective than conventional approaches that may offer. Based on these extraordinary advantages, mRNA vaccines have the characteristics of the swiftest response to large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as the currently devastating pandemic COVID-19. It has always been the scientists’ desire to improve the stability, immunogenicity, translation efficiency, and delivery system to achieve efficient and safe delivery of mRNA. Excitingly, these scientific dreams have gradually been realized with the rapid, amazing achievements of molecular biology, RNA technology, vaccinology, and nanotechnology. In this review, we comprehensively describe mRNA-based therapeutics, including their principles, manufacture, application, effects, and shortcomings. We also highlight the importance of mRNA optimization and delivery systems in successful mRNA therapeutics and discuss the key challenges and opportunities in developing these tools into powerful and versatile tools to combat many genetic, infectious, cancer, and other refractory diseases.
Building it up like this, there is literally no amount of damage they could do, that would dissuade them from the trillions to be made and the infamy glory to be had.
Not everyone is so ill. This is one example of a growing number of studies of the damage done by Covid Jabs.
Autoimmunity linked to COVID-19 immunization has been recorded throughout the pandemic. Herein we present six new patients who experienced relapses of previous autoimmune disease (AD) or developed a new autoimmune or autoinflammatory condition following vaccination. In addition, we documented additional cases through a systematic review of the literature up to August 1st, 2022, in which 464 studies (928 cases) were included. The majority of patients (53.6%) were women, with a median age of 48 years (IQR: 34 to 66). The median period between immunization and the start of symptoms was eight days (IQR: 3 to 14). New-onset conditions were observed in 81.5% (n: 756) of the cases. The most common diseases associated with new-onset events following vaccination were immune thrombocytopenia, myocarditis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. In contrast, immune thrombocytopenia, psoriasis, IgA nephropathy, and systemic lupus erythematosus were the most common illnesses associated with relapsing episodes (18.5%, n: 172). The first dosage was linked with new-onset events (69.8% vs. 59.3%, P = 0.0100), whereas the second dose was related to relapsing disease (29.5% vs. 59.3%, P = 0.0159). New-onset conditions and relapsing diseases were more common in women (51.5% and 62.9%, respectively; P = 0.0081). The groups were evenly balanced in age. No deaths were recorded after the disease relapsed, while 4.7% of patients with new-onset conditions died (P = 0.0013). In conclusion, there may be an association between COVID-19 vaccination and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Some ADs seem to be more common than others. Vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 may induce autoimmunity through similar mechanisms. Large, well-controlled studies are warranted to validate this relationship and assess additional variables such as genetic and other environmental factors.
The moral of this tale is, we are about to be presented with a galaxy of new mRNA jabs, which everyone should be deeply skeptical about after the epic disaster that was covid policy. Especially as all the most important experts are agreed, what an epic success that was. That is what Disease X is too, an attempt to get us back on the mRNA train. Also, those who are going to be jabbed with these new jabs are going to be many, and they are going to be shedding like mad who knows what, so even if we abstain that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be indirectly effected.
It is also worth remembering, good health stems primarily from healthy food and behavior. Take care of yourself, because it is becoming ever more clear - the medical cartel cares more about money than human health, sick to death now with mRNA fever.
Thank you, Hunter. Your article inspired me to write my response as a new post on my Stack. I plan to have it up tonight.
And that embedded "no one is safe" video would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so horrific. I would love to see the reaction to it from folks who played followed-the-leader and are still following.
I can't help but wonder if they are not overdoing it - and we will begin to see it as the con it is.