You said it all right here:

"A mind like this, totally devoid of logic or reason, ever practicing dehumanization with language, with zero self-awareness, literally, enthusiastically practicing what he otherwise condemns, can come to justify the most odious, horrific, destructive behavior. If this last election was anything at all, it was about taking power away from “men” like this."

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Wally isn’t worth the word count. He argues in bad faith and will certainly never change his stance on anything, but especially “Republicans/conservatives hate <insert name of protected group here>.”

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Your quote by Amking is the crux of the matter. I read the first article by this "walter" caracter and before i was very far into it my heart was telling me "walter" is AI. Your conversation with "him" confirmed it and your own quoted words make me think you are aware of it too on some level. And if "walter" is a human, his mind is not his own. 😕

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Thank you Annie. Yes, in this modern era, some men aspire after the Machine.

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I think you may be right…Walter is an AI CIA Bot operative! 😹😉

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Walter Rhein blocked me after I referred to him on my Substack as a "useful idiot." I owe him an apology, as "useful" was an overstatement.


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Thank you Kenaz. Useful mostly as a measure of the modern liberal mind.

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Also, when do we get to give a name to the type of argument that always defaults to J6? The more they repeat it, the more they’re hoping to make it a mythical war (that did not actually happen).

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I encourage it. The more they do it the more they distance themselves from the electorate. The only people who care have TDS.

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I think I’ve read hyperbolic and nonsensical rhetoric, and then there’s Walter Rhein. It’s one thing to waste brain cells on his nonsense, but it’s mind-blowing that people read and agree. They don’t live in any sort of reality. At all. It’s pitiable, really.

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He has about 6 times the subs, but gets roughly the same engagement. His latest is a banger, about how Jesus is the model for fascism in America, lol.

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Ah, the old love thy neighbor approach leads to mass death ploy. 😂 It helps to assume he’s being purposely provocative.

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This guy is a MORON!

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Seriously I would have dumped this idiot, moron, A-Hole, Walter R after a few back and forths. I don’t have time for their utter illogical nonsense. Nothing they say is based in facts or actual happenings. It’s TOTAL BS! You cannot have a logical, or reasonable conversation with people of Walter R’s “ilk”. They can only spout out the “talking points” they see and hear on CNN, MSNBC, or Public Television or Radio. They basically have nada! And this Walter R guy likely got a “Jab or two”, and now his cognitive abilities and brain functions have been compromised as well.

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I listened to him for the first time, his latest piece on white supremacy, and I thought, I didn't know there was training for inquisitors.

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