I hope my readers had a fine weekend. For my Christian readers, I hope your Easter weekend went well; my father and I went to church with my mom, and later we had a nice meal. It was a pleasant weekend. I even left off the news and politics for a few days. Sometimes it is good to go through a process of purification, after consuming too much mal-information. Easter weekend and the contemplation of the Resurrection was good for that.
March 08 I posted a creative visualization for meditation, the start of a series on the topic. The first one was about meditating on the spine as a sword, for strength and for confidence, based on the Ace of Swords in the Tarot.
That followed shortly after I wrote about the Circle of Protection March 04.
Today’s meditation on mental, emotional and physical purification I found in a book called Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism, by Mark Stavish. I wrote about that book and work last September.
This is a good exercise for preparing for meditation or some spiritual practice, or before bed in the evening. Sit in a comfortable position, relax as if preparing for meditation, take several deep breathes, pausing after each inhalation and exhalation without closing off the lungs.
Feel yourself relax mentally, emotionally and physically as you do this. Say the following prayer (or something similar): Divine Mind, source of all, assist me in this work of purification of thought, word and deed, so that I will awaken to the innermost depths of my being… 1
Prayer is not necessary, however it does focus the attention and facilitates a sense of the divine.
Imagine the sun above you on your right, the moon above you on your left. Imagine Kether the crown, just above the top of your head, a crown of bright light, like the spark of the source or a seed of creation. Imagine a beam of light, of solar energy flowing from the sun to the moon illuminating it, then beams of light from both the sun and the moon connecting to the crown above your head, creating an electrical-like surge in the form of a triangle, between Kether the Crown, the sun and the moon.
I like to imagine the energy from the moon and sun crossing above me in my crown, the light from the moon filling the right hemisphere of my brain, the sun flooding the left hemisphere, the energy crossing again, the moon flooding the left side of my body with brilliant blue/white light, the energy from the sun and my left hemisphere flooding the right side of my body with a brilliant yellow/gold light. (Stavish does not make such distinctions in the book, referring only to the “brilliant, vibrant energy” flooding the body.)
With each inhale the sun and moon flood the body with light, with each exhale imagine the energy pushing out your lower extremities, leaving your body, containing any sickness, illness or accumulated garbage/detritus, descending into the fires of the earth and burning up.
Inhale a flood of energy, exhale that energy out in a process of mental, emotional and physical purification. You don’t need to do this any more than ten minutes at a time.
A short note on Kether, the crown in the study of cabala, also known as the divine spark, that which cannot be comprehended, like the source energy of the creator before anything that is of form or matter, the Ancient of Days, the Macroprosopos, the Inscrutable Height.
Kether the Crown, is placed at the head of the Middle Pillar of Equilibrium…the First Manifest, represents the primal crystallization into manifestation of that which was hitherto unmanifest and therefore unknowable by us. Concerning the root from which Kether springs we can know nothing; but concerning Kether we can know something. It may be for us at our stage of development the Great Unknown, but it is not the Great Unknowable. The mind of the magus must compass in in his higher visions…in Kether there is no form but only pure being. 2
I do have a meditation I call Resurrection, based on the Tarot, but that is a bit more advanced, and since we are early in this process, introducing this purification exercise seemed more important, as it is good for clearing space to do other work more presently, or just gaining some equilibrium if one is not feeling very clear about whatever.
I should also point out, this purification exercise is not about being pure, or trying to be pure, in any sense. It is about flooding the body with astral solar and lunar energies, to clear energetic pathways in the body, to facilitate the expansion and flexibility of consciousness, for general health and wellness and greater creativity.
Between the Gates, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism, Mark Stavish, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2008, pg 13
The Mystical Qabalah, Dion Fortune, Weiser Classics, 2022, pg 102-103
Thank you
I need to go backwards.
I'm poor about keeping up with my stacks, and admittedly horrid , in the last 18 months?,about diving into one's that necessitate thorough cogitation. I know why: burn out. I threw myself so furiously into reading and dissecting scientific papers and the news cycle since late 2019 that I shy away and seek quiet now .
However, needs must somehow. I've entered my second Saturn Return during a time in the Now that such teachings are needed. Now to get myself Doing.
My appreciation, sir, for all the time and effort it's taken to lay out what you have already.
May blessings to you and your readers fall gently.