A Nation By Fiat
The terms seem to be eternal debt creation, WWIII and serfdom. But these are not terms.
Money is the root of all evil? Or is it merely a medium of exchange? Is there no evil then, if there is no money? And what if the currency is privately owned, not really ours, and some day the owners of the currency take it all away? Then what is the medium of exchange? What if it isn’t money that is evil, but debt without limit and what wickedness humans are capable of with money?
Usury is immoral in the Muslim and Catholic tradition, seemingly a high ideal in the Jewish, conflated with morality among Protestants and Evangelicals generally, and the dream of the secular materialist rentier. Usury is the building up of debt, charging interest on the loaning of capital; jubilee, the wiping out of debt across the board, which is necessary periodically, or humans are turned into slaves inevitably. The dollar is created by creating debt. Bankers would own everything including us, in the end. Fiat Digital currencies are the ultimate dream of bankers and control freaks everywhere, no one would ever be able to question the regime ever again.
If you don’t know how the dollar works, how it is based on eternal debt creation, why it is called Fiat (it’s not just that they will cut your head off if you challenge their currency with another), this is the finest primer I know of, from the inimitable Chris Martenson. His Crash Course in it’s entirety will give you a clear understanding of the difference between money and wealth, growth and prosperity, and the danger of debt.
This turning of Americans into atomized feudal serfs is why I have been repeating since the collapse of the housing bubble, take a few bankers out to the Marianas Trench and make a deposit on a better future.1
Fiat money is government issued currency, backed by the government, not gold, silver or precious metals. But the dollar is not really backed by the government, it is a privately owned currency, supposedly owned by the central bank; but who owns the central bank, nobody seems to know. Government, and everything else in America, essentially, is the collateral. How’s that, everything you own, as collatoral for the secret, private owners of the dollar? Hence, supposedly, in the event of the crash of the dollar, the secret private owners of the dollar are going to claim as collateral pretty much everything in America.
President Andrew Jackson nearly genocided the Cherokee, but he was also the only President to seriously take on banks and bankers. You have to be very ruthless, indeed a Strong Man, to take power away from bankers. Remarking in his battle to shutter the Second Bank of the United States, in 1833:
“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”
Which he did. But the central bankers ultimately won, with the creation of the Federal Reserve eighty years later, just after the winter solstice and just before Christmas, 1913. WWI soon followed. We are about to have the third world war, since that fateful release of the Federal Reserve Note.
The Federal Reserve also put Andrew Jackson on their unbacked fiat as a thinly veiled “fuck you” to his legacy, who would have hated everything they represent:
For a brief, detailed history of banking in America and generally, from which I lifted this information about Andrew Jackson, from
Where I elaborated in the comments:
And every successive bailout becomes the greatest transfer of wealth up the social pyramid in the history of the world. Covid policy largely was designed as a 5+trillion bank bailout.
To buy out the wreckage of the Covid lockdowns with. A covert bank bailout, since hardly a citizen in America is even aware of it.
This too was a fine discussion, very informative, the
talking with and on the East Meets West podcast, about Usury.Usury is money making money, instead of making money with labor or a service. Usury is the sharks in the Sharktank taking 40% of your profits for the life of the business, for a one-time cash infusion (unlike bankers they at least can argue they deserve such for their expertise, contacts and infrastructure, which by the way they have, because of their expertise at usury.) Usury is giving out any loan at interest. Usury is university Administration financing their upper middle class lifestyle, creating glorified serfs of their students, denying many of them the American Dream, the building of a family or buying of a home, because of so much school debt (and the usury based epic rise in housing costs.) Usury is the explosive growth of government at every level Federal, State and Local, adding a trillion dollars of debt to the national debt every 100 days. Usury is what American and European elite have been doing to the third world for generations, with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Usury is the dollar as the global reserve currency.
Usury is said to be a good thing, for Western empire builders. Without usury there would not have been the explosive growth of the industrial and technological revolutions. Without usury America would not have become the strongest economy in the history of the world, dominating the whole world.
But debt goes sour over time. Debt eventually swamps the real economy, too much money goes to servicing the debt. Soon interest alone on the nation debt will exceed a trillion dollars a year. We are currently running a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit. As of the first draft of this post, the national debt is $34.883 trillion, which is six and a half trillion more than GDP at $28.27 trillion. The Treasury Dept is selling Treasuries to finance the deficit, but it is harder to find buyers who believe in the debt. Faith and trust in the American government, America and the dollar is at an historic low and getting lower, everywhere in the world including in America.
The thing about usury too, it is not just used to build empires, it has always been used to finance wars (which is how empires are built.) The dollar is esteemed less and less in large part because DC has financed so many destructive wars. Ten trillion wasted, minimum, in the imperial misadventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Israel and Ukraine, in the so-called War on Terror (notice how our wars against poverty, drugs and cancer all seem to make the problem worse), while our border goes unprotected and our infrastructure is an accelerating work of entropy. Our neoliberal and neocon overlords have hollowed out and bankrupted the nation (literally everyone in DC and on Wall Street,) while they increasingly talk about the inevitability of war against Russia, China and Iran (we literally cannot build our fancy military weapons without raw materials and tech from China and by proxy probably, from Russia, this is dumber than paper tiger talk.) After this Administration blew up the Nordstream pipeline, dooming Europe to deindustrialization, after they threw Russia off the Swift exchange system, the only people in the world who have full faith and trust in the American government are liberal American white and black women (many of them changing out a husband and family, and God, for Big Brother, which is increasingly more like Big Mother.)
America was designed as a Republic, it has been run as a democracy, but it is more a technocracy, rule by unelected bureaucrats in cahoots with corporations, fascism without the need of a strong man (see Biden), mostly impotent legislators parading divide and conquer. We are called a democracy, because democracy is rule by the bigger mob, which is the first rule of war, bigger numbers almost always win. See open border. Democracy in that sense is just another name for eternal war devolving into uni-party triumphalism, tilting toward a dark age.
The dollar as a fiat currency, has turned America into a nation by fiat. Increasingly the most policed people in America are the most law abiding. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them, is becoming the most common phrase in American English. We are increasingly captive to the debt, with every economic crisis we become less and less able to service the debt, we have to work harder and harder to pay the grocery bill.
The thing to do, obviously, is wipe out dollar debt, globally, start fresh, and make that deposit in the Marianas Trench, so the same usurious system does not begin again. Just as obviously, the collapse of the dollar is more likely, because our overlords are pathologically retarded, and would rather blow up the system than relinquish power. Whatever replaces the dollar cannot be more complex then the dollar, which is to say, it cannot be digital, sorry bitcoin fans. Bitcoin has a place, but it is inherently dependent on a very high tech society which looks like it is going to get largely demolished in WWIII, at least in the West. Gold and silver would make a comeback before we have any CBDC. Gold and silver are going to increase in value, the more there is war and rumors of war.
I would expect gold and silver prices to go down, if Trump is re-elected, with a relative calming of fears of WWIII. But then maybe not, Biden is clearly not in charge of the military, the military seems to be operating of it’s own technocratic volition, it is not like Trump is going to have control of the military or intelligence from the get-go, not without conflict. Central Banking Familes/Military/Intelligence might start WWIII just to spite him, and control him - then start calling in the collateral.
No money is infallible, all money comes with costs, but gold and silver are the best money. If there is WWIII, the surest wealth will be tangible assets, the only real security will be local, friends and family.
And speaking of a nation by fiat, as it becomes ever more clear that DC and Wall Street are the greatest threat to America (another thing I have been repeating), if the terms are eternal debt growth, WWIII and serfdom, then the citizens of America are under no obligation to maintain the federal government, or even the nation, nor especially the Federal Reserve or the dollar as a fractional reserve, fiat, privately controlled currency/debt/war generator.
In case you think I am serious about taking a few bankers out to the Marianas Trench to make a deposit on a better future, I wouldn’t repeat it for 15 years if I was only kidding. But like a lot of things I say, one has to think metaphorically, nay, mythologically. Limitless debt creation is a path of total destruction, total war, mass death and enslavement. You tell me what has to be done to prevent that? Or rather, what would you propose to kick-start an American restoration?
Thanks for the mention, and the link to the podcast! It's a good article, and always happy to have another warrior against usury!
The support for 'hard money' is based upon ignoring all the problems that 'hard money' created in the life of the Republic. But, more importantly, all money is 'fiat' money. Unless you're bartering for products with intrinsic value directly between market participants, you're dealing with something that is not 'real' in the same way an orange or sewing machine is real.
All money is fiat money. It's simply a thought in your head that gold or silver is more 'precious' than some other metal (or even a piece of paper).
The only real currency is trust. When trust breaks down *no* currency works.