There are about 210 more subscribers here, since this time last month. For those who are new, I have been posting videos once a month of my progress on guitar. I’m no prodigy necessarily, but The Good Citizen, who is a musician, said he is impressed by my progress, so that is something. I’m posting these for a lot of reasons, but mostly to encourage people to learn new skills. We need more people with lots of skills (hey guys - I hear girls like guys with lots of skills.) I told myself most of my life I couldn’t play guitar. I’m very much glad I started playing.
My goal is three songs, singing and playing, by 2024. I’m hoping to have one to perform next month, though I’m not counting that as one of the three.
Thanks for your support - WHD
I just started training in Jiu Jitsu…at the tender age of 54. My daughter, who is 9, has been going to classes for 2+ years. I’ve been sitting on the sideline with the other parents wrestling between two parts of myself, one that has been dying to get out on the mat and the other that has held me back because “I’m too old”. I finally found my way past that argument and signed up. My fourth class is tonight. I can’t wait!
All the best to you on your guitar journey! Rock on, brother!
Yep, good progress! At this point I'd recommend adding in some alternate picking practice. Some example lessons:
And a longer one from the master: