Interesting. I have had dreams that were totally illogical and dreams that led me to a solution to a problem. I have talked to deceased loved ones in dreams. Now my wife has very interesting dreams. She once dreamt of her ex brother in law who had a serious stroke during knee surgery when he was a young guy. He became very bitter and angry and stayed that way. She dreamt she went to see him. He got up off the couch, perfectly fit and smiling and hugged her. He was wearing white pants and a green sweatshirt with gold letters she could not read. The next day my wife's brother called and said he died last night.

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Yes, this is a mysterious world full of wonder, if one is open to it.

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Our consciousness is much much much deeper than most people know or care to understand. Lucid dreaming/astral travel/visions are all tied to our multidimensional capabilities and, as you stated, the world is full of wonder if you're open to it. I think this is the key, the reality that we view contains something like only 5% of what is actually out there but in order to see more than the 5% one must be willing to see it. If I insist that there's nothing beyond the materialistic perception that is so prevalent in the world today I would not have the depth of consciousness needed to perceive more of our true reality. If I am open to disregarding the materialistic programming that I have been conditioned to feel is true reality my perception will then gradually start to perceive more and more, with a daily meditation routine your consciousness gets deeper and stronger so your level of perception will increase dramatically. I have been practicing open eyed meditation, where you just clear your mind and don't blink, and my perception is now able to pickup what can only be considered as biblical type visions, very similar to what is glimpsed when DMT is smoked. Humans are so much stronger, and have much greater abilities, than realized; it's only due to being completely programmed, and poisoned/lobotomized by mass media, to view ourselves as weak that we no longer know or understand our true capabilities.

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Well said.

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Fascinating study you're doing! I'm not surprised that you've been seeing "Snake" in the dream-world, since he was/is so important to you in the waking-world.

I have had lucid dreams, many about being able to fly. Last spring, I had a lucid dream that I was rescuing a young girl from being a sex slave. I had to enlist the help of her brothers who were aged 3 to 11. They didn't understand what her captivity was about and I explained it to them. Then we went and rescued her from the psycho who had kidnapped her. I knew that I was dreaming and also that the dream was significant, in that it was *actually occurring* although in another dimension. I am pretty sure that I went to the realm of Lilith and Lucifer for this mission, because it happened when a bunch of my research about stuff like The 8th Sphere and demon realms all came together. It was like an apex in my re-member-ing, and I was completely unafraid of being harmed or killed. When I woke up, I knew that I had actually completed that mission, and that the little girl was *me* on some other timeline. It's about healing ancestral ("legacy") trauma.

But one I had last year was even more wild and inexplicable. I dreamt that I was asleep and having a lucid dream, then I woke up and thought, Wow! I was lucid dreaming! Then I woke up from *that* dream and was like, MIND BLOWN!🤯 The only thing I can think about it is that I am preparing for a new level of spiritual comprehension, after completing the rescue "dream" mission.

Best wishes on your dreaming journey, my friend!

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In some dreams I have jumped off cliffs and landed on my feet. I have also flown. When I was a kid I played a grand piano with alacrity. I have swam at speed with dolphins. But that was mostly when I was young without will and intention. Will and intention is much different now :)

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Wow, great dream-time-adventures!

We could go on for quite some time about each of our adventures! I have always had vivid dreams and was lucid dreaming as almost as early as I have childhood memories. I kept a daily dream journal from the age of 10 to about 45.

As autumn and winter approach, let's plan to have some phone conversations, if you're up for that.

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This is great, WHD!

Love it. And for me it brings back my excursion into dream recall and an emphasis on lucid dreaming.

Yes, that shit really works. Enjoy and grow into spaciousness.

Thenk you for sharing.

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Sep 18, 2023
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I am currently reading The Master and the Emissary as well, interesting that you should bring that up.

I can't say absolutely that is not Snake. I am just more inclined to assume Snake is already reborn, or off wherever, making mischief far from my dreams. That said too, I assume it is some very tangible spirit/energy manifesting as Snake, because he is what I am inclined to see. But then, perhaps, hopefully I will have a lucid conversation with him, to clarify.

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