May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Great post. I think you have diagnosed the situation correctly. I was raised by multi-generational republicans. That party has done nothing but disappoint its true believers. I think you are correct, no one else is going to save us, it’s up to us to figure it out on a local and communal level.

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It is a regular topic of discussion in new right circles, how Republicans and conservatives have been no bulwark at all against the excesses of liberalism. There seems a general agreement that the thing to do is network and build locally, so when liberalism blows up the dollar and America's hegemony we are prepared to transition.

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May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

All politics is local. You cannot run an effective offensive campaign from a camp that is overrun by the enemy.

I’ve been telling people for 25 years, the most important vote they make is for school board, followed by town council, followed by mayor. That’s the path leftist degenerates take to high office.

It’s gratifying to see that being taken seriously now by many.

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May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

“This has lead the GOP to be effectively happiest in the minority at the Federal level, and in purple states like Minnesota, all the easier to fleece the country or state while not having to take any actual responsibility.”

I’ve been saying this for years! NJ is a Dem crap hole and the GOP barely puts up a fight at any level of government. They’re perfectly happy to be in on the gubmint grift, collect their salaries and occasionally bitch about Dem policies. No real attempts to change anything.

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Chris Bray says the same about the GOP in Cali. They don't bother to do anything but spend money.

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May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

There is nothing that bothers me more than seeing Jersey (or NY) plates in the market parking lot. Means they’re not just passing through.

I will never understand people who run from states they helped wreck, and bring the politics that they wrecked it with, with them into healthy, happy states.

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I have heard that from people from pretty much every single western state about people from Cali.

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May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Well I will counter that claim admitting that I moved out of CA to a red state because of the loony libs and have been absolutely welcomed here.

Awesome fish, and your garden looks ready to rock.

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Of course not all former Calis are nuts, but a lot of those who left Cali are still nuts....

Thanks about the garden.

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May 31Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Love the pic of you with the fish!

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May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Most republican "leaders" don't care. In fact, only a few of them do. The list of people who actually stand up and say what needs to be said in the honest interest of our country is quite short.

Money/power corrupt almost universally.

As always, think locally and take over the local governments with right-minded, honest leadership. That's a start.

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That is what is so mystifing, the RINOs and Never Trumpers seem to have no interest in understanding what gave rise to Trump, and why he remains so popular. Which implys they do not care.

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Don't ever call me a republican, conservative independent does fit. Paying attention to local politics for the first time. Good to see today that the 13th county in Eastern Oregon just voted to join with Idaho and leave the Portland swamp. Might not go anywhere, but it is the people speaking. William love your phrase "politics stuck in amber". Your garden photos do inspire to get the work done. Going to do some of that work now.

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Sounds like your Republican Party is ripe for takeover.

See Robert Heinlein's "Take Back Your Government." His advice on weeding out corruption was to round up motivated citizens to take over whichever political party was weak and just going through the motions.

A Republican Party which cannot push back against ridiculous extremism is a Republican Party in dire need of a new webmaster.

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Ripe for takeover indeed, though I am not sure who would take it over. The state rep where I live is considered like a provincial cross between Michelle Bachman and Marjorie Taylor Green. Great for spicy content but indicative it seems to me of a politics stuck in amber.

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May 23Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Nice stringer. That’s a couple tasty suppers!

I live on a reservoir too, approximately the same size, but different topography (much more shoreline). Seems to me that if your reservoir gets choked with algae, it is being mismanaged; flow of the river too constricted.

I am guessing your reservoir is mostly used for ag; mine is drinking water for Spartanburg. They’d raise hell if the water quality suffered, but corn don’t care.

They lower the level every Feb to inspect/maintain the dam, and give us a chance to maintain/build docks. The water gets pretty muddy then, until 2 weeks after the level is brought back up and the bottom settles down, and then it stays beautiful. Our fish are healthy and clean.

We don’t have walleye, of course; this is Bass country and my res is known for big bass. I don’t care for bass, so don’t fish for them with purpose. I go for the 2lb crappie, brim and catfish.

I have kids in MN, so I keep up with the going’s on up there, and yeah, it’s bleak. It’s never gonna get better either for the reasons you state. The leftists are running wild and GOP just don’t gaf.

My advice; worry about what you can do something about, like your food production (which looks good) and ignore the chaos you cannot control.

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The algae is definitely from industrial corn and soybean farming drainage, and this is the headwaters, so one might imagine what it looks like downstream.

We have smallmouth and largemouth bass here aplenty. Our home lakes are less choked with algae, and we do fish for them. They are quite tasty when about 1-1.5lbs. And easier to catch.

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