So-called liberals are tools. As are so-called conservatives. Tools of the puppet masters.

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Nailed it William!

You've poeticized the liberal spiral and captured its' essence beautifully.

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Well done, William.

How did "liberal" go from being good to being bad? In which year did that happen? Now I have to read history, especially political history, from the perspective of a particular year, else however will I define 'liberal"?

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Thank you. Depending on how one defines liberal, some would say it was doomed from the beginning in the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Others would say after Marx. Others might say after the start of public schools. Others might say Feminism, the 60’s and women in the work force. Others might say the Clinton's and Obama.

I think as long as they want to destroy every tradition, every boundary, every taboo, deny the Creator, embrace materialism, the destruction of America and the continued growth of centralized government, liberalism is doomed.

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Perhaps one of the things that might happen soon is that everyone simply stops listening to this radical progressive fringe. If a 4yo was screaming about being able to own a gun or not go to school, they'd be ignored and not taken seriously. Same with these radicals - they should simply not be part of any adult conversation.

We can hope.

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