It's sad we live in a world where we automatically have to consider that what is being reported by msm is not the truth. They have turned us all into conspiracy theorists, how we ever get back to trust I don't know.
I am trusting the Trump Admin to do what they say they are going to do. And I will have faith the media will lie about it every step of the way, lol. Perhaps eventually.they will just give up and report it straight?
The only thing I know what to do about it is embrace integrity in my own life.
I admire your optimism that the Trump Admin will deliver on his promises to investigate the elites who have plundered our treasury and committed treasonous acts against the citizens. I was once optimistic but I have become pessimistic in my 6+ decades living in the USA. NO ELITE HAS EVER BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE! I highly doubt Team Trump will change that. The media was captured by the administrative state a long time ago.
I often reflect on the actions of the FBI at Waco, Texas where they burned alive ~70 innocent men, women and children. No one was charged, no one was held accountable in any way. (There are many, many more examples I could give.) Murder does not have a statue of limitations.
I totally agree our elite have set up a system public and private in institutions that is primarily about avoiding any kind of accountability. The prime-ultimate example is covid, in which the entire Health Care system engaged in effective democide, iatrogenocide, and we are supposed to act like nothing untoward happened.
My hope is that the Trump admin makes about 100 examples of the worst offenders in various fields, holding them up as scapegoats for a systemic pathology of accountability avoidance, giving society the kick it needs to get more clear about taking responsibility, which is basic adulthood.
It is hope, mostly. I don’t know if that is optimism, or merely the recognition that there will be some kind of similar restoration, or it really is decline and fall.
"The media may be trying to save the majority of current elite and their power, by offering up a few elite to assassination, to maintain their hold on power. I don’t think that would work as well for them as they think."
The problem with that strategy, which I think you may be alluding to, is that if you offer the aggrieved a taste of blood like this, there's no guarantee they'll be satisfied with just a taste. See the French Revolution for an extreme example of where that road can lead.
Exactly. Our elite are so arrogant they think they could offer up a few sacrificial lambs. But that is like starting a forest fire with no real way to contain it, it would put any elite at risk, and potentially destabilize things to the dissolution of America as global hegemon and an extremely reduced standard of living for most Americans.
Did you notice that the focus is on whether he was justified in being angry. But not too much discussion around maybe considering how health care is administered in the US?
Like so many other things, the truth is right there, should anyone wish to consider it.
I cut your avatar out of the image at the last minute, as I did not have your permission, and I know I push a lot of boundaries. I can credit you if you like.
Yeah, it is like a classic limited hangout. He’s right, Insurance is a mess! When of course the whole thing, everything about establishment health care is a predatory racket.
It's sad we live in a world where we automatically have to consider that what is being reported by msm is not the truth. They have turned us all into conspiracy theorists, how we ever get back to trust I don't know.
I am trusting the Trump Admin to do what they say they are going to do. And I will have faith the media will lie about it every step of the way, lol. Perhaps eventually.they will just give up and report it straight?
The only thing I know what to do about it is embrace integrity in my own life.
I admire your optimism that the Trump Admin will deliver on his promises to investigate the elites who have plundered our treasury and committed treasonous acts against the citizens. I was once optimistic but I have become pessimistic in my 6+ decades living in the USA. NO ELITE HAS EVER BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE! I highly doubt Team Trump will change that. The media was captured by the administrative state a long time ago.
I often reflect on the actions of the FBI at Waco, Texas where they burned alive ~70 innocent men, women and children. No one was charged, no one was held accountable in any way. (There are many, many more examples I could give.) Murder does not have a statue of limitations.
I totally agree our elite have set up a system public and private in institutions that is primarily about avoiding any kind of accountability. The prime-ultimate example is covid, in which the entire Health Care system engaged in effective democide, iatrogenocide, and we are supposed to act like nothing untoward happened.
My hope is that the Trump admin makes about 100 examples of the worst offenders in various fields, holding them up as scapegoats for a systemic pathology of accountability avoidance, giving society the kick it needs to get more clear about taking responsibility, which is basic adulthood.
It is hope, mostly. I don’t know if that is optimism, or merely the recognition that there will be some kind of similar restoration, or it really is decline and fall.
"The media may be trying to save the majority of current elite and their power, by offering up a few elite to assassination, to maintain their hold on power. I don’t think that would work as well for them as they think."
The problem with that strategy, which I think you may be alluding to, is that if you offer the aggrieved a taste of blood like this, there's no guarantee they'll be satisfied with just a taste. See the French Revolution for an extreme example of where that road can lead.
Exactly. Our elite are so arrogant they think they could offer up a few sacrificial lambs. But that is like starting a forest fire with no real way to contain it, it would put any elite at risk, and potentially destabilize things to the dissolution of America as global hegemon and an extremely reduced standard of living for most Americans.
They sticking their swabs up our noses to steal the DNA sequences to match it with all our other digital datas to feed to their Ai machines.
Thanks for the callout of my comment, WHD.
Did you notice that the focus is on whether he was justified in being angry. But not too much discussion around maybe considering how health care is administered in the US?
Like so many other things, the truth is right there, should anyone wish to consider it.
I cut your avatar out of the image at the last minute, as I did not have your permission, and I know I push a lot of boundaries. I can credit you if you like.
Yeah, it is like a classic limited hangout. He’s right, Insurance is a mess! When of course the whole thing, everything about establishment health care is a predatory racket.
No worries. If I post it, feel free to use it.
Keep up the good work.