What’ll they come up with next? 🤦🏻‍♂️

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First on the moon, fer sure

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Why not? These people have no shame.

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I watched a few episodes of that Netflix show. It never occurred to me to fact check the basics of the story. Whoa. It's obvious that Netflix has big woke balls that they tea bag you with every chance they get. But I never would have guessed that they were that big.

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I quit Netflix awhile back, it got so woke. After awhile I was like, I'm not paying to be indoctrinated. It never occurred to me though, they would just nakedly rewrite history. That is crossing any line of ethics, morality, truth all of it.

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This is so absurd as to be, well absurd! We are going through a complete rewrite of history and the sheep will believe it all. Why you ask? Because they know no history or care about truth, reason, logic, and on and on and on Infinium.

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And they are abused and taken advantage of in their ignorance. Like I tell my nephew and his buddies every chance I get - Don't be illiterate!

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Now I have a headache! First the 1619 Project. Now this?

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"... there are none so [color] blind as those who will not see ..."

[as aside on color, I am surprised no one of prominence has brought out that almost all of the pride flags show six colors, not seven: it seems that indigo is missing for some reason.]

Is it April 1st already!! While I won't be sad to see Biden gone at the end of 2024 (or 1/20/25) if not sooner, I am in no hurry for this life to progress faster than 24 hours per day (would slow it down if I could).

Makes perfect sense, but there was no mention of Thomasina Jefferson, Jamaia Madison, Alexandria Hamilton, Patricia Henry, Joanna Hancock, Johana Adams, Samantha Adams, Natalie Hale, Benjamina Franklin, Georgina Morris (colloquially known as "Gov"), Jasmine Wilson, Ms. Pickney, and a few others I don't recall right now. ... Oh, also Betsy Ross and Dolly Madison??

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Good of you to mention them. It was just a quick press release mostly focusing on the glorious aXtu-Grynd.

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How can such a sharpie be so dull?

Probably time to file her in the round bynd.

She seems too abrasive for any grynding wheeler-dealer to enhance her edge, of which she is pretty close to falling over to right now.

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An ax sharpened with DIE is dull as a maul, and tends to get swung around at pretty much everything standing too close, former allies included, until the wielder eventually finds themselves alone, or in the presence of someone with a bigger maul.

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you mean, mauled by reality? :-)

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Hilarious. Just perfect. Thank you.

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This was all news to me but a hilarious job in the telling. You're not just a great writer but a funny guy too!

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Wow. Thank you BC. That means a lot to me.

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Character only matters if you aren't a Democrat. Ask Bill...

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True that, but then from the perspective of Dems no one in the history of the world has had as much character as they do.

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Hilariously absurd, but (sadly) also an accurate depiction of the current cultural insanity. Excellently done, sir!

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Thanks Daniel. Glad to make you laugh. And for the restack. More like this in the hopper.

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Fun read. I do enjoy parody! Cleopatra was black, don'cha know fo' sure. Even in the Middle Ages, blacks were oppressed by white Europeans...

On a side note, you know why Africans don't have holidays of their own? They never invented a calendar.

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We wuz queenz

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