I hate YT. But i like these guys so, i watched it. And i left the following comment:

"We're already in WW3. It's not a nation vs. nation conflict. That is part of the narrative the public is sold. We are engaged in 5th Gen Warfare against our Luciferian overlords in a global conflict. They own the banks, the governments, the corporations, the NGO's, infrastructure, real estate, supply chains, schools, hospitals and the military. Did i miss anything? Oh. Yes. They own the minds of what is a majority of humanity, more or less is debatable."

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Bacon Commander,

Good to hear from you. I tend to agree, the war is global, your luciferian overlords do control consumer sentiment, but I'm pretty sure hardly anybody likes them and it might be that consumerism that will be their undoing.

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Hunter, you have a gift for summarizing complex conversations! (Confession: I have not watched the latest Tonic 7 video you linked to, as my time is lately spent cooking for clients, teaching and making music, and preparing for the 2023 epic summer roadtrip).

Based on my life experiences, I find it best to remain as free as possible while developing the skill of going into and out of The Matrix with grace and aplomb. This is how I not only survived but thrived during some of the most arduous external conditions — the reckless 70s and 80s *and* the CovAin't in particular notwithstanding, haha.

The copy-catting and posturing done by Luciferians and their mind-controlled minions will unfortunately remain relevant and in the limelight, if and until people in general begin to trust their Creator-given senses again and to refute fear mongering. Another possibility is that the fearful ones meet their Maker in vast numbers, as the ones with courage remain in greater numbers, shifting the energetic arc toward justice within Natural Law.

So, their fakery and fuckery can only be sustained by *unconscious* participation in it. When a man or woman (or even child) sees the BS, he or she can *utilize the constructs of the Matrix* while preparing themselves to live without it all. I mean, I've been homeless. I've also worked well-paying crappy corporate jobs and hired a twice-a-month maid. I've been jobless, friendless, ridiculed, and destitute, all at the same time. And I've been happy, healthy, well-loved, self-employed, and stable, all at the same time. Somehow, my willingness to think and to be aware of my thoughts and to change my thoughts based on heart-mind-body logic is assisting me in maintaining my nature as a Divine Child Of The Great Creator, despite circumstances of networked evil that I cannot control.

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I think that is how we eventually will take the leviathan down, by weaving in and out of the matrix "with grace and aplomb."

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Hi WHD, I followed you from ecosophia to Substack, because I like your writing, & am glad I did, lots of good writers here, not many trolls yet. You should talk JMG into coming here, too.🌳

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Welcome Pat, and thank you. Of course I would be honored too if JMG commented here. I kind of assumed he was lurking on substack like he did 4-chan. We take a similar stance on trolls here, as ecosophia. This Is a walled garden anyone with civil intentions may tour.

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No one wants WWIII, but accidents can happen. Doesn't worry me, I'm accident prone.

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Well, weapons contractors are not known for their thoughtfulness. The tonic crew seems on balance to think WWIII in any conventional sense is not in fact likely because no one really has the stomach for it.

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Fragmented observations:

Our Doc Hammer that I knew from The Gutter?

I have to wonder if the onslaught of things going on these days is what has turned my normally focused mind into one that is almost ADHD. Now I read something and find I lose the 3 objects of my attention,5 paragraphs ago, to the other 7 things that concern me. 😟

Magic. I have been watching and participating in the Light for my whole life. Magic used Against the object,fails. However, one can ask for help yourself.

( its like...don't pray that you kill them ,during your battle. Pray to survive and that Justice be done,whatever that looks like. It might look like a slaughter....or it might look like a route...).

Something that disturbed me greatly last night onTwitter: so many people think that Satanists and dark ritual are Witches.

No, Megan Fox. You mindless that. No,Robby Starbuck. Just No.

Real Wiccans I have known work for the Light.


Ok. I need to listen to that link later while I garden.

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Yes, that Doc Hammer.

Yes, the mounting chaos threatens equilibrium, in the macro as the micro. Good to center in oneself, find balance. "But he who endures to the end will be saved."

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Thanks WHD. Excellent post.

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