May 3Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I love your bias. I share your bias! I want to have your bias’s children! No dog in this fight, let the Jews and Muslims work it out and leave us out if it. Down with globohomo. Yes yes yes. Why aren’t more people willing to embrace these sensible, positive positions? I am more enthusiastic about pure Christianity than you are but agree that many churches are corrupt and have a lot to answer for.

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Thank you 😌 and welcome here

And yes, yes, yes more pure Christianity and taking care of kids.

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May 3Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Minor problem created when Britain (Christians?) deployed the Balfour Declaration and artificially created the three way web of perpetual conflict.

No natural way to resolve anything currently.

Wish we could get some adults in the room to help work things out. No one (with a power position) has stepped up yet.

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No adults are currently allowed in Congress (or really, in DC.) Only those who will repeat and defend the DC official narrative with the theater of divide and conquer, while fighting like children.

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May 3Liked by William Hunter Duncan

As a Christian I feel entitled to say that we are the worst kind of useful idiots. American Christian’s have created a false idol called “kindness.” To be kind, accepting, and tolerant is somehow godly. This false idol shall be Christian’s undoing. I know so many who pander to people of other faiths, foolishly failing to realize that these other people would not reciprocate the favor is the tables were turned. Truth be told, I detest weak Christian’s more than the people they pander to.

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Kind, accepting and tolerant to the oppressed, but hatred towards oppressors. Which is more like Marx than Christ.

Christ I think cares about kindness, not about being accepting and tolerant, which are vague and more like code for evil.

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May 2Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Thank you William. What has been increasingly bothering me is my awareness that our very American government is anti-American, definitely anti-democracy. It is perhaps most visible in the response to Israel’s behavior towards its Arab neighbors. Why are we encouraging, even enabling, their willingness to murder their neighbors? That must leave a black stain on us.

The latest fools have been the presidents of American universities who called the cops on the pro-Palestinian student protestors. How is it that they have seemingly forgotten about Kent State - “four dead in Ohio”? Surely I am not the only one to think that university is the best place for people — young people — to think about what is going on in the rest of the world, and how well it fits what their teachers have been telling them. I would be proud of any child of mine who complained to me about the contradiction in the do-as-I-say vs not-as-I-do. Then we could have a discussion of what the American democratic republic was meant to be, and an acknowledgement that America has become unmoored. Only then might we have a chance of regaining the vision of the founders.

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My dad and I were talking about this. MLK, Gandhi and Henry David Thoreau talked about putting your body in front of power. No violence, no calling names, just truth and justice. That does not seem what the pro-Palestinian protests are about. That seems more like the Great Reset of the Globohomo.

That said, yes, supporting Israel to wipe out/raze Gaza is not the work of America, but of DC, which are two very different things.

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May 3Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Agree that the stage is full of actors that don’t appear to be against genocide but seemingly have an additional agenda. Once politics and religion mix, makes for a very toxic cocktail.

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May 3Liked by William Hunter Duncan

We can’t be bothered entering and protecting both sides of innocents while grievances are aired and negotiations towards peace are pursued. No we have 9 other wars to pursue right now (do you know how profitable wars are for the world-wide banking cartels??) so sorry we’re unable to act as grown ups at the moment and provide support. Check back after the elections.

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Wars happen, bankers buddies buy up the mess, pennies on the dollar. Seems like motive.

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A worrying situation: since I wrote this and posted it on your Substack page, my own Word document which I have been keeping as a monthly journal since 2020 has disappeared. I consider myself very tech savvy, and certainly an expert on Windows 7 (!) and Microsoft Office 2003 (!), (yes I enjoy using software I know well), and now . . . what? the doc is gone? How does that happen? Who is looking over my shoulder? Now, I will spend at least one full hour looking into the abyss.

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May 2Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Concise and sensible.

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May 5Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Excellent piece!

"has declared white Americans and especially rural white Americans, who are generally the most supportive of the ideal of America, as the greatest threat to America."

Yes, they have.

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May 4Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Mr Duncan.You are the author we concurred with.The world ,whether or not you think we are ... for a number of relatively basic reasons, is on a slippery slope of

ambiguous self opposing appeasement to all manner of networked genocides triage..holocausts..exterminations bait and switch trojan horse scams adulteration of all the energy sources of life etc.We advise..if possible..patiently. ,take what is positive and go with it..forget the rest*.. We who study the JQ for decades note falsely called *religious*. cult mentality....plus totalitarian secular and other neuropathy disorders with what many call the usual suspects ",the powers that shouldn't be. we are not complementing your fine article to start a critique..an argument....or . a protracted hair splitting on what is ..clear to all scholars that the roots of the chosenites are irrational,demonic,inverted,corrupt..degenerate... as in the 2talmuds,kabala Mishnah toledoth yeshu ,the. shulcan aruch..the post Frankfurt school Marxists. ..here is a short list you may also loathe ..correctly..geinrich yagoda Stalin schmuely boteach Jeff Epstein jon pollard blinken nuland pritzker Zuckerberg Schumer newsome greaves Satanyahoo..Shapiro Sarah Silverman b.l.specter..ovadia Yosef..Soros..fink Schwab schwarsmen.noel ignatiev..Tim wise...Bela Kuhn Julio's and Ethel Rosenberg...Rothschild .. .We don't ask personal information of you or anyone but we are very glad discussion s such as yours are increasing. As Americans who agree with your points we hope this reply is received as we intend it...If this reply is upsetting you.. we say. just ignore it.no harm intended.We merely complemented your article

Neither we or you need defend anything. .Thank you for your article.

.God Bless.*

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May 2Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Again, I appreciate your clarity. I disagree that Palestinians are in any way genocidal -they're fighting for their freedom and dignity and for their right to exist. That said, no doubt you're aware of all the arguments from both sides, so I doubt I'm about to change your mind.

I think you've made the very fair point that your sympathies lie with your own nation and people.

May sanity prevail for us all, wherever we may be.

Best regards,


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Not all Isreali's and Palestinians are genocidal, but some are, and I do not trust our government to be able to tell who would be violent if the were brought here.

Best regards all well. H

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May 3Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Not all snakes and spiders are poisonous. They have an important place in the ecosystem and shouldn’t be blanket exterminated or hated for what they are. That doesn’t mean I want them in my bed.

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May 3·edited May 3Author

Well said

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May 2Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Yep. Well said.

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We perceive this author s heart is in the right place..though we are much more the obvious non sectarian hard right wing pro 2A Christians in mentality.The neoliberal judeao bolshevist Churches or...pagan -feel -good-Dechristianized -fake---Gospel- folks usually can relatively easily be proven to have Jew infiltrators..or freemason Jews probably in their..churchocentricity...blame scolfieldism.."Darby...and the talmudist dupes like HAGEE..etc..or freemason Jew billy graham..but the author is sterling..absolutely correct to remove all sentient Americans from the zograts clutches..the ziocons..the Ashkenazi..s. the current iteration of the rabbi butt plug styled Synagogue of satan...see pornhub owner rabbi Solomon fried----.the Jew banksters..the technofacist jewdevils. The Jew eugenicists..Jew bioethics..Jew depopulators...Ehrlich Soros green Emanuel..on and on.....and of course the Globohomosexual WeF Blackrock Blackstone. cyborg s....and mitrovets and zelensky and Satanyahoo types..not just Shapiro dershowitz jon pollard sam.b.fried..schmidt..schwarsemen..soros..nuland the undertaker blinken...bizarre Gavin Jewdevil newsome..Satan's best friend pritzker and emhof.....Merrick Garland rosenman..and Jewdevil Alejandro mayorkas....fact stands..this author is on the right track..the right side of history...we didn't vote for ..mass Graves in Khan Younis...we didn't request internet shut down..it's too late to merely insist on open borders for Isreal 2024......after tidal waves of drone kill holocausting extermination genocides.in gaza.and the gay Jewish disco meat grinder in jewkraine.....it's high time to dismember the Zionist Jewish Talmudic bolshevist entity*....in any case..cheers to this fine author...we hope more American s will read and deeply consider his message**

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You are very fixated on Jews. That seems a slippery slope you are on. I do indeed find all the people you mention loathsome, but not because they are Jewish.

"We perceive this author s heart is in the right place..though we are much more the obvious non sectarian hard right wing pro 2A Christians in mentality."

What author are you speaking of, and who is the "we"?

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I sincerely hope there is not a new religion, born out of this continent, that grows in Americas future, supplanting Christianity. Because it would definitionally be a false religion. Because there is one True God and that is the God of the Bible: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

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Zionism in and of itself is the belief that the Jews have a right to a Jewish state in their ancient biblical homeland. That movement was begun officially in later 19th-century Europe, and was established and took root without the involvement or backing of the US govt.

Much of its early development took place under the British Mandate from after WWI to 1948. Many American and European Jews supported a Jewish state and contributed liberally to the Jewish authorities in Palestine, but the US govt. was not involved.

The US voted in 1947 for the partition resolution that would have divided the territory into a bi-national state. By all accounts that I have seen, Harry Truman supported a Jewish state because he felt it was the right thing to do, not because of the influence of any powerful Jewish lobby that was non-existent in 1948 when the US recognized the new state of Israel (though the Jews were a politically significant voting block in some areas). The Russians also recognized Israel, thinking (as I have read anyway) that a weakening of the British imperial presence in the region would be to their advantage.

Also, many Christians in the USA in 1948 supported the idea of a Jewish state (and still do) because of spiritual rather than geopolitical interests. In the 1948 war, the USA participated in an official arms embargo of the region (which the Arabs were able to ignore with British help). Some US military supplies did get there by private efforts.

Also, when Truman made the decision to support partition in 1947 and Israeli independence in 1948, America was a strong country. Our borders were intact, our economy was strong, our domestic industrial base was solid, our social climate was more conservative - what has changed since then? Whatever has gone wrong, Zionism is not to blame. We are to blame.

During the 1950s Israel had significant ties with France, and also received substantial sums of money from the West German govt. as reparations for the crimes of the Nazis. The US was not involved. In fact, Israel was not considered that important to the USA until after the Six Day War, when its geopolitical significance became apparent for the first time. The link here is to a chart stating that significant American aid to Israel did not begin until 1970. https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts

This decision to start aiding Israel on a significant scale was not a controversial decision. For one thing, Russian advances into the region were taken to be a serious threat; also, Israel by its competence and liberal democratic values prior to 1967 had created a general feeling of sympathy, augmented by American Christian feelings of sympathy.

Also, Jews have lived for years in the USA, since the colonial era, and have not been involved in angry and destructive riots. And is it the fault of Israel that all people with foreign visas who engage in rioting are not instantly arrested and booted out of the country? That all students who engage not in free speech but violent and obstructive protests are not instantly and permanently expelled from the university?

And why have so many hostile aliens been allowed into the country without proper vetting? So many of our problems have been brought upon us by our own native American foolishness.

As to Middle Eastern interventionism bankrupting America, the billions that have been and are being squandered on wild and reckless spending policies, including throwing money out of helicopters in the COVID crisis, and more wasted money on failed stimulus projects and who knows what all else - Israel and Zionism are not to blame for that.

As to Christianity having been an insufficient bulwark, America as a nation has been turning away from and rejecting America ever since the modern era. Very few Americans have any real interest in Christianity now, while the forces of radical secularism are on the rise and have been for some time. But Jesus did not come to earth to make America strong, prosperous and free or to preserve our luxurious, decadent and immoral lifestyles. The majority of people in power in America in the media, higher education, the government, the corporate offices want nothing to do with biblical Christianity, being more devoted to abortion, gay and transgender rights, saving the planet and steadily extending power over every aspect of American's lives. This is the fault of the American people themselves who have by and large completely forgotten the principles on which America was based.

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"Whatever has gone wrong, Zionism is not to blame. We are to blame."

Of course Israel and Jews are not to be blamed for all of America's problems. But giving Israel and Jews a free pass seems a stretch. One might look at the various laws now making criticism of Israel or Jewish influence in America illegal. You talk about the decadence of America, but no one would deny the Jewish prominence in much of Hollywood and media. Soros is Jewish and no one man has been more a promulgator of the liberal deconstruction/destruction of America. One might look too at the tens of millions AIPAC has given to Congress, or the fact that probably none of our bankupting Middle Eastern interventionism would have happened if not for Israel's presence there.

As for Christians, you can call that support spiritual, but it is very much geopolitical too, and it is very much Armageddon flavored, in my estimation.

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Going over your main post again I found much to agree with (before responding to your specific comments).

About the internationalists and globalists who want to remake the world and destroy our lives and liberties in so doing, I agree they are a serious threat. They are actively destroying the foundations of the west, but aren’t they getting a lot of cooperation from the common people? Do not many in society today share their agenda and feel that we need to surrender our liberties and be managed by experts in order to save the planet?

Do they not have many acolytes in the media and in higher education and in the corporate boardrooms and halls of government, because we have raised generations of children with no higher values, and no moral compass to guide them?

And aren’t the globalists, the leftists, ANTIFA, BLM and the alphabet people filling a void that we have left because our culture has been based largely on the belief that human beings are essentially advanced animals in an accidental, meaningless universe? How can we have law, order and hierarchy in society if there is none in the cosmos? Our garden is now full of weeds because we neglected it for so long.

At the heart of these problems in my view is Western society’s denial of God and his laws and rules, which we need for our benefit. And now, we can see all around us the results of rejecting those laws and rules.

The Deep State /Technocracy has had destructive effects over the past fifty years and more with little or no opposition from the sleeping citizenry. But now more and more we can see the danger. Is it too late? Maybe, maybe not.

About the war in Gaza, you say that “some Christians have acted as if they support Israel more than they do America.” I believe that the complete destruction of Hamas is in the interests of America. Now we can see the aggressive expansionist influence of radical Islam spreading in our own country. If Israel had been allowed to proceed full steam ahead without cowardly and incompetent American interference, very likely the war would have been over by now, Hamas would have been smashed, and reconstruction would be beginning.

I believe patriotic and loyal Americans should support not only the military destruction of Hamas, but also the complete elimination of all Islamist influence from American soil (which is not going to happen). Anyone should be free to believe in Mohammed and the Koran if they like, but any attempts to advocate for Sharia law or the denial of the legitimate authority of the US govt should be met with instant expulsion of non-citizens, and denial of citizenship and expulsion for citizens who seek to set up an Islamic system here – and the Muslims understand that. They know that no Arab/Muslim government would tolerate for a moment such attempts to subvert it from within.

Israel has undue influence over Congress? Our system allows for legal lobbying, and many corporations and governments have lobbying activities – and wait till Arabic oil money and increased political clout of the Muslims in the US allow for greater Islamic influence in our government. That will not be to our benefit and will be much worse than what we have now. And, many Americans do support Israel in its right to exist and defend itself, and in the past money for Israel was not so controversial.

Is it right for people to advocate for economic boycotts of Israel in the US and wrong for the Israelis or American Jews to seek to counter than influence?

About a “second religiosity . . . a restoration of Christianity in progress, as people look to tradition to bring order in the midst of Civilization and American hegemonic decline and increasing chaos,” Christianity only has value if it is true. That the universe was not created by accident; that we do not come from the monkeys; that there will be a resurrection from the dead and we will all be held accountable for they way in which we have lived; that forgiveness from sin comes only through the sacrifice of Christ – one does not have to go to church to believe these things. Many churches are nothing but boring social clubs. But if they are not true, Christianity is meaningless. If they are true, we have something to aim for even if the world collapses around us.

Looking now at your comments, I don’t think we need to give Israel and Jews a free pass - but neither should we hinder them with useless ceasefires that only strengthen their and our enemies and prevent a military solution, allowing the conflict with Hamas to go on and on and on, creating more and more suffering. Hamas should have been obliterated years ago.

About laws making criticism of Israel or Jewish influence illegal, those are very dangerous, potentially harmful to Christianity, and probably just another scheme for the State to advance its power on the pretext of protecting us. We do not need any of that. All we need is swift and drastic legal action against anyone who blocks public roads or access to necessary facilities or engages in violent acts (including swift expulsion for non-citizens and jail time for citizens). These disturbances are the direct result of the moral weakness of a spineless justice system. All of the recent disturbances at American universities could have been brought to a swift and screeching halt with permanent expulsions of all involved students (after due warning) and arrest and jail time for all non-students. Also there should be no student loans for anyone convicted of political rioting.

About Jewish influence in the media, how many of the big movie stars are Jewish? And how many Americans eagerly drink up that stupid and ignorant rubbish and have been doing so for years? Are the Jews to blame for the fundamental stupidity and degeneracy of our entertainment systems and for the basic weakness of the American character? I don’t think so.

As to Soros’ destructive influence, why has this been allowed? Why was he not shut down and jailed for treason a long time ago? Because many Americans like and support his programs. Surely laws could be passed by a vigilant legislature and enforced by a strong-willed executive branch making it illegal for malefactors of great wealth to destroy the country.

Also, I deny our Middle Eastern presence has in and of itself been bankrupting. Trillions have been wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan, trying to make those countries into friendly democracies, which was an incredibly stupid idea. Hundreds of millions have been wasted on aid to the Palestinians and we have gotten nothing in exchange – but the real bankruptcy of the US has come from the fiscal policies of the US govt for the last sixty years and more. If not a dime had been spent on Israel we would still be in the same fiscal shape today, and the extra money saved could be spent on a thousand other useless government projects, including generous handouts to illegal aliens.

“We have met the enemy and he is us,” someone said.

As to Christians and Armageddon, it is basic biblical teaching that Christ will come again. It also is written that his coming will be preceded by very troublesome times and great suffering. Many believe that the revival of Israel is an extraordinary fulfilment of ancient biblical prophecies – but apart from all that, which is out of our hands and will be carried out according to God’s timetable, for the time being, we believe that a strong and stable Israel is identical with America’s interests in that part of the world.

As to Armageddon, no one can hasten it or avoid it – but in the meantime we have to try to do what is right in our own situation, not knowing what might be 50 or 100 years from now. That is a common Christian position (though some Christians are too excited about Israel and biblical prophecy in my opinion, and should spend more time on the Sermon on the Mount).

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I think your comment is longer than my post, on my not very widely read at all substack. As to Afghanistan, I count that in the "Middle East" because it is traditional militant Islamic and close enough, as far as the bankrupting goes. Of course our interventionism is not the only reason for that bankrupting, health care and food policy being at least as such. Saving the big banks from collapsing cost more than militarism, since 2008.

As to the Armageddonism, I suspect the next two decades are going to feel like that regardless of any self fulfilling prophecy.

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You raised many significant points, some of which I thought were seriously wrong. If you do not want to debate them that is of course up to you.


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You might then want to focus then on where you think I am seriously wrong, rather than expounding on so many points at once.

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Excellent point! I thought that myself. The criticisms should be proportional to the comment.

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