15 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Makes my skin crawl. Seems so bleak.

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13 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Chin-Up Buttercup. It does sound bleak but this was exactly what we all need to hear. This is no fun & game stuff. Nobody wants to hear "The Real" because it is hard to handle "Real".

Now the dilemma here is how can we force everyone to read this. Not gonna happen, really.

We will be fine but I think there is going to be alot of scars on our butts from the drag of it.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

I saw the double standards creep in around 2014, about the time they started pushing the trans thing. The Transactivists would claim they were under threat, but could produce no receipts. However real women (AKA TERFS) were being chased off line and sometimes even out of jobs and living spaces often with threats of rape or death. To back this up activists published pictures of their weapons and selves 'bloodied' by threatened violence on 'TERFS'. (See the Degenderettes and their weapons display at the SF Public Library) People wonder where all the real feminists went on the subject of trans...well they were deplatformed and their lives and families threatened. In the meantime platforms like Twitter and Facebook allowed the death threats to stay up while silencing the mere voicing of the fact that men are not women.

Since that was so successful, it has continued to be weaponized in the service of 'The Message'. Just look at the current state of games journalism vs the gamers. The same thing is happening there. The same people who winge about their victimhood announce 'Bounties' for the killing or silencing of their critics and nothing is done on social media about it.

This mission creep is certainly coming for all other discourse and probably is already there in many fields. I'm not sure what the answer is, but the problem has been growing a long time and, like most of the war on our culture, it was started out in places where most people wouldn't notice for years, I mean, what normie cares about 'that gay stuff' or 'gamergate'? By the time the cracks showed it would be so entrenched as to be part of the landscape of both law and society.

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12 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

And by such a teeny-tiny percentage of this garbage support. This is done intentionally to keep everyone chaotic. No peace for the weary. Our health is strongly effected by stressors. We all need to be pro-active and show the youngers what strength is. No matter what your gender. Yeah I am calling on momma bears &&&&& pappa bears. They do not need to be blood related. Mentors are very needed. It will make you feel accomplished and it will be such a high---You can't believe how strong it will make you feel.

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4 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Amen William! Do not stop fighting or writing.

Thank you for the reminders "Life, even in the mundane, is enchanted. " Yes it is!

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8 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

That AOC clip. I cannot take her seriously while she is speaking in that chirpy little girl voice, like she’s explaining how a bill becomes a law to a seven year old.

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That is why she was chosen to speak about such…

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4 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

I'm sure you are right William.

That voice, a chirpy, upspeak, is so common now.

My Aunt, who is very active in the DNC, has had every jab and booster, and, which seems like it need not be stated, has TDS so bad, I'm guessing she barely sleeps. Anyway. She recently started seeing a Naturopath because her health issues were not being addressed by mainstream medicine. I asked my mother to ask her sister what her naturopath thought of the jabs. To my surprise, my Aunt did it and sent me the voice note. It was 7.5 minutes long and painful to listen to, because the ND has such an awful, 20 something, chirpy, upspeak, sickening sweet voice. The voice note did tangentially, IMO, address the issue of benefits vs risks. I know that the ND is in her 50's, but she sounded like a meme.

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a lot of people, especially lefty women, but lefties generally, speak in meme, or woke talk. It is like retreat into herd speak. She might feel utterly helpless and lost without it, if she had to think for herself. Sad. Such herds tend to run themselves off cliffs. Trouble is this one wants to take us all there with them. That is why sometimes it is best to stand aside and let them....

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4 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Yes, if only I could say, After you Dahling.

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9 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

It did not take me long to doubt the presidential quality of Ms. Harris. Now, I would never vote for her. And the Democrat Party that engineered her candidacy has lost all credibility.

Everything is not better now. Not to eyes that are open and a mind that thinks. Certainly not for me (older white protestant female with two graduate degrees).

I was educated by the government: public grade school, public high school. public university. I cannot tell you how people get elected to any public office, especially the presidency. I cannot tell the difference between a confederacy, republic, or democracy. I cannot tell you when the states have priority over the federal government.

I can tell you that public media lies to the public all the time. While the public remains insensible.

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We are the most propagandized people in the history of the world. It is not easy to see through that, but more and more people do every day.

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12 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Double dipping here, sorry. But I have noticed something else that might come into play for this election. Even before the Diddy thing I was having a number of 'black' political channels get popped up by the you tube algorithm. Out of curiosity, I began watching these from time to time. I don't think the dems should get too comfortable with the perceived black vote. There's a lot of anger and dissent out there right now. The influx of immigrants has hurt their communities and a lot of the old alliances are being reconsidered. They know Kamala isn't black and they are insulted by her imposture. Who knows how it will play out, but nothing is certain or reliable in this election cycle.

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11 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

I suspect only black men who are on the dole will definitely vote for Kamala. Most black women will vote for her no matter what, but plenty of them might quietly vote for Trump.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

All should watch this. It is bigger than just small ville. This is snowball.


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Says video not found

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12 hrs agoLiked by William Hunter Duncan

Rumble removes stuff they do not want us to see.


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I did not listen to it all yet, but I noticed he mentioned HUD. I have heard up to a trillion dollars have been stolen through HUD.

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OMGoodness. I think it will be so much of everywhere and everythiing. Been going on for L-O-N-G time.

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