Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

My heart breaks to see what has/is happening to the western world. Like many I am working hard to channel my fury productively and remind myself there are way more of us normies then those psycho maniacs. Problem is they are in charge, that has got to change, how, I do not know. Great article by the way! Keep on keeping on🙃

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Thank you. And, my heart too. Especially about how many white people have allowed themselves to be bullied and shamed into thinking the solution to the ills of the West is to accommodate every grievance and elevate petty, mean spirited mediocrity. I think a solution is decentralization/relocalization, but that is incomprehensible to most people, and will likely be forced upon us by the failures of DC and liberalism, before we intentionally or deliberately go about it.

Keep on keeping on too.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Physical security is no place for a 5 foot tall woman. In the video I watched, a short woman in a charcoal suit found her way to the "stage" and tried to join the (3?) men who had already flanked Trump, she bent down so her face may have been in the men's genital area, extended her arms, and . . . what?, tried to fill some gap? It made no sense to me.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

The lagging in getting him off was bizarre as well. One saying on your move, and no one was moving?

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Here is a video from DC Draino. Hundreds of people saw that MF on that roof.


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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

This is why I don’t go to rallies and stay far, far away from fiery but mostly peaceful protests. If I was there and saw the LEOs not responding I would’ve gotten on that roof and attacked him. I have confronted perps before. When seconds count the police are minutes away.

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Never liked crowds myself. Soft targets for cowards. Don't like feeling hemmed in.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Cia has gotten sloppy, or they're just trying to provoke a civil unrest, see how far they can push American people, like when the women and children they killed in waco, 911, etc.

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Provoking a redneck rebellion, people call it.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I dint think they care if its by redneck rebellion, antifa, lgbtq*$@#, or maga. They just want it.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Author

Martial law, round up the troublesome, cancel election, enlist migrants, commence confiscation and redistribution.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Holy shit! That is astonishing. There was plenty of time to intercept him.

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A police officer was on the roof with him, briefly. Counter snipers had eyes on him, did nothing.


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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I'm guessing substack doesn't often inform me of your notes. 🤔

Neptune is at the last, anaretic, degree of Pisces. It is a perfect storm ( seas) of illusions, delusions, misdirection, redirection, and fractal potentialities.

I'm very careful of group think. They use it to mold and shape, to drive the population like lemmings.

How the hell did thry not notice the ladder? Or not secure Every rooftop? He got within 130yrds. How'd that happen??

It all screams inside job...

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That reminds me I need to work on my astrological skills. Fascinating.

Sheer incompetence does not seem to effectively describe what happened here. It would seem the security detail also does not have anything like the same numbers and tech that Biden has. Leaving him vulnerable, deliberately, at the very least.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I'm a fairly tall, powerfully built female. I'm a bit assertive.

Wtaf are they doing sending 3 short women? None reach his chin. How are they supposed to protect him? Let him trip over them in a decided direction? Not tall enough to shield, nor big enough to budge him. One actually hid.

No...this was not an A Team.

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The female head of the Secret Service is the former head of security for Pepsi. She is DIE all the way. Apparently one of the female Agents on site too, had some difficulty even holstering her sidearm, on camera.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I saw that. I train people because if this. Small motor function suffers under adrenaline dump conditions. She was not trained enough that those movements were rote, and dependable under contact.

Yeah... the new DEI head girl wants 30% SS to be female. 🙄

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Jul 20Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Didn't see your post till now and repeated some of your stats

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Jul 20Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Yes, I think she's looking to increase the numbers in SS to 30% female. And I saw the epic fail in that one's attempt to holster her weapon. It was Keystone cops, but not in a good way. smh

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

All by design! They have assigned Trump with women who have zero ability to protect him and have limited the size of his overall detail. That fact alone makes this attempted murder a definite inside job. I’m not a fan of RFK but the fact he is denied any security detail whatsoever is simply shocking in the least…which points back to this being an inside job and the plan to eliminate any competition!

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Trump was denied adequate protection, Democrats have tried to take away his protection, and apparently resources were diverted to Jill Biden on the same day as the assassination attempt.

Meanwhile, denying protection to RFK Jr., of all people, whose dad and uncle were famously assassinated, puts a target on him too.

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Big pharma would very much like to take him out, and may try to should Trump put him in charge of HHS, which he absolutely should.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

He'd be a great pick for HHS.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Might as well had sent the oompa loompas to provide security detail. What a joke. If trump doesn't get it now, he's gullible. He needs private, trustworthy former seals or something able to counter the government/(c)rooked (i)ntelligrnce (a)gency.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Wouldn't you think that Trump himself would know his security needs? Why would he leave it to whoever showed up? Why would he trust his life to strangers?

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I think he will not make that mistake again. He also I think simply places too much faith in law enforcement sometimes. Also, mixing a Secret Service and a private security detail would create problems. It would have to be either or, but ditching the Secret Service for private security is also very problematic.

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Jul 20Liked by William Hunter Duncan

The Prez and wife have power over the detail but all others, including DJT, have to take the people assigned.

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Also, most of my notes do not get a lot of reaction, and reaction seems to drive the note.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan


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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Be calm and be good to one another.

We are discovering, together, real truth and enlightenment. We are learning more about ourselves and each other in this. We understand our republic and our true democratic nature. We “hate the hatred” and we “hate the lies and deceit” yes that’s true. And we hate what’s happened to many of our fellow citizens (or maybe we hate what they have let happen to themselves). It’s complicated and this is a time of testing of our character and our souls and our nations soul (and the worlds soul). But we do not hate as they do.

They make claim to hate injustice but they propagate it all the time. No. They now hate us. Personally and they can’t explain it. We don’t need to nor should we hate them back. They are lost souls. We know exactly who the enemy is.

We are in the same boat as “the ones that hate us”. We see the enemy from afar and it’s preparing to sink us all. “The ones that hate us” are right there with us in the same ship and all they can see is that we are going to be destroyed and they cheer the enemy as it comes up with its torpedoes and broadsides.

They are worshipping their own destruction.

The metaphor of the ship I rephrased from Daniel D’s excellent essay earlier today . (Sorry on phone don’t have link handy go look it up)

I appreciate all of you. We are so disparate and we would probably bicker like cats and dogs in any other time on any other issue. and yet we are united in some very fundamental truths.

This is what makes us strong and is our diversity. It’s real. We all think from our souls and our intellect and not a teleprompter.

We see there is ironically “strength in diversity” the traditional way. The organic way. It’s all of us here.

We are all brothers and sisters here. There are a lot of us. More are coming to our side. That is worth a lot to this American.

For the moment we need to do nothing. We can prepare for things we feel necessary to but there are no moves for us to make.

They desperately need us to “make a move.”

We are also much smarter than them now. They do not understand how much we see and experience and we know the hand they play.

They will play it out again. And soon. Let them.

God bless President Trump. He is in mortal peril now but he’s adjusting.

He knows this war is to be won peacefully by exposing them and awakening more eyes. (Happening like never before). But we follow his lead.

Right now he knows what he must do. And we follow his lead.

Any of us makes a premature move and it’s all over.

This is their final gambit and we won’t give it to them. We’ve learned.

As dysfunctional as we all are, we stand at this moment channeling our better angels and their natures that can visit a man’s soul.

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Well said. We want to inspire. The left wants to rule out of fear, intimidation and grievance.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Well. Y’all inspire me. This is like the island of misfit toys.

It is as I felt about America when I moved here (originally from Netherlands and UK then Canada). Been here 24 years now and I felt like I had found my people once I landed here and got into it. Here is where I discovered myself.

And here I go through that same experience again.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I could not agree with you more! IMO nothing will come out of this because the ones investigating are the ones that planned it. They won’t even expand the security detail his team has been requesting. I hope I’m wrong but I would not be surprised if another attempt on his life happens before too long.

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I really hope no other attempt is made, but there are no shortage of people in America who openly or secretly wish he had been killed, and no shortage of the Deep State denizens see him as a truly existential threat, not to the country, but to their power.

I'm not taking a stand as to what degree this might have been planned, but there is a drone image of him supposedly climbing onto the building, and the fact that he got up there, in position and fired without any of the security aware of it, is beyond suspicious.

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Jul 14Liked by William Hunter Duncan

"...a regime that has come to see me and my kind as the “greatest threat to democracy..."

We are their real target. Trump is just in their way.

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

According to [Hopi] prophecy, the day will come when people in high places will be hunted. This will get out of control. The hunting will gather strength and spread. This situation might even erupt on our land. Finally, this will lead us to the Biblical version of Armageddon (the Hopi version is closely related). A final decisive battle between good and evil. This will occur under one God or Chief. The prophets say we will speak one language and that this will happen in Hopiland, in the village of Oraibi , where the new life plan will be drawn, in the pattern and cycle of religion. Here also a final decision will be made for the wicked. They will be beheaded and speak no more. If this does not materialize there will be a total destruction through the acts of man or nature.

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I guess I would prefer everybody just stand down, refocus on core essentials and what is truly important, but it does sometimes seem a holy war is inevitable.

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Jul 16Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Definitely inevitable

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Jul 15Liked by William Hunter Duncan

We all have our own truth, and egregious wrong we would like to correct, but reality is the only thing that matters.

Since our government officials and talking heads taut our system as a civilized democracy, voting to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Since the Congress and Legislatures openly admit they do not examine the laws they vote on, as they typically vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day, reality dictates that we, The Citizens, must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day. And we must clarify who gets to vote and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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Jul 20Liked by William Hunter Duncan

"In a sane world the heads of SS, DHS and FBI would resign."

I so resonate with this. I envy when I hear those in positions of authority (usually in other countries) take the bold and expected move to step down. "Yes. The organization I was in charge of --- failed to carry out its duty/job As its head, I resign because the buck stops with me."

Rarely happens here for some reason. Don't they think we see, know? Don't they respect us??

And so now the sleuthing, investigations, committee hearings, etc ... will play out, till in just a few weeks, maybe months it all becomes a memory fading --- slowly, slowly. Clown world indeed!

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Trump didn't stage this himself and they didn't try to kill him. This is common work of the small hats. You guys are just waking up REALLY fucking late. This has been going on for decades. Trump is one of them, through and through.

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