Science Is Retarded Alchemy
On the Alchemic, Hermetic origins of science, the rise of pathological materialism and why futurism is doomed without a restoration of a more true science
There is something of a meme floating in the right-sphere, if you think The Current Science is fake what about history? Like the narrative of the Demonic Democrat party, the intelligence community and their apparatchik media, it is a lot of manipulation: the past is all backward, antiquated superstition, out of which The Science arose and anyone who questions The Science is misinforming garbage deplorable. “Dr” Anthony Fauci is a secular savior, the pharmaceutical companies, the insurance companies and corporate and private equity controlled Health Care have your best interest, health and wellness in mind. Abortion on demand at any time for any reason is the sacrament. Sterilizing and sexually transmogrifying children is therapy. Grooming children to think about sex starting at the age of 0-4 (WHO), is enlightened, a man who says he is a woman is a woman and should be able to enter women’s sports, locker rooms and bathrooms, and children’s spaces, but a woman is a birthing person who if they have a child, should have no say in their The State’s child’s grooming education. Everything about the Covid-19 protocols was the greatest achievement in the history of The Science, and mRNA “therapies” are going to cure every illness under the sun. Declining birth rates, increasing mortality rates, declining life expectancy, increased cancer and auto-immune disorders are all misinformation. Americans are the healthiest people in the history of the world because we eat so much ultra-processed foods, seed oils, high fructose corn syrup and grains.
The path to this pathological state of affairs in which so many of the self-professed experts at the institutional level public and private are incapable of doing anything but repeat this retarded narrative, who never take responsibility for any of the pathological outcomes that result from such thinking, who gaslight you and call you names if you dare to question them and actively work to silence you, is probably the inevitable outcome of scientific materialism and an inherent atheistic tendency divorced from the Creator.
The lies these experts tell us about just about everything apply to history as well. In that telling, all those who were the first scientists were all scientific materialists actively working against the Church and contrary to any belief in a Creator or a divine universe. The Alchemists on the other hand were all lunatic cranks nobody remembers, who did nothing but hide away in their basements trying to turn lead into gold. The reality is, most of the first scientists including such famous names as Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Paracelsus, Kepler and Giordano Bruno were also Astrologers, Hermeticists, Alchemists, Cabalists etc occultists first, out of which study the scientific method was born. The Renaissance credited for the birth of scientific materialism was a hermetic and alchemical renaissance first. Issac Newton, whose “mechanistic” physics probably did more than any work of the period to initiate the trend toward scientific materialism (other than perhaps the work of Descartes), was also quite preoccupied with alchemy, as was Robert Boyle, that paragon of the new science.
The Renaissance was largely an Hermetic revival. The study of Hermeticism goes back to antiquity, said to be the work of Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice Great, who may or may not have been an actual person, but most likely the amalgam of the Egyptian god Thoth, and the Greek god Hermes, gods of knowledge and the study of nature. Pythagoras was steeped in Hermeticism, as was Ptolemaic Egypt. Much of the hermetic works were lost in the burning of the Library of Alexandria, and otherwise in the Christian usurpation of the Roman empire and the wiping out of many pagan and Gnostic works. The Emerald Tablet and Corpus Hermeticum passed to the Islamic world, not resurfacing again in the West until Cosimo de Medici employed Marsilio Ficino to translate in 1453, initiating an Hermetic revival and the Renaissance.
Other less known figures, which is to say, deliberately hidden from modern consciousness, contemporaries of the men listed above, were Dr John Dee, court philosopher to Queen Elizabeth. Modernity would cast him as a charlatan and a dupe, because he talked to Angels and learned their Enochian language; but he was also a great mathematician “who made lasting and significant contributions to mathematics, and assisted Mercator in the development of his famous projection for depicting the spheroidal shape of the earth on navigational charts.”1 William Gilberts, who believed the entire universe is a living, conscious thing, experimented with magnetism which very much influenced Kepler to apply that to the heavenly bodies (planets and stars). Cornellius Agrippa released his de Occulta Philosophia in 1531 greatly influencing the intellectuals of his day, despite the prevalence of the Inquisition. Pico Della Mirandola brought the Jewish Qaballah to Europe, at age 23 offering 900 theses he said we would defend to all comers, about which he wrote his Oratoria on the Dignity of Man. He did run afoul of the Inquisition, dying at 31 under mysterious circumstances, rumored to be poisoned by his secretary for becoming too close with the Dominican reformer, Savonarola. Robert Fludd was an Anglican physician, arguably the last true alchemist, writing extensively about the similarities between the macrocosm and microcosm (as above, so below, the most fundamental Hermetic principle), who had a long running debate with Kepler, defending the living universe against the mechanistic view, while also defending the Rosicrucians as true Christians.
The Rosicrucian brotherhood was fundamentally hermetic, trying to articulate a middle way between the Catholic and Protestant divide tearing Europe apart at the time. John Dee was rumored to be a part, and was sympathetic. Michael Maier, physician to emperors, advocating for magic and science in a dozen books, held views similar to those espoused in the Rosicrucian books, Fama Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis, and The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz. Fludd wrote apologia for the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross. Even Francis Bacon, according to Dame Francis Yates in the book The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, held Rosicrucian views:
Recent scholarship has made it abundantly clear that the old view of Bacon as a modern scientific observer and experimentalist emerging out of a superstitious past is no longer valid. In his book on Bacon, Paolo Rossi has shown that it was out of the Hermetic tradition that Bacon emerged, out of the Magia and Cabala of the Renaissance as it had reached him by the natural magicians. Bacon’s view of the future of science was not that of progress in a straight line. His “great instauration” of science was directed towards a return to the state of Adam, held by Cornellius Agrippa, the author of the influential Renaissance textbook on Occult philosophy. And Bacon’s science is still, in part, occult science. Amongst the subjects he reviews in his survey of learning are natural magic, astrology, of which he seeks a reformed version, alchemy, by which he was profoundly influenced, fascination, the tool of the magician, and other themes which those interested in drawing out the modern side of Bacon have set aside as unimportant.
Sheila J Rabin in her study of Yates work, and others attempting to connect occult study to the rise of science, writes this as her introduction in the Oxford Bibliography, to her Astrology, Alchemy, Magic:
Scientific developments in the early modern period have traditionally been called the “scientific revolution,” emphasizing the idea that modern rational attitudes toward the physical world replaced the premodern nonrationalist outlook, often called the occult. As scholars in the mid- to late 20th century looked more deeply into the matter, they saw that the situation was much more murky. Humanists, who supposedly rejected medieval thought in favor of a more progressive revival of ancient thought, continued studies in all fields that would today be considered occult; Marsilio Ficino added Hermetism and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola added Kabbalah to magic. Figures like Isaac Newton and Robert Boyle, the reputed paragons of the new science, did not reject all prior streams of thought; both pursued alchemy. Nor were all forms of premodern pursuits dead ends in scientific inquiry; the pursuit of astrology, alchemy, and magic encouraged astronomical observation, scientific experiment, and new theories of nature. Thus, recent scholarship shows a much more nuanced view of early modern science; rather than a scientific revolution there was, perhaps, a broadening of inquiry in all areas that might have been seen at the time as related to understanding the natural world.
Many during the Renaissance, including Bacon, Campanella, Sir Thomas More, wrote utopias, in part dreaming of a society that had at it’s core some kind of universal college, where science would be advanced, from which the leadership of the utopia would emerge. Toward the end of the Renaissance, many of it’s leading intellectuals, still steeped in the original science, started the Royal Society, where they agreed to leave philosophy and religion out of the discussion, that the new scientific method would be paramount. And now here we are, with a science that is almost wholly corrupted by those seeking power, manipulating science to arrive at whatever they mean to assert, at what seems an attempt to control the whole world and everything we do and think.
One writer on substack attempting to come to terms with the notion that we have lost a sense of enchantment about the world and need to restore that, if we are going to restore Western Civilization, is
at Postcards from BarsoomWhich has great implications for this:
It’s important to emphasize that not all white people are a problem for the managerial class; after all, quite a few white people are members of the managerial class. The problem whites are a specific subset, identified by Yale researcher Dan Kahan via survey data as the White Hierarchical Individualistic Male, or WHIM7.
WHIMs aren’t necessarily libertarians in the sense of ‘whatever goes, you do you, man’, although a lot of them are. They’re also hierarchical – it’s right there in the name. They respect competence and ability, and naturally expect to take their cues from men who are smarter, tougher, and more accomplished than they are. They are not egalitarians. Their individualism is the individualism of property-holding yeoman farmers, or of the comitatus warrior band in which the king is merely primus inter pares.
WHIMs are the folks John expects to colonize and thrive on Mars. He argues in this piece, that building a society on Mars is in some ways technically easier than doing so on Antarctica.
From the occult perspective, the desire to travel to Mars, of John Carter, of Elon Musk and others, might be something hinted at in Dion Fortune’s The Cosmic Doctrine, that the next plane of existence for humanity is Mars, but not in a colonizing the planet sense, but in disembodied, etheric form (if I understand that correctly), which I alluded to in my last post, connecting it to the Eschaton as imagined by Terrence Mckenna. That would not take place for some time yet, as in hundreds or even thousands of years (some of us sooner rather than later, perhaps some are already there?)
Also from an occult perspective, the science required to travel to Mars and deal with the hard radiation in transit and on the surface of Mars, terraforming, using the raw materials of Mars to build a new civilization, as a launching point to the asteroid belt and mining there for Mars and terrestrial Earth use, is not The Science of Fauci and the current establishment of Experts, browbeating us about our anti-science. It is not the scientific materialism shorn of any enchantment, belief in a living, dynamic universe. Such a science as would be required, not just to get us to Mars but to thrive there, amounts to a new science embracing all the old science buried and abandoned in the late Renaissance and rational Enlightenment.
Alchemy was an holistic science out of which the scientific method was born, which holism, materialist-mechanistic science abandoned; a scientific method, which has largely been abandoned by The Science in service to markets, wealth accumulation and rank and retarded ideology. The re-enchantment of the world is necessarily a re-enchantment of science. Which may also be the only way to advance science sufficient to fulfill the dream of traveling to and colonizing Mars.
I am leaning heavily in this post on the fifth chapter of Magic and the Western Mind, Renaissance Magi, by Gareth Knight, 1991
The idea of 'travelling to Mars' at this point is Hermetic in itself. Evola's Hermetic Tradition can clarify this. It's a step. They are talking about us, but off our radar, which is what alchemy always was.
It doesn't come clear until one has dissolved their ego, or materialist perspective which is why the nutters back in the Enlightenment were trying to make real gold in their mothers basement, rather than meditating on what the "gold" truly meant. This is not to say making gold isn't physically possible, it is and they do but not with a bunsen burner'n'sheeiiit, but with stars, code words hidden in plain sight all through the media system, and markets etc.
Christians think I'm satanic, atheists think I'm christian; others again think I'm an Indian-obsessed Hindu, there's no way to get through to people that eastern metaphysics (which was once ours/everyones) is the answer to all our western problems - including science/tech./health - without being thought of as mad somehow. Pretty frustrating.
In the same way you see people speak of court historians and court history you also get court scientists and court science. By adding the adjective you are really saying both that this is not science or history and also saying that your degenerate version is just a front for the interests of the court, regardless of who the court actually is.
Science at its core is simple. It is merely a method of trying to determine truths, especially regarding the natural world, though you can certainly apply the method to other things, though they may not get you the same rigorous and solid answers.
The issue our current court has is that when this neutral method gives answers which harm their position their answer is not to change their positions, but instead to silence the scientists.
This is part of how you get the Neil Tyson trying to argue that women are the equal of men in athletics, and Bill Maher (who is at best a clever entertainer) making him look like a fool. This interchange between two men who were not that important in the grand scheme was a microcosm of the entire issue.
The whole system has created an illusion for itself that enemies normally commit great resources to try to create. The problem is of course a problem for us all as the court is running society and at the moment they are running it off a cliff