Is the belief that the devil exists, shared by devil-worshippers and devil-haters, useful for disempowering pedo-sadistic rituals? It seems to me that it's counter-productive. It reinforces the idea that supernatural power can be gained through horrific acts.

As you know, my research has led me to the conclusion that the Bible is imperial propaganda. But even Bible historians who are believers, like Elaine Pagels, have shown that Satan and his demons represented the Judean insurgency rising up against Roman rule--and WINNING.

If we want to take down the very idea of empire, that some people are born to rule over others, I think we need to find out the truth. Those characterized as Satan and his demons knew something powerful alright. And yes, they were legion. They were the masses of the colonized and enslaved that the empires feared. And when the empire couldn't defeat them with violence, they turned to a false narrative that inverted the truth.

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Whatever the case, if there be a God, their "supernatural" energy would be nothing as strong as God's. The Christian notion of Satan is much an amalgamation of Pan, The Green Man, etc horned gods, who were nothing like the fallen angel of hell, but the god of nature/woods and typical lovers of the goddess - to yes, demonize the "pagans."

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Sit out in your yard at night looking up at the Heavens. Walk through a beautiful garden. Yes, there is an almighty God that created you and loves you. Call to Him and ask Him into your heart, and you will know truth of his love. It is real. Stop looking for truth from within. It only comes from God, the creator of all. I pray you do this and hear His voice in your soul as I have.🙏🙏

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I appreciate your passion and your concern. I'm also sure there is no finding God without looking within. But I do feel God in my garden.

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All the machinations of modernity after the turn of the 20th century are part of the agenda to blind people to their true divinity, generally incrementally, but also through the mesmerizing technologies which can so easily disconnect us from our senses. Once that separation happens, people are more susceptible to demonic possession because they've given up their Creator-given abilities and rights to "experts" and "authorities" who will only abuse their power and cause harm. If people are not "in their right mind," they must be "in the wrong mind," in terms of Natural Law.

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I'm reading Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary, and I am struck too about his description of the differences between left and right hemispheres of the brain. Clearly modernism cuts off the creative, broad-view right brain, emphasizing the focused but limited by bias left side. Clearly modernism is doing long term damage to the brain.

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Yes, I believe it is something about the post-modern tech that disrupts the corpus callosum between the brain hemispheres, which I also think has distinct interaction with the pineal gland. So many broken connections, it's difficult to know what started first. But either way, we know it's best to stay close to Mother Nature in all our activities and food, and to remain psycho-spiritually awake and aware, asking lots of questions about the products, services, and messages of the wayward wizards.

You are an inspiration, my friend!

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I don't believe in invisible friends or enemies. Some Christians (I use this word loosely because their behaviour was obnoxious) told me that I am a demon because the devil depends on people like me. Apparently the Devil's greatest trick is to convince us that he does not exist!

Needless to say, I tore them off one HELL of a strip for their arrogant superiority.

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Some Christian I have known seemed to worship the demiurge or Mammon, much more than Jesus Christ, if their behavior was any indication. Some other Christians are some of the most impressive people I have known.

Otherwise, the vast majority of human history, pretty much everybody believed the world and universe populated with myriad spirits and gods. Many people these days are quite arrogant about the "ignorant" people of the past, though if the state of the current world is any indication, we must be the most ignorant people in the history of the world. Though I for one am not interested in judging those who do not believe in spirits or gods.

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Thanks for the background. I'm sort of perplexed at rising up the ranks of Satanism. I mean wouldn't the whole point be to get to the deepest level of Hell? So wouldn't you always be going down, in theory? However many people need to be sacrificed or orgies that need to be had to do it?

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I think they think they are going up, when they are really coming down...

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From my perspective, this is role-playing. It becomes malevolent when imposed on others.

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Who's role-playing?

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The Satanists, for one. We all role play.

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Children role play, because they are not mature enough to know who they are. Adults have built enough character to be role models. One might role-play being Dad at first, but hopefully with time one becomes Dad. Same for a warrior, magician, king and lover.

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We are socially conditioned into who we are. Children and adults role-play because it's fun. An escape from rigid social conditioning.

For better or worse, a dad is a dad. Doing a victory dance while your 6 year old bawls his eyes out is just one way of playing a game. Hopefully, there are lessons in everything.

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Nature plays a role, nurture plays a role, there is destiny as well.

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That's much to think upon from the Pagan/spiritual perspective. I'm not well spoken, so be so kind as to give me some verge to communicate what I think- poorly-

Information is always good, for as quoted, you gotta know what you're seeing before you can protect against it.

Satanists and Evil have always perverted Good symbology( and practices) for their purposes. It's like every good deception must have a plausible thread of truth to be believable. ( the smeared glass was an excellent metaphor).

One of the most poignant descriptions of " how does one know evil?" I read many years ago in a fiction book- I wish I could recall which series- but summed up:

Evil can never experience beauty without wishing to possess it for itself and its own purposes. Without having it to disposess the world of its having been created.

Some babble, because I'm new to drinking coffee regularly...

I think of The Divine as a undeniable goodness, love, and creativity. I think Evil is the creation of man,made undeniable through manipulation if the creative fields. Why?

I sometimes wonder...Humans are the only primate to have an odd number of genes. We have 23. We should have 24. Was our genetic code manipulated in the past? If so, why, and does it have anything to do with accessing our genetic memory? Is this missing piece so sought after that our spirits mourn and we find it easier to stray from goodness? Weird thoughts...but I'm that girl.

I also think dogs n elephants are superior beings...so there's that. Lol

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Too dogs and elephants then!

Just a quick correction... 23 chromosomes. 22 are identical in men and women, the 23 differentiates men and women. Maybe pharma is trying to add a 24th to transify us? I jest. But yeah, there is a lot about the human experience we have had taken from us, with the advent of the monotheistic God, satan and scientific materialism.

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Geez yeah...my mind was running told far fwd... codons- chromosomes- genes... thanks!

I wonder if the Huichol ( spelling?) Natives of mountainous Mexico have that 24th chromosome? A shaman I met some 30+ years ago told me in a conversation that they don't consider us " fully human" because we lack the rudimentary telepathy and genetic recall that they possess .

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I'm pretty sure our brain, genes and chromosomes have changed a lot with the advent of modernism, and not necessarily for the better.

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