Jun 17Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I think the biggest problem and it is a problem all over the world, is the rise of the administrator/HR/middle manager/bureaucratic state. This is all essentially busy work to keep our economy afloat and give some people authority to enforce top down edicts, but they esentially must justify their existence every day. So they need more rules and red tape just to look like they're doing something to manage the people who are doing the actual work and know what they are talking about (I know nothing of putting posts in the ground in a freeze zone but I'll take your word for it). I'd say half or more of our economy is filled with these metrics makers. How many jobs would be left without them?

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That is the threat, it continues to grow, and the more it grows the more pathological it becomes. Covid expanded the administrative state everywhere, America has a 2tril budget deficit because of it. We need a president with a mandate capable of taking an axe to about half of our government agencies, for a start.

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Jun 19Liked by William Hunter Duncan

"So help me God, I will do everything in my power to prevent any system of total control."

I'm with you, Hunter.

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Jun 17Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Good to see everyone getting pissed off, good and pissed off. There is somewhere to go from there, there is no where to go from apathy. Great article as always!

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Thank you! Yes apathy reigns, few want the boat rocked, get along and everything will work out well apparently.

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Jun 18Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Apparently that line of thinking isn't turning out to be what actually happens.

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Civilization rolls to chaos, but the idea of eternal progress leads many to assume if they act normal, normality will be right around the corner....

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Jun 17Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I haven't finished yet. I gotta go to work.

However the images of androgeny literally made me shiver. BTW, interesting that it looks like he has a little Osgood Schlatter syndrome going on in those knees. I hardly see that 'boy' being athletic.

I repeat, your writing is getting better all the time.

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Much appreciated.

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Because, of course, everyone needs 60" deep footings. It's just a number, with no relationship to reality.

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Yeah, just talked to a long time local general contractor. He laughed when I told him. Says, guess what I used for footings for my 30×20 cabin? Layed down treated wood and plinth blocks under each post. Still level 30 years later.

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Jun 18Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I just had to look up plinth block, as I had never heard of it before.

That contractor was apparently just being conservative, as in conserving resources, and used surplus wood. Clever and practical.

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You can get away with that in rural country. The technocrats want to control everything, make you jump through hoops, burn money and resources. But they don't have total control yet and hopefully they never do. And he is an excellent example, self described experts at the IBC and State claim to know everything but they know nothing at all.

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