To wit, they will do anything, anything at all, a hot war, a new plandemic etc, to maintain power, to avoid accountability.


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Yes, the people in western governments have gradually become less and less accountable over the past many decades, until now they are totally above the laws they create, and, no one in the public can do anything that has any affect on them. They have no shame, no honor, and no amount of hypocrisy is too much for them. The are the scum of the earth.

"...the member of Parliament maintained a confident air of satisfaction. Which was why politicians were assassinated... because nothing else would faze them."

Martin Cruz Smith "Rose"

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Hubris is like that. I'm trying to avoid thinking about a need for a new Caesar, who seem to arrive around the same time hubris becomes so "impenetrable".

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Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .

❝“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.❞


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In Canada, the feds are pushing the same narrative from 3 years ago. You going to have to wear a mask, get your boosters, yada yada. If they can do that, what progress has been made in getting people to question the official narrative?

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Some people will literally go to their grave with their mask on. They will still be afraid of covid even if 80% have come to see the whole as a deadly fraud. Canadians, no offense to you, seem more widely gullible about such.

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The test will come when or if mask mandates start getting imposed. No pushback from the public will mean the brainwashing is intact.

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Where I live in Canada, going into a shop without a mask would get you 7 days in jail (unpleasant but bearable) and a 10,000$ fine. That I couldn't have managed. Nor, I suspect, could most.

All neatly managed when they banned us plague rats from going into shops at all.

Not looking forward to round two. And having an awful feeling that it's going to be worse than round one. All the talk of digital IDs and currencies does not bode well for the human race.

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They're demonstrating who's the boss. Our obedience is the sole metric that concerns them.

This might explain why they didn't kick this off with aspirational talk about digital IDs and currencies. For instance, who doesn't want to combat sex trafficking, slavery, the weapons trade, drug smuggling, or other criminal activities?

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Well put. The Brand thing is reminding me a lot of the Assange thing. Specious 'anonymous' accusations cutting off a man's income, platform and free speech.

Don't get me wrong, I support actual rape victims. Even Rose McG gets my sympathy because she grew up in a (ahem) 'christian' cult that allowed older men to prey on young children even unto suicide. See 'Davito' and 'Children of God'. She was a sitting duck for sexual manipulation.

But these accusations against Brand are too vague and specious, not to mention spawned from an era when all the players were junkies who were looked up 20 years later by a mainstream 'news source'. How much money was offered to come forward, that's what I want to know.

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And just like Hollywood was well aware of how odious Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator, and are well aware of how many pederasts run Hollywood, the experts are as aware of the damage of their covid policies.

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I agree. I might be crazy, but at this point I think it is part and parcel.

I'm actually cheering for the current Hollywood strikes to break some stuff, like bring back real indy films and make the majors really compete.

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Great Article!

I think Gibbon was onto a similar thing...

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Glad to see the comparison to Assange. It occurred to me also and when I researched it, I found it was more specious than I'd thought at the time. I did this article on it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/russell-branded.

William, thanks for adding in this data on the death rate. So chilling. A couple of commenters on mine have mentioned the Digital Services Act they're trying to pass that would give the EU the ability to bypass internet providers and censor directly. So I think that's another reason 'why now?' Excellent article.

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It is an all out attempt to control everything. That speaks to me, they are vulnerable. But that depends on a strong majority challenging them directly. Meanwhile the southern border is wide open, 24 states allow drivers licenses for illegals, and presumably every drivers license will get a ballot, and nearly every ballot will be harvested, so they are attempting to secure eternal power in more way than one.

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They just passed the online safety bill in Britain. In the midst of all the brouhaha. I suspect most countries have one in the works.

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It's all about the kids!!!

Except I'm sure Trans groomers can still groom and vaxx fanatics can still coerce.


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A three fer....

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At the speed of scientology. Wow.

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This is an old propaganda trick known as "poisoning the well".

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The White House knew how dangerous the jabs were in 2021.


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With respect, I started to listen, but stopped because, paraphrasing, 'he's so evil he's a 33rd degree Mason, and he tattooed 33 on his hand for everyone to see!" So is my mentor John Michael Greer. Not interested in looking for any and all "reasons" to tear down Brand right now.

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Fair enough. Some posit that he saw the light and repented. He has highlighted many valid and important issues so who knows?

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Good of you. On balance, I usually focus on the word of the man, not his detractors or fans. Brand was doing a lot of good work, demolishing the pretenses of the powerful. I'm inclined to support him now, which will ultimately depend on the accusations and his response to them.

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Why do men with skeletons in their closet amass the biggest audiences?

In Canada, we had the Jian Ghomeshi saga, which did go to trial (he was acquitted), but obviously would not be getting his prestigious job back.

The demise of Russell Brand will hopefully prove that no one is irreplaceable. Alternative media will continue.

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It is also possible Brand will be considerably more popular after this, if it is anyway proved this was a set up.

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I doubt it. Banging a 16 year old and having one of his conquests visit a rape crisis center, is not the sort of thing you can shake off as a set up.

For example, Ghomeshi's reputation never recovered after his BDSM proclivities were made public.

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Assuming that is true. We are taking the testimony of anonymous women, delivered through professional propagandists who use crisis actors to portray the alleged victims, to prey upon people's sympathies. I'm not defending Brand as much as pointing out how obviously terrible his known detractors are.

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Btw, Brand has the money to hire lawyers. I'm assuming the documentary makers did their due diligence and consulted their own legal.

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Rape kits are real. The age of consent in the UK is 16, from what I've heard. If Brand admitted to having sex with a 16 year old in one of his books, I don't know.

I expect this to go to trial. A proper take down requires no less.

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This takedown might not be proper

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When Youtube gave Alex Jones the axe, that was improper.

I was surprised to learn that YT had not demonetized Russell Brand's channel. Other alternative media sources have been demonetized for years. No more special treatment for him.

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