Colorado: We've got the ugliest flag in the US!

Minnesota: Hold my beer.

Srsly, it's not even original. There are a couple of cities around here with similar municipal flags. It's like Memphis Art style for governments.

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Ugly, art free "art."

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All you rabble-rousing, mealy-mouthed critics in the Comments who have the gall to want a flag that actually has any meaning, you are wrong. Because experts...

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It’s just so ugly. And bland. I don’t get the 8-pointed star. The whole thing looks unbalanced.

Many of the submitted designs had combinations of blue, white, and green, with a yellow or white star. Any of those would have been so much more appealing IMO.

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They said something about the star being a native thing, but not being clear I think they just made it up. Mostly it's a sign of what happens when you are so afraid of offending anyone you end up making everything so banal, dull, lame and ugly no one likes it.

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That’s Post-modernism in a nutshell. And a good description for many entertainment projects these days.

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"...banal, dull, lame and ugly no one likes it." Just like him.

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Of course it had to be blue, the color of leftism. Although that itself is a lie, told by leftists who wanted to mislead the public about the true nature of leftism's red communist roots.


"The choice of colors reverses a long-standing convention of political colors whereby red symbols (such as the Red Flag or Red Star) are associated with left-wing politics... Indeed, until the 1980s, Democrats were often represented by red and Republicans by blue. The current terminology of “red states” and “blue states” came into use in the United States presidential election of 2000 on an episode of the Today show on October 30, 2000, wanting to avoid any implied connection between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party."

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I've long wondered about that.

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Thank-you! I was positive the colors had been reversed, but was told I was imagining things. (Narcissist told me that. Gaslighting.)

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You're very welcome, Bandit.

For more information on the leftist perfidy:


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The eight-pointed star is the Star of Ishtar. It was placed on the chosen design as a symbol showing the [s]elected government/military officials' and their agents' allegiance to Lucifer. All high-profile and behind-the-scenes high-level individuals are part of the death-cult. If they defect (which they rarely do because they love their fame, fortune, prestige, and other "perks"), they get thrown under the Luciferian bus.

There is much more to the Star of Ishtar, too much to lay out here.

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Good info!

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ugh, it takes away all historical significance. Hope that other states with flags that

show their history do not follow suit. Patriotic Minnesotans should fly their old


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I got to keep my blood pressure down.

I know they are coming for the Virginia THUS FOREVER TO TYRANTS Jeffersonian flag and I have to save my rage for protecting that.

Minnesota is now a New World Order colony with a new flag to show it. No whites need apply.

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Nice work here, William. You covered all aspects of this absurd monstrosity well.

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Your piece is very funny, thanks! The flag is fricking awful.

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If you squint, it looks like a dark-blue hardcore Leftist dragon devouring a turquoise "moderate" liberal swish.

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Nice catch. I sort of felt like there was a dragon about when the day after Christmas I got a letter from the State of Minnesota reminding me to claim my State tax return from 2022 on my State tax filing for 2023.

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Selecting a star with points numbered 8,

Supports our ongoing program of hate!

We must never our agenda against you abate.

You deserve nothing less than roasting on our grate.

Roses are red and our flag is a pleasing blue,

That is the evidence we plan to dominate you.

We fear no comeuppance since of you there are so few.

Better you get with the program and joined our crew.

Ever since our glorious tyrannical state was found'd

We progressively are planning to put you in the ground

If you fail towards our point of view to come around

We will with other avenues of compulsion rebound.

To those of you born on the fourth of July

We falsely espouse the same sentiments in reply

But a more Marxist and ascendant view we espy

Mostly because we love to hear you wail moan and cry.

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Well, you are definitely not a Marxist, because rhyming is contrary to the revolution, and there will be no poetry in Utopia.

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Let's not insult real poets by calling my rendition poetry! :-)

And it is pretty clear that the Marxist historical results continue to rhyme with prior and later tyrannies. Seeking something for nothing is just baked into our psyche. Only hard experience and logic show the limits of that preference.

Now, I have actually had maybe one or two dozen "free" lunches in my life, but that is only because the mode of paying for them was so indirect that I could not recognize the path of money flow or time expenditure supporting those "gifts".

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I suspect America is going to get a hard lesson in the limits of subsidies, sooner rather than later.

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Perhaps all eligible voters should have been given the "democratic?" choice to VOTE their own mind?

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Most Minnesotan's have no idea the flag has been changed. It was done to satisfy woke zealots, in a rather short period of time. Of course if Minnesotans had been given a choice nothing would have changed, or at the very least it would not be this flag. Fact is, the WEF has declared elections are no longer necessary, which is trickling down to sympathetic bureaucracies everywhere, so most of governance at this point is going to be dictate.

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Some of the most bat-shit crazy people I've met are, coincidentally, Minnesota-unz. Is it the cold? The snow? (but shout-out to my MN patriots, still). We have zero crazies down here in La. Zero. /sarc

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Minneapolis and St Paul, esp Minneapolis, long had a an inferiority complex about Portland OR. Liberal politicians here regularly hold up California as the model exemplar. Since 2022, the government here has been all Blue, and they have endeavored to out-California California. During Covid Gov Walz assumed dictatorial powers and used them with impunity.

It is now legal in the state of Minnesota, for a parent with no legal custody to kidnap their child, move to Minnesota, and the State will shield the parent and child from the parent with custody and any legal order of extradition - as long as the kid wants "gender therapy."

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OT? But as I thought about the color blue, and the fact that we have evolved to view that color of the sky to be pleasant, I was thinking that with a different set of evolved vision receptors the sky might well look black and perhaps we would see such a black as an attractive "color".

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I hear black is the absence of color, or all colors combined. I suspect both apply. I also hear intelligentsia say no one ever saw blue until after the Enlightenment, but i feel like that is just the intelligentsia finding something incomprehensible to say, just to sound smart.

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Black has also been defined as the absence of light.

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