BTW Covid-19 was a 99.9% manufactured crisis.

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He makes it too easy to ridicule him.

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Well, my friend, I don't know if you feel this way, but I'm not so sure that Covid is anything other than a respiratory illness caused almost exclusively by poor lifestyle choices. But now that smoky skies are affecting everyone in the "wildfire" regions and beyond, it is likely that "Covid" cases will increase exponentially because these already unhealthy bodies will be unable to do any detoxing if they can't even breathe fresh air. It's sad that people just accept the black-screen-box programming without question.

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Covid I'm pretty sure was and is a manufactured crisis. a pandemic by design. That graph about covid cases is not a representation of reality, it is part of the PCR theater. You can fake a pandemic, but you can't fake wildfires, though you can start them to scare people into accepting climate authoritarianism.

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Yepper. It is sad that people are so deeply traumatized that they cannot reconnect with their Creator-given senses and begin the healing process that eventually leads to truth-seeking and being able to call bullshit. And worse yet is that no one can "wake them up," they have to do it themselves. This in one of the most difficult aspects of life for me to deal with: Watching good people remain willfully ignorant and woefully misguided out of their own fear of the unknown.

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Good news is, most opportunities I have had to talk to people about covid policy, people listen intently, hungry for info to support their concerns about authoritarianism - with the exception of my traditional liberal summertime neighbor, the founder of a famous Twin Cities theater, who is on his fifth jab. We have fished together several times now, and I feel like at least maybe, the next time his doctor offers him a jab he will hesitate.

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You are amazing to engage people in those conversations. I mean, I do it, but it's more of a drip here and a drip there. For example, when a family member (not my family) says, "Everyone is eventually going to get Covid," I say, "Not me, I haven't been sick in over seven years." They just look at me like I'm crazy. So I guess my approach is to share my personal experience rather than facts or figures, since most people will just dig in deeper to their stance when presented with hard evidence.

Also — and this is not to denigrate myself at all — but I think that men in the general populace seem to listen to other men about such things rather than listen to women. They *allow* women be the influencers on child-rearing and laundry and shopping and shit. Even my husband dismisses my researched thinking on "the Earth is not a spinning ball." For what it's worth.

I hope your theater friend does indeed reconsider, although after five hits of that concoction, his body may be running behind his mind.

Keep up the great work, my friend. Ron and I were just talking about you tonight under the stars of Moab, Utah!🌟🤗💝

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I love Moab! Yeah, I recently had a convo with an older couple who hungrily listened as I explained the difference between a DNA and a RNA virus, and how there was no pandemic :)

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The homeless population are learning how to deal with the housing crisis.

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THAT is a catchy title! Good post!

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I suspect Trudeau learned nothing.

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Ah, the lies, the lies, the damnable lies! Why so egregious and blatant?


“The purpose of propaganda [covertly directed malevolent ‘stories’] is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. – Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist, slightly edited https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/124952-political-correctness-is-communist-propaganda-writ-small-in-my-study.

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Yep. Like the whole trans thing. Can't say woman unless it's about a man dressed as one. Like all the gaslighting about covid. Cancel culture is founded on such humiliation, keep silent or lose your livelihood.

Do not comply!

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That the whole sex thing has any legs at all is crazy.

Sex doesn't exist as anything but social construct, so we will physically deconstruct your sex to make you conform to a social construct of sex as having no physical construct! OMG! The human brain's ability to hold a logic so convoluted and blatantly illogical and lacking truth is astounding.

And a reminder to look in the mirror. Where are the subtle places I'm holding subtle false-truths and invisible hypocrisies. LoL! That is the core of yoga, as it turns out. It isn't the postures, it is learning to see clearly and speak and act with true *integrity*, not disjointed more or less obvious disconnects within our being as psycho-somatic-spiritual things.


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Smoke inhalation cures myocarditis- that’s just a fact!

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The CDC says mycoarditis is transitory, it is not jab caused it is long covid, misinformer!!!

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Scary monster

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