Great read!

I look forward to never buying an EV or any of the progressive BS now on display with morons.

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I was just recommending your King Archetype article to Guy on this interesting article of his: https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/little-red-riding-hood-from-clever. And as I was reading this one: https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/ego-and-me-to-be-or-to-be-not-is I was thinking that you haven't explored the Fool Archetype. I know there was a symmetry to the other four as the masculine but it's interesting that the Fool is always portrayed as masculine, eh? I say that with great respect for the Fool.

Anyway, you and he share an interest in the Jungian so I thought you might enjoy it. And in a different vein, my 28 yr old daughter has just gone through a crucible of her own and come out transformed, in a very strong and surprising way. It reminded me of yours, with two people who were already resilient and wise, but life had more in store for them so they needed to live up to their true selves.

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The fool is the beginning and the end, in some tarot decks. Traditionally it is the 0 card, coming before the magician who begins the work, the fool is like the universe aware of itself but unencumbered by ego. 28 is Saturn's Return, Saturn the task master returning to the place in the sky it was when you were born. It is often a very existential period, exemplified by all those rock stars who did not make it past 27. Glad to hear your daughter is stronger for it. Thanks for the recommendation, I will dig into Guy's work a bit, tonight.

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Oh, Olivia mentioned Saturn's return and I didn't get the reference. Interesting. 28 was a pivotal year in my life and, in my head, the age I always am ;-) And it makes sense also for those four cycles of 7, each a corner turned. I told her that I feel she's come in a 360 degree spiral, back around to the same place but on a different plane.

And existential crisis describes it well. It's interesting to see your children become better-than-perfect, breaking out of any molds you could have made for them.

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Shortly after my Saturn's Return, I spent 114 days solo paddling a canoe 1000 miles through the Boundary Waters and Quetico wilderness. I figured I would do something interesting before I got serious about a "career". Then I learned how to build and remodel houses.

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Woah! I'll pass that story on to her. Her next trial-by-fire is giving a presentation to hundreds of people--something she wasn't going to do until five other people couldn't do it. Public speaking terrifies her but it seemed like this was put into her path for a reason.She says that it's a door that she thinks she'll need to know she can go through, for when it really matters.

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One of the advantages of being able to buy an old gas vehicle, especially if you are a guy who took shop in school, is that you can rebuild the motor. Lots of parts can be found in junk yards, mostly at affordable prices.

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I have a friend working on turning an old diesel powered truck to burn wood, for use on the farm. Good luck trying that with the toxic heap that was elec.

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Nice riff on Greer’s piece!

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That was the inspiration. I'm not sure he would approve, but he is the inspiration for a lot of my work regardless.

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He inspires many of us. I’m reading The Long Descent right now.

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I personally missed your gonzo side. Great article. I live (literally and geographically) far removed from most of modernities dumb ideas but it's creeping it's way into everything, rather terrifying.

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Mode earn the foe net tics reveals it.

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Thanks WHD. Brilliant post!

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Nemesis as Archon. * noodling that over*

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Trump is a nemesis for many a progressive. Or a projection of their inner selves.

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Ah, yes! Trump as the recipient of collective Shadow projections. I have thought of him in this way frequently. All those aspects of the psyche we reject in ourselves, both as individuals and as a society, projected on to The Big, Bad Orange Man. I have remarked to several folks that I sometimes imagine Trump as the manifestation of a bodhisattva who receives all of our projections in order for us to see them clearly so that we can finally take owner of them. I leave it to you to imagine the responses that statement has garnered!

James Baldwin provides us with an excellent example of projection and how it works with this little gem:


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The n-word was a projection of lazy slave owners. Can't admit they're lazy for owning slaves, so they deflect their unconscious angst towards racial inferiority.

I don't understand the antipathy towards Donald Trump. Is there an American psyche that longs to be a vulgar billionaire? Or is it because he violates the various pretenses of upper crust polite society?

I'll add that Trump is now the recipient of some karma. He had the opportunity to pardon Julian Assange, who is being extradited to the US. He declined to do so. Now he, like Assange, is being charged under the espionage act, for obviously political motives. What goes around comes around, orange jumpsuit man...

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Spot on regarding Assange. Orange jumpsuit man😂. Now that’s funny!

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Ha Ha! I'm going to try that sometime. That's a good one. Bodhisattva!

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Writing can be about getting things out of your system, your chest, your whatever.

I find videos like this to be an antidote:


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I agree with you that most of modernity is complete trash. You might like this guys blog, http://mileswmathis.com/index.html. Miles Mathis writes extensively about the destructive influence of modernist thought in art and the general culture. He has also made historically significant discoveries in physics, the most well known being his discovery of the charge field.

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Not living in the wilderness is what I like about modernity. I turn a blind eye to the non-essentials.

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I'm not sure what happened, but a large block of text disappeared. It has been restored.

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