5 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

As I mentioned before, fascinating enough, I had never even heard of this Vox Day person prior to your blog. Now as it regards anger and rightiousness that I understand that full well. Lately I''ve felt like there are a lot of thieving assholes around me, and I have been contemplating this.

But what would be the righteous response? I don't want them dead. How do I create a response that is just for a new world?

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That is a challenging question Amy, especially given your circumstances.i assume the thieving assholes are drawn for a reason. If they perceive you as a target I imagine you will have to dissuade them, give them pause?

That is a good question for us all, as part of the deconstruction of the West and America seems to be the proliferation of the collapse of taboos globally. I know there is a feeling among some that some new, greater consciousness is dawning, but I suspect if that is true at all we still have to go through a gauntlet to get there.

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5 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

The punk poet John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) said "anger is an energy" in one of his songs and I agree. We are taught anger is always wrong and should be suppressed, but sometimes it is a cleansing fire that burns out all the (((dead wood))).

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I suspect a lot of what passes for modernity in the West has been a lot about gilding the mass of men, to prevent us from periodically “renewing the tree of liberty with blood.”

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4 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

And yes the Catholics in the middle ages knew exactly what to do with decadent Jew exploiters.

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True enough. The tree of liberty at this point though is as sickly as our people and needs a good deal more fertilizer than jooz. All a metaphor, mind you.

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4 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan


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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

So much to say about this wonderful post William. Thank you for expressing your anger!

I appreciate your contemplative and introspective nature. It has been a pleasure to read your self=assessment as you synthesize the larger events that help decipher the source of your anger and place within the context of the current regime insanity.

I have been guilty of using anger as my source of power. I try to keep it controlled. The older I get, the easier that is. I learned to use controlled anger in taekwondo. I have a deep and limitless pool of it, apparently. I did very well in TKD. I preferred to fight with the men, cause I made girls cry.

My anger kept me determined and got me through chiropractic school.

I growl at the gym, a LOT. I always hope that everyone has their ear buds in and can't hear me. Anger helps me lift heavy, really heavy, for my size and age.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoAuthor

Thank you, and glad to hear this post helped make you of good cheer, lol!

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3 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Am I sticking my head in the sand when I say I'm glad I don't let notifications send to my phone, and hsd no idea who/what this Vox etc was,and that I gad no idea there was a war waged against one of my favorite substack writers (to my own disgrace, I haven't yet controlled all my reactions stemming from my many planets that reside with Mars)

Hell hath no fury, it's said...and I am a woman who's constantly finding her training stressed.

On my X I posted a delightful meme I found, which both defies the notion that we Appalachians do not read, and exemplifies our growing mindset here in the southern mtns...

" It was the fuck around of times. It was the find out of times."

The Humiliation Ritual notches up: from the small rural East Palestine,to the Dem occupied Lahaina ,to the lower and middle class rural Appalachian South- whom they taunt for a reason.

The Boot knows that which it does.

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Yeah, you should not worry about Vox, he lives in Switzerland in a castle now, lol.

I restacked a similar meme.https://substack.com/@morgthorak/note/c-71125675

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2 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Paste that puppy up in notes and I'll restack it!

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Nice post, William. Anger can mean a couple things:

1. Sometimes we get angry at deficiencies in other that we ourselves have. It's a mirroring effect; we hate in others what we hate in ourselves.

2. Sometimes anger can be clarifying. I was reading about parapsychology studies and one of the interesting things pointed out was that one's accuracy in parapsychology predictions went up substantially if one was feeling passionate about something, if one was emotional. I thought that was an interesting thing to note...

3. Sometimes anger is just anger at injustice, we all feel it sometimes.

So when we get angry, it's good afterwards to step back and ask why did we get angry, was it really about what triggered us or was it about ourselves? It's not always clearcut, either, but it's a good starting point...

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