Transitions: Aquarius to Pisces
A discussion about the Zodiak, current affairs and a Tarot reading.
Note to readers: Thank you for your patience in this transition I am going through with this substack. I have not been posting as regularly, now that I am not ranting about whatever. I had a book report planned I had hoped to publish a few days ago, about The Bushido of Bitcoin, by the Substacker , but that is taking a bit longer than I intended and should appear this weekend or early next week. I have an update about Book binding and garden starts, after this.
Earlier this year I said I would discuss current affairs in detail, once a month. This substack previously was mostly that, but I am trending more in a spiritual direction and it is something of a relief not to write with such fury about the madness of the times. I mentioned that I might incorporate a tarot reading with this monthly post.
Today is the transition in astrology, in the turning of the Zodiak, from Aquarius (Jan 21 -Feb 18) to Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20). I am not an expert on the Zodiak or astrology, but my intention is to study it, so this monthly Current Affairs post will take place at each turning of the signs of the Zodiak.
I’d like to point out that Trump was inaugurated on the day of transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, Jan 20. It seems a very Aquarian time, this past month, the revolutionary glee, the opening of the books of the deep state to reveal the wicked, thieving sorcery of it, the literal, intentional bankrupting of the country.
Aquarians have an original, idealistic streak, and the more positively this is shown, the more fulfilled they will be….Positive and optimistic, even when life gets difficult.
Traditional Aquarian traits are: Friendly, humanitarian, honest, loyal, original. inventive, independent, intellectual; and also, intractable, contrary, obstinate, unpredictable, unemotional, detached. 1
I’d say Trump, Elon and the DOGE team have been most of that in spades.
However, the originality must not become too idiosyncratic, or obstinate, as others can be at best embarrassed and at worst annoyed.
Ok, Big balls was a bold move, and Hairy Bolz is hilarious. Stay focused on the task.
Aquarius Progressed to Pisces: Emotions will flow more easily and are more openly shown…the trendy and slightly eccentric Aquarian image may also be softened, and the more romantic element, often buried, will now appear. The Aquarian openness and frankness may be clouded by a rather secretive tendency.
I would encourage the Trump admin not to be secretive, put it all on the table. All of it.
This next Piscean period looks like it might be a lot about the Left and the Establishment, and their trending madness.
It is very difficult for Pisceans to learn to face reality; stronger, caring people should encourage them to do so at every opportunity. [Otherwise] in the worst cases, resulting in…taking the path of least resistance…deceiving themselves because they don’t want to face up to harsh reality…Pisceans must learn not to allow their imaginations to work negatively, magnifying small problems into major ones. The negative Piscean characteristics [escapist, secretive, vague, weak-willed, easily led] will then take over…The refusal to face reality can emerge as an inability to see things as they really are. This kind of self-deception can be a really dangerous fault, persuading Pisceans to lie, because, they tell themselves, the truth will hurt those they love [DEI, BIPOC, LGBTQ>ZY, Illegal Migrants]. On the contrary of course they are usually only making matters worse…Pisceans should develop minds of their own.
By that definition, the left is still stuck in the Piscean Age, they never did move into the Age of Aquarius, in the precession of the equinox, 150 years ago. They are still stuck in early industrial Marxism, it’s just meaner and dumber, apparently. There is a reason they can’t meme.
In a message for both the left and the right in Pisces, how to approach the next month (and life generally):
The colorful Piscean imagination creatively and positively expressed, is an enormous asset….if they channel their imaginations creatively, finding a specific outlet for them, perhaps in some form of art or craft, they can achieve results that will surprise themselves.
The Art of dismantling a deep state. I have been very much enjoying the revelations of the DOGE team. I had two things I wanted from the Trump Admin, demolish the Deep State and RFKjr at HHS. Trump has far exceeded my expectations, his Admin has very much surprised me with their creativity. I have zero sympathy for the left right now, none. The media especially, I have had some rather unholy thoughts about. The mask has come off, as Taibbi and Walter Kirn say, they are nakedly in favor of authoritarian censorship of anyone they want to silence, ready to send in the police if necessary, for mean tweets.
It you haven’t seen the CBS, 60 Minutes bit, following the German police around, raiding people’s houses, taking their phones and computers for saying “insulting” things online, for offending Liberal politicians and their special interest groups, you would do well to watch it more than once. Really, every so often, a reminder where the “Democrats” would take us. Force us. Also, Margaret Brennan wants you to know, if they had censored Hitler the Holocaust would never have happened! So you see, we need to send six police into your house to search it and take your phone and computer, take your online life from you, because you insulted us, and to prevent you from becoming Hitler?
Ze Germans are clearly going to lead the European Union unto the Third Reich regardless, destroy Europe for the third, or is it fourth time? only this time it is neo-liberal, woke trans emasculated cuck nazis.
These globlist types have already shown genocidal tendencies, in their treatment of bird flu and chickens. And people with Covid.
Also, whether the Deep State, or Chinese, or what - I can say, a lot more than the fate of two astronauts is riding on Elon bringing them back from the International Space Station alive and well, March 19 or so - about the time the Zodiak turns from Pisces to Aries, Mars and the God of War. Elon and the Trump Admin better be thinking seriously about security.
Anyway, Full Speed Ahead, Trump, Elon, DOGE team. I have high hopes for Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard revealing Biden Admin blew up the Nordstream Pipeline. That seems in keeping with Vance’s speech to the Security Council. I am very hopeful about a further reckoning on covid, from HHS/CDC/FDA/NIH.
America needs a reckoning on all of it, trust the people. Trust Americans. Restore trust.
And now, that tarot spread.
Ace of Pentacles, Coins, Disks (Situation); Four of Wands (Challenge); Ten of Cups (Outcome).
The Ace of Pentacles is the “Situation” card, the current order of things. It is the Root power of Earth. It is material, matter, the birth of material form, the wealth of material, and the enterprise, the art for transforming that material into gain, advantage, excellence, prosperity; the embracing of the good things in life. It is also about financial gain, or the financial. Reversed, or inverted, that suggests the overturning of an old financial/political/social order, some new order/energy taking it’s place. Trump part two, the DOGE team and the Admin generally, trying to end the looting of the Treasury, trying to break the hold the globalist left has on the empire, trying to restore America to the “greatness” embodied by the Bill of Rights and the promise of freedom in America?
The Four of Wands is the “Challenge” card; stability, the completion of a basic structure, “of Chesed and the fourth Sephiroth, the cipher of Mercy, Beneficence and a Measuring Intelligence. The Masonic T square inside the radiant triangle reinforces the idea of measurement and craftsmanship in the archetypal realm of spirit and intentional manifestation.” That is, it is not just the end of the old order, it is the building of a new order. It is easier to tear a thing down than build anew in it’s place, but that is the task. The card upright is a good, solid sign.
The Ten of Cups is the “Outcome”, what happens at the end of the process, the end of the cycle of the set, of the period ascribed. Because the card is inverted, I take that to mean the pockets of the Deep State are turned upside down, the Deep State pockets of the whole of the West, that globalizing, centralizing, technocratic leviathan that sought to turn the entire world into it’s Progressive woke/trans technocratic image. It is like a list of the main cabinet agencies, turned upside down, to empty out the money laundering. It is instructive that this card is the Ten, the end of a cycle and the beginning, while the first card is an Ace, the beginning. That suggests this is a repeating set, ongoing, indefinitely, the next two years at least?
I take this to mean, if Trump, Trump Admin, DOGE, MAGA, Republicans, Conservatives, the New Right build strong foundations as they are tearing down the old order, they will be successful. The next month, and likely beyond, there will be great success. The source of the power of the Deep State, the control of the Treasury, will be taken from the Left, from the globalizing progressive neoliberal left, their woke/Trans/DIE ideology, and their authoritarian policies. America restored, the tone and direction of it largely defined by the foundation building the New Right is doing now.
My reference for all the Astrological references for this piece is Parker’s Astrology, Julia and Derek Parker, Penguin/Random House, 2020.
As I was opening my email, I was thinking where is William? And here you are. Thank you for this optimistic translation of the cards. I especially appreciate that last sentence. Rebuilding, true hope, it is what we need.
May this manifest as you've written.