My God, where did you get these? Positively gruesome.

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I'd have to go back and get the names, the only one I remember is stable diffusion. They used to have a free option, but they seem to have fully monetized it.

None of them would let me Trans anybody. But biden as a fairy worked, lol.

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So the memes are taking on a whole new look or not really. Anyways. Those were fun examples.

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Yikes! That was crazy!

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Very creepy- I'm going to have nightmares.

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Meditate on what is good and what you love....

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I do, thank you tho, my comment was a bit flippant. Creepy cause it didn't seem particularly inaccurate.

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Tremendously entertaining but yeah, pretty horrible in spots! That FJB zombie was creepy. I'm sure all of it was a lot of work but hopefully your maniacal laughter was muffled by distance from your neighbors! I thought Newsom in the Biden uniform was inspired; interesting bunch of fairies!! Thanks - this was lots of fun!

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, usually if I crack myself up I think I'm on to something, usually. This one started out slow, but picked up steam quickly, once I caught the gist of it.

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Like I keep hearing, AI has a long way to go (I hope!). It can do what it wants as long as it doesn't get any more dangerous than it already is. I have to admit that the images are slowly (very slowly) improving. The problem is...people! At least one AI has been taught to lie!

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There is a lot of variation in quality. If I were to pay for a service too, I'm sure I could tailor the images more so, but not necessarily. It seems like, so far, the more money there is behind the AI, the more of a lie it is. Some of these will not generate any unflattering image of anyone in power. One of the services I used for this generated the image, "Biden as a trans", but I didn't get to see it, I got a note that said "we have generated an image that is controversial, try again," basically.

I don't think they can keep this genie in the box, though, no matter how much they want to. The danger is, it will be used to lock down society and speech on social media esp, assorted other control mechanisms. It might be though, we can use AI to thwart them.

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"Roko's Basilisk" is a kind of creepy thought problem about AI running things and punishing us for not giving it information to run things even sooner. People are way too happy to throw responsibility to the four winds and not keep a sharp eye on things that should never have been turned loose to begin with! But noooooo - Silicon Valley just HAD to play chicken with China.

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I think it is probable, all this is just hubris, which is elite believing themselves inevitable when the are not anything but doomed.

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I'm wondering what happens first - the obvious and continuing invasion or the WEFfers and the Deep State... They're happening pretty much in tandem it seems.

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