I love the way you engage with the elemental paradoxes of this 3D world by accessing 4D (spiritual) consciousness.

I think it would be quite something to know you in real life. (Lector to Agent Starling)

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Don't eat my face with a side of fava beans....

Who knows, maybe we will have a Substack confab in the keys someday. My neighbors are particularly fond of Puerta Vallarta. Or I will invite all the most talented substackers to live in my compound after TSHTF LOL

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Beautiful!! ❤️

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Thank you Jacqueline. That means a lot. Keep singing!

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Aww! Thank you so much, William!

I just landed 5 gigs for April, so I will indeed be singing my heart out for as long as I can!

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Really? Wow! That is exciting. I'm not there yet, but I did just find a group of about eight older guys who sit in a circle and play together, rotating singing. It will be really good for me to "get my feet wet" playing along, and even OMG, singing....

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YES!!! food for the soul!! Good for you. Music is the BEST!

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Real magic ;)

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I'm new to Substack, actually new to actively participating on Substack is more accurate. I'm pretty sure I found your page from a like or comment on another page--likely Chris Bray's--and man am I glad I did.

Thank you for posting everything at the bottom of this article, I am beginning with the introduction.

I could feel myself struggling (wanting to make excuses, justifications, how MY situation is different) while reading. Love Your Father Unconditionally (my dad died when I was 4, have a step dad who is NOT a good man) was what really showed me how much work I have in front of me.

New to faith as well. I shook my fist at God for 35+ years as a cynical agnostic, essentially a traumatized kid screaming, "Why GOD!?!?! WHY!?!? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!"

Jordan Peterson's Biblical lectures (14 in total, all in Genesis) made me curious about Scripture for the first time in 30+ years. So I began this journey in the wee mornings with a Bible in a Year and a notebook. I had done the BIOY 15+ years previously, but only to prove it wrong.

This time, I deliberately tried to find evidence in the world to corroborate the truth I read in the Bible. That pretty much did the trick.

Geez--bit of a long self-serving post--but I say all of this to thank you for this. I am going to investigate. I like that there are steps. This is simply too complicated to figure out on my own.

Almost more than anything, it is great to find a place where people are trying. Trying to be better. Opening their Kimono's about their journey. This is not for the weak.


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I'm glad you made it to this site. I've sat in many mens cicles hearing many a story like yours. I too shouted at God in my youth. Yes, Spiritual Alchemy in not for the weak - unless they truly want to change. With deliberate and intentional change comes strength and understanding. The essence of magic is learning to intentionally change consciousness. If you pursue the work and have any questions I would be happy to hear and respond.

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Just checking in after time away from substack and your post caught me so I’ll have to go back and catch up. And what stands out in what resonates with this and my recent orientational phrase of “Bring Peace” to the ALL of life is the ground it is based on of unconditional love. If we can, as much as possible, bring the peace of our inner being to our outer interactive encounters— how will that change the dynamics of exchange in our world. It’s an active living exchange that can affect us energetically and relationally. Many, including myself, are aggrieved and at a loss when it comes to the financing of war and the death machine that our economy seems to be based on. I have to think that there are billions of us in the world feeling this. I yearn for the moment we stand up and demand “No More”.

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Well said, Annie, and welcome back. Yes, we could use more love. It might be the best thing to break through the divide and conquer thing.

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Yes indeed William, catching ourselves ‘othering’ and returning to our perceptions of the oneness that is affirmed with each inhalation and exhalation that unites us all. It’s all so basic when we look first to the connections and processes of creation — the holy giving of billions of years of our evolving earth. So much potential when choose right relationship.

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I'm very grateful for Substack, finding people like yourself seeking to change the world by strengthing yourself.

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Profound post, William, and also speaks exactly to my moment as you say you've experienced in this process. Kathleen Devanney (who I think is also here) and I have been having a long multi-post dialogue. She just sent this comment, "I genuinely believe that even as we suss through so much confusion and pysops and various, obvious attacks on humans, somewhere and somehow - that we can still access - nothing happened. How can these two things be true at once? It must have something to do with our multidimensional selves and the role of time and space, maybe part of the game of hide and seek... But IDK"

It made me think of the phrase, "Father forgive them for they ... do nothing." I've been thinking that you can't find anyone else's meaning, especially in tragedy or suffering. Neither can you forgive, I think, on behalf of someone else. Holding people responsible for their actions--and doing that without fear, blame or guilt--is absolutely our duty. You know I'm all for that. But if I knew someone and everything they've been through, I don't think I could ever withhold forgiveness. And as Kathleen quoted from her mother, "Since you'll never know everything, why not skip right to forgiveness?"

Glad to be having this extended conversation with you too, William.

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Thank you Tereza. We are all having our own experience, sharing as we can with who we can, but no one can truly know any other. There is a substantive difference between living with unconditional love for all, and being full of hate. There is no making anyone else love, there is only inspiring it.

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"Since you'll never know everything, why not skip right to forgiveness?"

That just hit me right between the eyes. I'm making a 3x5 card with that quote for my screen. That is a great piece of wisdom. Thank you.


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The credit all goes to Kathleen's wise mom. Yup, it hit me that way too. So simple!

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More conscious cosmic orgasms brothers and sisters. Sexo-spiritual healing has unimaginable potential for #1 bringing us to a profound state of peace and #2 allowing us to spiritually come (pun intended) together in the awakening Global Dandelion. The collective has a LOT of healing to do. I pray We learn together to tap deeply into the power of Loving Ecstasy so we can synchronize ever-more peace, love, and flat out collective orgasmic bliss.

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I had to laugh out loud, Cormorant, at the awakening Global Dandelion and imagining all those orgasms as seeds bursting into flight ;-) Of the many visions of our awakening future I've heard, yours is definitely the most agreeable. Of course, we could all just chant in monastic cells, kneeling on stone floors and eating gruel. That's another alternative for enlightenment, that doesn't sound nearly as fun.

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There has to be an AI image generator capable of creating such an image!

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You'll have to get Amy of What's In a Name, Really? on it. She's hysterical. If I could have included her AI image, I would have, where she wrote "Heavens *blush. I would run to the store to get that guy a new mustache brush any day." It's here, about three quarters down: https://bttrain.substack.com/p/a-compilation-part-2.

When I told her I was glad she was getting sexy visitations from the AI gods, she answered, "I was VERY happy with my mustachioed friend. Everything leading up to this moment was worth THAT output. *WINK I looked around behind me after that one popped up on my screen, as if to say "would you look at that?" But there was no one in the room but my cat. She did not care."

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Ooooooo, thems some skills I need!

I’d have my visions censored though. I need video generator of my friend after we walked through the many ponds path discussing cosmic orgasms. She picked up a dry cattail head and enthusiastically jerked it off, seeds flying with the breeze. We laughed like the crazy people we are.

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Thank you so much for this. Especially the end. I have had the same struggle as you, and you helped me have some peace about it all. I’m not sure what comes next, but I will be in a better place, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to RESPOND, rather than to instinctively REACT. Keep up the fire!

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You are welcome, and yes, best to get clear in the self, to respond as well as possible to the madness of the time.

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Profound piece - beautifully written!

Is it any wonder that love is considered the greatest of all the commandements in the Bible? To love unconditionally while remaining vibrant and active in the pursuit of all that is good and pure and true... it's surely the most paradoxical and challenging truth about all of creation and our place in it.

Love requires courage: to shine a light on evil without fear or favour, whether in ourselves or others. Unconditional love requires humility: we cannot defeat evil on a cognitive or physical level (our "natural", "human" strength is powerless against evil). Instead, the battle is firstly self-directed, spiritual. Let me overcome the many small evils (and some not so small evils) in my own heart first, before I attempt to fight evil in the world.

It reminded me of some of the most challenging and paradoxical passages in Scripture. How to love in the face of evil; how God shows compassion on all he has made, and yet promises that there is a verdict, and that the wicked will be destroyed.

"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." & "But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Mt 5)

"The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." & "The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy." (Ps 145)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." & "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed." (Jh 3)

"You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. Everyone will hate you because of me. But not a hair of your head will perish." (Lk 21)

And on and on... to me, it all seems to say: unconditional love is the supreme act of faith and trust in God. To place our lives in his hands, and chose to respond in love no matter what others chose to do.

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Hunter, I think it is right to question the notion of "unconditional love," since it has been horribly abused by the wayward wizards and other psychopaths/narcissists. It has been the inverted, perverted foundation for the phrase "love is love," which is nothing more than an open door to normalize p*dophelia, BDSM, and butt sex. In addition, it sends a terrible message to people in abusive relationships that they ought to stay in the relationships to both prove their strength (martyrdom) and their [false] understand of "unconditional love." What's more, it is a psychological manipulation tool being used to normalized "trans-gender" and "trans-human" agenda.

Sure, we can "feel" love even for abusive and psychotic people, but that doesn't mean we have to condone their behaviors. I'm sure you can extrapolate the inverted concept to any number of other situations that are just plain *wrong* and not to be tolerated in the larger picture.

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I would hope readers question what I and the Octagon Society say. I lost at least one subscriber shortly after posting this. That is why I reiterated at the end, unconditional love is not some passive acceptance of aberration and evil. On the contrary, it is more like a means to act for the good, which is to say, not staying in an abusive relationship, or condemning outright the pathological deconstructing of all that is good, that is so common these days. Anyone who says "love is love" is just virtue signaling without understanding, excusing the inexcusable.

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Indeed. The sad part is that a sizable percentage of the population cannot discern between the evil use of the term and the genuinely good, and are, as you said, virtue signaling and feeding the beast. Hopefully, some of your readers who could not previously make that distinction are able to now!💝

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