I don't know Russell Brand, and I have never been a follower of him. I am subscribed to his YouTube page, though I have not watched a video of his in the last 6 months, and I’ve only seen a few dozen in all. He made me laugh, and I was glad to see someone of prominence taking on covid policy, though sometimes I felt like he did not go far enough, though too there is a lot that cannot be said on YouTube, no matter how true it is.
I know he was an addict, and addicts do not always act well, so I don’t assume he treated all the women he was with with respect. That said, it is very much strange that the women are anonymous. That’s not normal. And it was decades ago. Addicts hang out with addicts, so on balance I would say, this isn’t really about sexual assault. Even Rose McGowan, who was the tip of the spear taking down Harvey Weinstein, and for the MeToo movement generally, says you never do this anonymously. “Why this, why now?” she asked.
I think this is why, now.
Using standard methodologies, Ed Dowd and his colleagues have found, in a new 22 page report, looking at the UK, that adjusted cardiovascular excess deaths in the UK are up in a signal that cannot under any circumstances be ignored. “We observed 13 per cent increase above normal trend line in 2020, 30 per cent in 2021 and forty-four per cent in 2022.” Anything above 3 standard deviations is a signal — a 3.8 standard deviation is the same as you getting hit by lightning once in your lifetime. When I say ten standard deviations this is an improbable event from the norm. Ten [standard deviations from the norm] is crazy.”
I was saying in 2022 that covid policy would be 100 times more deadly than the virus. I’m not sure the virus killed more than about 10% of those the experts claimed were killed by Covid-19. I think hospital policy and the vaxx were far more deadly, as were lockdowns. The vaxx is continuing to maim and kill. Excess death is up in 2023 well above 2019 levels, in every vaxxed country, particularly among young people. Births are down. If that is true, the recent decision by the FDA and CDC to call for jabs for everyone over 6months old is straight up murder.
There isn’t anyone in the UK who could reach more people, who would be willing to talk about excess mortality rates climbing in 2023, than Russell Brand. The “experts” in the UK and the US were and are all in for the vaxx. Everybody with their eyes open knows the vaxx is killing people, and it seems ever more of them are dying. The experts can’t have people talking about that. People love to talk about sexual impropriety. Kill two birds with one stone, pardon the pun, take down a truth teller like Brand, and get people not to talk about how your policies are killing them.
That’s a good sign, so to speak. I am sure it sucks for Brand, but he will be fine. It is terrible for all those harmed and dead. It is a good sign tough, because covid policy damage is becoming unavoidable, the “experts” are starting to panic. They are going after Brand as in a panic. Because when people finally figure out how many are dead because of the jabs, how many are damaged, that reckoning so many of us have been waiting for will finally arrive, and that is not going to go well for the experts.
This is my second most favorite post. There is still time.
I don’t know if Russell Brand is guilty of what they are claiming, but I do know the people claiming he is guilty, are all guilty of supporting the mass death and damage of covid policy and the jabs. There are a LOT of experts guilty of that, which is why too, they want the power to silence you, to cancel anybody, so they never have to answer for their very deadly crimes. The entire power structure of the West is at issue here.
Here is to a reckoning in 2023.
To wit, they will do anything, anything at all, a hot war, a new plandemic etc, to maintain power, to avoid accountability.
Well put. The Brand thing is reminding me a lot of the Assange thing. Specious 'anonymous' accusations cutting off a man's income, platform and free speech.
Don't get me wrong, I support actual rape victims. Even Rose McG gets my sympathy because she grew up in a (ahem) 'christian' cult that allowed older men to prey on young children even unto suicide. See 'Davito' and 'Children of God'. She was a sitting duck for sexual manipulation.
But these accusations against Brand are too vague and specious, not to mention spawned from an era when all the players were junkies who were looked up 20 years later by a mainstream 'news source'. How much money was offered to come forward, that's what I want to know.