Good news though, Minnpost published that comment that appears on the bottom of the screen shot (they would not have only a few months ago), and they let me say this:

So kids have to take a jab they don’t need, one every single year or more, to save the teachers? Speaking of facts, is this the first vaccine in the history of the world no one has been harmed by? Because the VAERS numbers suggest the opposite.

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i truly do not understand how realities split like this ... anyone interested in actual facts would be aware that transmission is not stopped by these shots ... is this an echo chamber thing? a denial thing? an infectious new variant of cognitive dissonance?

this era is truly ripe for psychoanalysis.

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If Minnpost would write an article about the fact that the jabs do not prevent transmission, a few readers there would accept it, but not all of the readers. But Minnpost was heavily engaged in censoring any questions about covid policy, and so they are invested in maintaining the fiction to avoid any accountability.

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such a faulty foundation for this tower of fiction. if it ever crumbles, it's gonna be a wild scene.

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The fireworks will really get going if states actually start to mandate kids take the jab to go to school. I'm not sure California politicians are that dumb. I suspect this is merely pretense for eliminating liability and the states will treat it like flu virus, and just harm and kill a few of the kids.

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Talking points don't require any reasoning. Just CTRL+C and CTRL+V

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"i truly do not understand how realities split like this"

It took at least 150 years of demoralization to get the % of people they have mind-controlled at present.

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Who are these boomers who refuse to accept their own mortality?

Or do we have virtue signaling from the X,Y, Z generations?

I'm 55 and I'll never ask the young to sacrifice their freedom for my health. I got to live my life as I saw fit, they should have the same opportunity.

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Minnpost commenters are primarily boomers, though there are a few younger folk who are also happy to treat me like I am a fascist.

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More madness:

By BK Anderson

on Oct. 27, 2022 at 5:03 p.m.

Replying to William Hunter Duncan

Um, excess mortality is up because of the Covid pandemic itself, not because of vaccinations. And it’s particularly up in those US jurisdictions with the lowest vaccination rates. And is it really a surprise that birthrates fell during the first dangerous global pandemic in a century?

So you are really failing at cause and effect here. I’m afraid anti-vax fever has taken hold, Doctor!

Reply to BK Anderson

By William Hunter Duncan

38 mins ago

Replying to BK Anderson

“Um, excess mortality is up because of the Covid pandemic itself, not because of vaccinations.”

Why is excess mortality continuing to climb when hardly anyone is dying from covid? And why is excess mortality a problem for the 18-50 cohort, who are not at serious risk of covid? And where is your evidence that it is only the unvaccinated dying in excess numbers, because I’m pretty sure you just made that up.

Here’s a study on negative efficacy: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/pandemics-of-the-vaccinated

And here is a study and discussion on soaring deaths among young Americans. https://metatron.substack.com/p/soaring-deaths-of-young-americans

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Anyone who starts their response in text with "Um" is giving you a tell that they are getting ready to lay down some thick, heavy BS.

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He is a regular commenter there, who dresses up just about every comment with that sentiment, sanctimonious support for every Dem talking point, corporations generally and even the big banks.

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You have to wonder how many of these commenters are part of the shill/bot army. If I was in charge of them, I'd have them EVERYWHERE, given the low cost of scalability.

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I think they are all sanctimonious liberals who simply think everything they are told by the party, Biden Admin, Official Health Care, corporate media, Military and Intelligence tell them is true. They are all happy to accuse me of being a paid trump troll. None of them are smart enough to be professional psyop, though.

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More fun and games:

By William Hunter Duncan

on Oct. 26, 2022 at 11:25 a.m.

Replying to Paul Brandon

This is the first generation in the history of the world that demands children sacrifice for their elders.

Reply to William Hunter Duncan

By Ken Bearman

on Oct. 26, 2022 at 7:05 p.m.

Replying to William Hunter Duncan

“This is the first generation in the history of the world that demands children sacrifice for their elders.”

Do more children die from receiving a COVID vaccination than from COVID while unvaccinated? Some data might support or debunk your claim of “sacrifice”.

Reply to Ken Bearman

By William Hunter Duncan

6 mins ago

Replying to Ken Bearman

Your comment is awaiting moderation.


This is video is discussing a recent Swiss study showing subclinical myocarditus is a serious problem with the jabs.

So many healthy people are dropping dead all over the jabbed world that it has been call SADS – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, blaming everything under the sun other than the jabs.


Excess mortality remains up in every nation that took the mRNA jabs including America



Just as births have shown a radical decline in many of those countries.



We know myocarditus in kids from the jabs is considerably more likely than them dying from covid.

So yeah, demanding kids take one of these jabs every year from birth is in my mind a form of madness.

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I have to imagine that Mr. Bearman has no children of his own. We have been implored to "follow the Science" unless, of course, the data doesn't support our narrative. Healthy kids do just fine. That's a fact.

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Six months ago I couldn't say on Minnpost, the jabs don't prevent transmission. I have used Minnpost the last year and a half, as a bellweather of where the censorship regime was at. I haven't visited in awhile, something compelled me to drop in on this thread, and Minnpost let me say everything I wanted about Covid. It was astoundingly refreshing, even if most of the commenters are still stuck in 2021. I'd say on balance that is good news.

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By Pat Berg since 2011

1 hour ago

Replying to William Hunter Duncan

Not VAERS again.

Here – something for you to read and educate yourself with. You should really understand what VAERS is (and is not) before trying to claim it as “proof” of anything:


to which I replied:

The most astounding thing about VAERS is that more energy goes in to denouncing it than into looking into the reports, or how many are unreported.

Since most of the reports are filed by health professionals, and it is effectively career suicide to question these jabs, I think it safe to assume the VAERS numbers are significantly under reported.

The CDC also admitted :



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CDC Admits It Never Monitored VAERS for COVID Vaccine Safety Signals

In response to a Freedom of Information Request submitted by Children’s Health Defense, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week admitted it never analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for safety signals for COVID-19 vaccines.


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I mean, that's just dumb. It's really sickening that these maniacs still want to inject kids with an experimental shot that does nothing to prevent transmission or infection, and comes with a ton of risks and downside.

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Dumb, cowardly and vicious. Zero interest in even asking if there is any danger.

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I have been saying this for the past year-plus: we have sacrificed the young to save the old. Most people (especially older people) don't like it when I say that but it is the truth. Thank you for posting your comment on their webpage.

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It is like the logical result of the Me generation. We are all expected to sacrifice, to placate the Boomers. Their retirement is propping up the whole predatory system. And they won't be here to take care of those children who grow up with chronic illness because of these jabs.

Obviously that is not all boomers, but it is the bulk of the most "successful" of them.

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I agree. Boomers get pretty riled up when I say that they are the most selfish generation that this country has ever seen. All they do is take, take, take, and then mock the younger generations for lifestyle decisions that they must make in response to the greed of the older generations.

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They are also loathe to give up power, because once out of power they cannot control how the younger generations will handle power. It will be up to Gen X to put checks on the excesses of the woke millennials, who look to make common cause with the globalist boomers still in power.

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The "Blue Church" practices an aggressively willful stupidity. It's the same in Canada, where liberals are a somewhat more sanctimonious version of their American counterparts. The material realities of anything are immaterial to them. The shared emotional state of the tribe determines truth. For them, an assertion of belief is a compelling argument. No substantiation needed.

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We are pretty close to Canada here and the sanctimony at least in the Twin Cities is deeper than the snow ever gets.

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I (54) am recovering from Covid as I write this. My wife (45) has it, too. Our daughter (8 yrs old, our only child) brought it to us 6 days ago. She is unvaccinated. She had one pretty bad day which included 102 degree fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Within 36 hours of symptoms, she was back to her normal self, full of energy and spunk. Symptoms for my wife and I started the day after our daughter had recovered. We are on day 4 now. I had severe symptoms on day two, a headache that was the worst of my life. I started taking the "horse meds" on the same day and felt the symptoms ease within 6 hours. Yesterday, my fever finally broke (day 2 of meds). I have more energy today and feel I have turned a corner. My wife is not taking the meds but has been doing better than me the entire time.

I received two injections in March of 2021 and began having adverse reactions 4-6 weeks later: tinnitus, heart palpitations that lasted for hours, dizziness (sometimes so severe that I couldn't walk), brain fog, numbness in my hands. I had two trips to the ER and follow-up MD visits. They asked me if I wanted some Zoloft. I am very well acquainted with anxiety, both personally and professionally. I am a psychotherapist. What I experienced was not panic attacks or garden-variety anxiety. I know my body. I was fighting something.

So the gist here is that I had what might be termed a sort of awakening through my vaccine injury. Beforehand, despite having strong reservations and feeling mistrust (professionally, I see what Big Pharma has done to people via the opioid crisis and over-prescription of psychotropic meds), I took the shots to "protect the vulnerable". So did my wife, and she also, despite my protestations, received a booster. But we didn't vaccinate our daughter. Thank God. There is no way, no fucking way I will submit her to that. No way I will take a chance that she experiences what I experienced. I will pull her out of school faster than you can say Pfizer sucks. And I know that I am not alone. I will go to the wall before I submit. Maybe I will see you all there.

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Welcome, Shagbark. Thank you for sharing all that. I support you going to the wall like that for your daughter, though I would rather use a metaphor like, the open country. I am glad to hear you and your family are on the mend. I took the double-tap from Phizer, coerced because they were forcing people to die in quarantine alone, and I thought I might never see my parents again. I will never forget that, knowing now how they lied about everything, and how they are lying still. Here is to shining light on those liars and driving them to the wall.

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I lived on 38 acres in Central Kentucky before my daughter was born. Open country indeed! I wish I was still there, but, alas, I find myself in the urban zoo. Your point is well-taken regarding metaphor.

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I am glad to have left the zoo when I did. Hopefully if it is what your family wishes you will find your way back to the open country.

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Awesome comment

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The BC Government Facebook page is just as crazy......

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Your comment is well said. Thank you.

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