Another fun read, Hunter! I look forward to your post re-visioning of The Great Republic of The United States of America.

Meanwhile, I think The Gavinator (Gavin Newsom) is pre-selected as the next President. I mean, come on! He's super-handsome (in a barfy kind of way), and he been sucking China's toes for some time now, forcing the "CCP" ways into California hard and heavy. Wokies love him! Just my thoughts.

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Fun, you say? Glad you think so. I think it is going to be a very creative year re-imagining America.

Gavin is the golden child of the Dems, but Desantis dismantled him in that debate with Hannity on Fox (Even as Desantis was terrible in most of the repub debates) it was quite clear Gavin makes up "facts" in the moment about anything and everything, so I'm pretty sure there aren't enough woke in America, so I think they would have to cheat just like they will if they want Biden for another 4 years. At least I like to think Americans are beyond voting for mere looks. But then...

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I'm saying it's fun because you write like you talk, and I enjoy listening to you.

As you well know, I think all politics is a put-on of the worst acting ever and one of the biggest lies that humanity has been incrementally indoctrinated into believing — almost as bad as germ theory and its evil twin, poisonous allopathic medicine.

So, as far as I am concerned, voting is a gambling habit in which the gambler not only never wins, but is continually drained of his/her time and attention and then kicked to the curb right after the winner is selected. Savior programming meets Stockholm Syndrome.

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Yeah, I've been thinking of putting together a list of all my reps and senators and sending them regular missives. Otherwise I'd be fine disbanding this Congress and starting over, though with the machine of the "two" parties the new Congress might be worse.

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Well, hey, send those letters! I sent a seven-page letter to Trader Joe's general counsel at the end of 2020, enumerating all the ways they were breaking California State law and Federal Civil Rights law with their "covid" signs and dots and arrows and their Stasi-like enforcement of the Luciferian ritual humiliation/conversion muzzle. Within a couple of months, all of that shit stopped. I don't know if it was my letter. Maybe other folks were sending similar letters or making phone calls. I have a feeling that there is still a plethora of "covid" lawsuits being bottlenecked in what amounts to a mostly corrupt system of "justice." But still, your regular missives may just help to break down some rep's MK-ULTRA programming!

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According to Sasha Latopova and Katherine Watt, everything they did was legal under HHS martial law. (Except for the fraud bit.)

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Since the whole house of cards was built with a fraudulent deck, I would say that enforcement of "mandates" and "orders" doesn't pass legal musterl!😂 But I'm just a tiny woman, what would I know?!

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He’s terrible. But he looks and sounds like someone who would play a convincing President in a Hollywood production. That may be enough, unfortunately.

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I would absolutely cast him as a smarmy mob type President who smiles as he gives the order to drone bomb his fellow Americans.

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He and his ilk have turned my beautiful state into a political shithole and fear-fest. Nothing that wasn't handed down from previous Dear Leaders in California, regardless of party.

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Yeah, they're all MK-ULTRA puppets and bloodliners, in my estimation.

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Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .

❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”

This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”

That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞


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I predict this will be your new "Top" essay ;)

Good read. Thank you for giving more food for thought.

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Thank you. Glad to hear you feel that way. Reading it again I started to wonder, not least that the response so far has been fairly quiet. I think to make the top list it needs more than just eyes on it, also a lot of Likes and Comments too. So far based on raw numbers Likes and Comments are quite low, which is not really surprising. I think we are all a little stunned by developments.

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Well, it is New Year's weekend.


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Well, that was fun, ... as I just lost the comment I was writing while going back to look for the links to some other open tabs. Having over 100 browser tabs open at once will do that, I guess. And that is only possible because I am using a 27 inch monitor. [No, I will not make reducing that number a new years resolution, but I sure hope I can do something about it during 2024.]

No point in trying to repeat or refind what I had started to write, so ... instead ...

In following your link to Tree of Woe I ended up with several hours of internet exploration on one of his earlier postings, dealing with "equity money", and reform of central banks, etc. https://treeofwoe.substack.com/p/the-physiocratic-platform-banking ; plus some other related links.

Still trying to understand what I have seen so far, but I am skeptical that it will make sense when I am done sorting it out. People (even bankers??!!) who talk about money too often fail to remember it is also a store of value, not merely a medium of exchange. But it is not itself the (value or valuable) thing being stored, merely a surrogate for it that we agree to treat as if it were the valuable thing. Money is about that agreement, not the medium used to traffic in it. Governments and fraudsters are famous for stealing via monetary shenanigans, so I suspect in the final analysis his (or their) ideas will end up just being an alternative way to default on the debt while pretending not to do so. Maybe it is MMT in drag? :-)

I predict that for 2024 there will be about 366 revolution of the earth upon its declinated axis, so that if you are not too close to the poles, you might well see a rather nice set of "sunrises" and "sunsets". But it you work at it mentally, you can see them as your position on the earth approaching and receding from a more direct view of the sun, while the sun remains in a relatively fixed position compared to your movement. Maybe starting with that as a new way of viewing things will help us find new ways of more clearly seeing our evolving political environment; plus better ways to relate to the set of persons who should and would be our fellow citizens if they were not so abysmally indoctrinated in Leftism, et al.

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This is why I have since about 2010 only half seriously advocated to take some of the central bank owners out to the Marianas Trench and make a deposit on a better future. I would rather just take away their power of creating money out of nothing, but I think they think that is a matter of life and death so I think we need to keep all options on the table.

As for the sun and earth axis, any links?

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discussing banking, I just saw this and perhaps it will be informative for you.


A review article by Arnold Kling of the 2001 published book: Niall Ferguson, The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-20001.

Not sure I really understood this essay, but it sounds like some communal back scratching between government and banks that is not generally recognized by the general public, and perhaps where there should be greater understanding and appreciation of some of the tradeoffs involved?

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I came to understand that sunsets and sunrises were actually eclipses and de-eclipses of the sun by the earth, respectively, as we stand upon the Earth. I first learned of this viewpoint from something I read many years ago from Buckminster Fuller (inventor of the geodesic dome, etc.) The sun does not "rise" or "set"; we turn in relationship to its relatively fixed position so that it comes into view or recedes from view. [Ignore planet revolution around sun, or our star's own rate of motion within space.]

I just now did a quick search trying to find something saying that and I came up empty. Not worth the time for a more involved search but the idea is plain enough, regardless of who propounded it. The more you think of it that way, the easier it is to continue thinking in that way. :-)

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Nassim Haramein pointed out in an old video that we actually spiral around the sun. Because the sun is revolving around the center of the galaxy, and we are revolving around the sun at I think @ 23deg, if the earth left a continuous vapor trail it would look like a spiral. He is quite a character but I have learned a lot about physics from him.

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I will eventually dig into the "equity money" category of money, and try to pass along what I learn.

I also understand George Selgin has ideas about "free banking" that probably merit further consideration: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=George+Selgin+and++free+banking&t=opera&ia=web

But since I already said "Governments and fraudsters are famous for stealing via monetary shenanigans, ... " I will pass along this (sort of relevant) short essay discussing the ways suppliers can cause inflation via shrinkage and skimpage; i.e., reduce the value of their output so the net result is inflation relative to the value of the dollar:


We know this is happening when we think about it, but the aim is for us to not think about these avenues of net value reduction. When the change is not made explicit, it really becomes a form of fraud (does it not?) [and too small of labeling for $/oz. etc., do not count!]

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One of the reasons I got out of contracting/remodeling was skimp/shrinkage. The quality of materials and many tools has degraded to the point a lot of it is effectively garbage out of the box. I have seen 100 year old shower fixtures that still function and can easily be fixed, while the fixtures these days fall apart in a few years, everything is plastic, maybe parts are available maybe not. I will go out of my way to pull old lumber out of garbage bins because the lumber of today comes from forests treated like corn fields, growing trees as fast as possible, which makes the wood quite weak, unstable and more susceptible to damage from moisture.

That is also a way of hiding the decline of a civilization. We have the appearance of great wealth, but most everything is simply shabbier than it was 100 years ago and even 50 years ago, beneath the surface.

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Reference contracting: do you believe you still have your pulse on the market to know if now would be a better time to start a "recreational design build" project of a house I have designed? Finished my design in 2020 but then Covid ... :-(

I would just like to see my plan actually get built - selling it at cost afterwards to a deserving family. For me, better than buying a new boat or whatever.

Appreciate any thoughts on market timing. I have 2 or 3 builders I can approach again for quotes (probably now double what they would have been pre-Covid inflationary largess - during both Trump/R and Biden/D admins.)

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I just applied for a job as an estimator for a local building co. Not sure I really want the job, but if I interview I will try to get some greater sense of cost. My suspicion is cost is far out of range for most people, so my opportunity for sales would be slim. I will have some pointed questions for them, which may or may not result in a job offer.

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"We have the appearance of great wealth,..." That is the real risk, that we don't truly see what is happening before our eyes (wallets). Now that I am older, and along with many at any age, we would prefer to be able to recognize better quality and be willing to pay a little more, if we had confidence that paying more actually got you getter quality. That link often seems to be broken, too. Why word of mouth (or email) recommendations end up being valuable when received from trusted sources.

I just now replaced my few years old crapped out infrared thermometer from Harbor Freight, with a new one from HF, but with a 25% off New Year day sale coupon. I can't justify paying more for a better quality one, as it is really just a toy for my needs, but annoying none the less that the old one no longer works, even with new batteries, given how little I have actually "used" it.

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My dad just showed me one of those long plastic lighters. My mom purchased it and it has hardly been used. The switch/clicker doesn't work, so you have to light it with a different lighter. How many of those go in landfills every year, with fuel still in them? It is pathological, but then so much of modernism is, from an ecological perspective.

I wonder if we had not financialized, gutting America's productive capacity, would product be better/America healthier. I like to think so. But then this is the age of plastics so maybe the crapification and polluting of everything was inevitable?

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