So you think you are going to have and win a revolution without the support of the people?
Good luck with that.
That has always perplexed me about lefties - you are so unattractive why would I follow you? Burning Lake Street etc in Minneapolis etc liberal cities post floyd was not the best look. All those homeless on the street are like the mockingbird in the liberal coal mine. Why are so many trans so plain mean and ugly? So, anyone oppressed can go hamas? If your revolution requires me subjecting myself to experimental untested jabs on coercive authoritarian terms, veto authority by midwit un-creative technocrats over my every word and deed, eat ze bugs ‘n soy bike to work in the winter or sit pod locked-down drugged basic incomed online gaming…
The people have to believe in the future you are proposing, if you want to have a successful revolution. The utopia of the “left” is technocratic materialism separating us from everything that has been good about being human, a few miserable people making everybody miserable by dictate. WhoTF wants that? Not most Americans, surely. The woketrans take over of America is a small minority ruling by fear, coercion and the sustained threat of violence.
I have sometimes described the woke/trans overtaking of America’s institutions as a revolution. But that is inaccurate, it is more like a 2020 coup - covid, floyd, Imperial election interference - because the outcome is not supported by Americans generally, it is top-down in the sense that it is coming not just from our institutions but from global institutions, and it is fundamentally based on coercion. All those liberals in our institutions public and private rolled over and exposed their neck and belly, the conservatives were mostly driven out and replaced with diversity hires. Nobody in America actually supports that but the few who benefit monetarily, the rest of us doomed to watch America quickening toward collapse, our institutions now more focused on destroying “white supremacy” and managing the Narrative than selling product or fulfilling policy directives.
By contrast, what is the future proposed by the “right”? I hear everything from a RETVRN to tradition, nature and God, monarchy, a new aristocracy, to redemption in the skys/end times in the Middle East, anti-imperialism, a restoration of the Christian Church, a return to the sovereign Republic, to gunzgassGod consumer empire as normal ongoing forever unto the stars, and then some. One of the reasons Republicans lose elections at the Federal Level is their messaging mistakes Joe Biden for Jimmy Carter, like it is 1980: Crime! Immigration! Taxes! Make America Great Again is a bit too much like Reagan’s Morning in America. You should go watch people shop, how they lose themselves in it wandering in a haze of endorphins, the way it is like a drug, or digital media but more visceral. The empire we have grown accustomed to has a shelf life that is expiring but nobody including most of the “left” wants to let it go, not really. Like any drug and especially consumerism, the withdrawal symptoms are as like to kill the patient as any other outcome. Many on the right are coming to recognize, there is much about empire America that is not worth salvaging. But therein lies the challenge, how does a right that wants to revolt reconcile it’s idea of change with the people’s basic desire to maintain the status quo consumer empire and not otherwise upset that proverbial apple cart? Because any real revolution would upset that apple cart indefinitely and even permanently, revolutionaries beware.
The short answer is, the right has to offer something better than just-in-time, whatever you want when you want it consumerism. But what could that possibly be?
Whatever it is it’s not coming from the not-the-Democrats party. Republican Congress people are mostly useless except to maintain eternal warmongering for eternal profits, sign whatever checks Dems write, suckle at the poison teat of Pharma and flail their arms about, as millions of military aged men cross the border outside the law - Biden family corruption!!!, and otherwise effectively see/hear/speak no evil about the total surveillance/censorship state. No one is going to support a revolution that merely keeps that collection of gilded doorknobs in power.
Meanwhile in the background there is also covid policy fallout. There are two primary reasons our elite refuse to acknowledge the ongoing damage: the first, well, it isn’t a virus that did and is doing all that killing, and that is A LOT of culpable people; but also the mRNA train is a multi-trillion dollar market, that is a lot of motive to deny depopulation ongoing excess mortality.
Meanwhile having an abortion is virtuous, it is therapy to sexually mutilate and sterilize children, and you are a racist if you have a problem with millions of military-aged men crossing the border from countries that have no history of democracy or the rule of law.
One of the reasons America is a target for all of this is, we are the one country that has a famous and powerful Bill of Rights, a long history of the rule of law and the mostly peaceful exchange of power. There is nothing authoritarians hate more than a well-informed, independent populace, which is why it starts in the public schools, the Bill of Rights is a white supremacist document. Also, we have a lot of guns. If not for those guns, covid policy, woke trans dictates, climate zealotry would be a LOT MORE AUTHORITARIAN than it has been. Without those guns, the elections would be totally fraudulent, and Washington would start abridging an end to:
Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Except the soldiers would be migrant men of military age, humiliating middle America defacto social justice warriors fighting white supremacy.
Enough with elucidating the trajectory of liberal/Marxist/Globalist authoritarianism, we aren’t going to have a revolution or effect the course of history by complaining about the empire. This is about a revolution coming from conservatives, and really anyone who is tired of being ruled by the unaccountable green zone elitist/globalist occupier in DC.
The Jan 06 “Insurrection” was not an actual insurrection because a couple of thousand people without guns are not going to overturn an election or overtake the American Empire. A real insurrection would require at least half the country supporting it, the most productive, useful half of the country, and most - a strong majority - of law enforcement/military personnel. It is debatable if even half of law enforcement/military would be sympathetic even to the idea of a revolution, what with the beyond the pale authoritarian treatment of the Jan 06 defendants and how little push-back against that there has been. I see no indication really, that there is anything like an awareness in the warrior class for revolution, large enough to make a revolution possible. I’m just a little fish but all the bigger alt-right/freedom loving fish on substack speculating about revolution, combined, are not dialed into anything like half the country or even half the warrior class.
That said, the revolution is likely emergent, every time someone advances the idea of revolution, the revolution takes shape. So, what are some core principles to get half the country at least, willing to think and talk about revolution? This is my aspirational wish list. Most of it would horrify most of the woke set, at least.
The restoration of law and order. The law has been turned upside down since Trump won in 2016, flaunted in every regard. That went exponential in 2019/2020. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution are a solid foundation we need to return to.
More gov, more problems. Government and nonprofit jobs are made to fix problems. But if you fix the problem you are out of a job. Problems have been increasing more or less on the same trajectory as the growth of government and nonprofits. All my life I have heard, we are fixing the problem, we just need more money and more people. The trajectory of that is only government, all problems. In an open-source information, AI world, we don’t need anything like the amount of government we have, starting with most of the three letter agencies.
The current trajectory of America is the collapse of America as we have known it, subject to a global, centralized, all-surveilling tyranny and a near total loss of freedom. A more healthy trajectory for America would be a radical reduction in dependence on government, corporations and banks - a radical reduction in the power and scope of our institutions.
Re-localized production of essentials. The dual benefit of greater community resilience, and also good, meaningful jobs.
The restoration of family and community. The destruction of the family and community is much the reason we have become dependent prey to governments, corporations and banks.
Bodily autonomy. The medical cartel has to be put down, with prejudice. Exile the architects of covid policy.
Disband the public school system. Leave it to local control.
Defund/demolish the universities. Exile the Marxists.
Depose military leadership. Protecting the country is one of the only legitimate roles of government, one of the only things the founders were explicit about. The military currently is an occupying force, treating American citizens like we are terrorist insurgents, using the tactics of war they perfected overseas against us.
There is a movement to normalize pederasty in America. There would not be, after this revolution.
Make lots of babies. Every time I hear a young person say they don’t want to bring a kid into this world it is such a mess, I tell them, the fact that you say that means you should go make a bunch of babies.
End the income and sales tax and tax things like endocrine disruptors, so we can have lots of babies.
Get right with the earth. Climate hysteria is for control freaks, the stuff of Marxist zealotry, fundamentally anti-scientific. Our disconnection from the rhythms of the earth is real, and devastating for people and the earth.
Exile the authoritarian censors of the surveillance industrial complex.
Break up big tech.
Exile the neo-con, neoliberal imperialists along with their imperialism.
Depose equity, restore equality. Equality encourages hard work and achievement. Equity rewards the lazy, mediocre and venal.
Close the border to illegal activity and the vast majority of refugees.
Draw down the empire. Start leading by example, not by a monopoly on violence.
Select 100 of the worst examples of corruption in all the major sectors of the empire and take them out to the Marianas Trench, a deposit on a better future, to send a clear message to their fellows about consequences for defying the revolution.
That last bit is just a suggestion.
Possibly half the country would revolt if given the opportunity to turn back the clock to 2019, just to restore relative “normal”. But the reality is more like, there is not anything like unity enough, we are far too splintered and divided, the people are also so very dependent on governments, corporations and banks. Things are bad, but they aren’t that bad. A dependent people tend not to revolt against that which they are dependent upon.
I like to think the list above would resonate with the majority of Americans. Maybe I am wrong. Either way, anyway, resonating with a list of ideas is not the same as waging a revolution. Again, revolutions are destabilizing, brutal, destructive. Few Americans would ever entertain such a thing, even if they thought it might be possible. Most Americans would not have to believe it possible, they would have to believe it inevitable, as in, there really is no alternative and we are not going to lose - before they would even begin to take the idea seriously. Everybody knows too, the people who run this country are psychopaths, they would wage war against us just as they have elsewhere (just as they did with covid, are doing with psyops), but with a much greater existential fury.
The people have to believe. They have to support the revolution in the main. There was not support sufficient at first, when people started talking about separating from Great Britain and King George. There were many monarchists who wished to remain part of the crown before, during and after the revolution, and another contingent of mostly working men, who were quite indifferent, not caring about trading one set of prick overlords for another. It was only after much discussion, and pamphlets like Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, that sufficient people came together to fight the British - and still it took four years to defeat them.
The people have to believe, and they have to be ready. Though, a revolution might be foisted upon them, whether they want it or not, whether they are ready or not, depending on the outcome of the next election. If Trump is elected, that would be a little like deposing the 2020 coup, and you can bet those Hamas loving woketrans are not going to take that sitting on their hands or gazing at their navels, nor the monsters in our institutions who spent the last 8 years deranging themselves about Trump. It is probably a truism, whoever wins the election, the other side is not like to believe it.
And again, ultimately, to reiterate, why do the people need to believe in the revolution? I had a dream recently. I brought three people up to a knob ridge covered with giant, ancient oak trees, a young woman, a middle aged man and the third I do not recall. We were there to practice firing big guns. I own no such big guns IRL and have never shot big guns with others, but that was the dream, and the people seemed to enjoy it. After, we watched a film about dinosaurs, something like a film from the Jurassic Park series. Something like the next day, we returned to the knob ridge to practice again, but a military was there and they were blowing up the ancient oak trees. Three of the trees were knocked down, crashing over the side of the ridge into the valley, merely from a missle that passed by without touching them. There were no trees left, the ridge a burned out barren.
That is DC, their way, scortched earth, nothing sacred, what they would be willing do to America if we ever truly rise against them.
You want a Vision Thing? Try television and comedy prior to 1970. Hollywood used to celebrate the American Way.
For hard core reactionary propaganda, see the Brady Bunch Movie. (Works best if one is familiar with the original show.)
I am very wary of those who, while opposing the current paradigm, call for a christian state. To me that is just substituting one destruction of the first amendment for another, one tyranny for another. But I guess tyranny is OK to most people as long as it is THEIR tyranny