As your simmering prose demonstrates, your power is not "meager," my friend. Keep rising.

P.S. This line/photo caption really made me smile: "Bono is so full of himself he thinks he can balance the world on two fingers."

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We all have so much more power than we know.

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Elizabeth Nickson wrote a piece about this too this morning:


...totally avoidable

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Living forever would require control of the aging process, and invulnerability. Elites have largely achieved the latter. They have more to fear from choking on a pretzel, than a revolt from the peasants.

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If they didn't fear us they wouldn't bother with all the control freak policies of late, from covid to currency. The greatest fear of elites has always been the masses, and probably always will be. Their insane response to Trump is a clear indication of how much.

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It may not seem like it, but they always rule by consent.

Once consent gets withdrawn nothing can save them.

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I hear the Chinese deplorables are especially good at it. A few hundred million descending on the elite at once, when elite policies become too much to bear.

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Their fear is irrational. They are the least likely victims of political violence.

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Until their security forces no longer support them. Of course we are just speculating, and not advocating for any violence here.

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Indeed. This is a purely hypothetical discussion.

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Here's a troubling hypothesis that's been brewing in my mind = SARS-CoV-2 was intentionally created to accelerate the aging process (through exploitation of a number of mechanisms such as ROS and red blood cell dysregulation) as a way to kick-start the scientific and medical industries into solving the whole mortality conundrum. Kind of like motivation by way of pulling the pin out of the grenade. Mandating injections of this gain of function creation ensures that the vast majority of the population remains with the grenade, as a hostage and motivator.

This is not something I want to consider, but given all available evidence and observations concerning what the spike protein is capable of (and pharma-government behavior), it makes the most sense to me.

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The gift that keeps on giving? The jab is most definitely reducing life expectancy generally. It also seems to be making people sicker, particularly with the boosters, so another boon for the cartel. I don't know that they needed to kick start anti-aging tech, which seems already baked into the psychology of many a boomer. But it would not surprise me at all if your theory is part of the motivation. That is in fact their plan for further economic growth, Health Care!!!

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it's all so disturbing. I'm right there with you on the thinking about the meek inheriting the Earth; this biotech trajectory is doomed for spectacular failure. It's kind of a silver lining that the easiest solution to this madness is to simply get out of the way, but oi. the collateral damage. This was a fantastic post to read, thank you for that.

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Where is Obama? Is that him on the far right


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I assume Obama is hiding from the fact that he gave the bankers the keys to the kingdom in 2009, and the 4.5 trillions it took then and now again to float the banks, so he doesn't take any blame for inflation. But I imagine he will reappear when it comes time to sell the Fed CBDC.

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When I read your stuff I'm hit with profound evidence that we're appreciating the same deep truths about our current situation. We have a common operating picture. At times I think it is so straightforward that no one could be missing it, but then I'm reminded that some people don't even know what globalism is. Hard to describe globohomo to someone like that, but not impossible. You just have to find out what they care about, medical freedom? The decay of the rust belt? The low quality re-imaginings of their childhood favorite stories? The horrors of war? Everyone just needs a finely tuned sales pitch to explain how everything that sucks is the fault of globohomo. Shouldn't be hard to do, it is the truth, after all. This reminds me, I need to get to writing about the Dynamic Common Operating Picture, this is what its all about...

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When I talk to people about this stuff and they ask, what can we do? I say, keep talking about it to anyone who is willing to hear it. Change happens as the conversation evolves. Hence the increasingly intense and desperate move to censor and curate the narrative - because they have lost control of it.

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"The African, Olusegun Obasanjo, on the right I imagine is like, why did they put me on the stage with these killers?"

Also notice Thabo Mbeki in the center of that WEF picture appears to be looking at

Olusegun Obasanjo...

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I used the word Globohomo in this post. I imagine this as a combination of Global and Homogenization, corporatization. I lost some subscribers recently because of my post about a Black, White and Hindi women, I think because I didn't clarify what I meant about a BIPOC ruler-ship. Grant Smith today wrote more about Globohomo.


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