May 18Liked by William Hunter Duncan

They printed AT LEAST $29,000,000,000,000 after the BIG PARTY of 2007/8!


Much bigger with the OPERATION COVIDUS FUN!

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May 17Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Buy silver. Buy lead. Buy land.

Best use of fiat currency.

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Also junk silver...

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May 17Liked by William Hunter Duncan

The three L's... Land, Lead and Livestock. Spent the last 41 years investing in all three.

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Love the pimp metaphor!

Attention all Progressives: If you want to raise the market minimum wage, make it easier to employ people.

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Seriously, it is like they are deliberately penalizing employment. If economics 101 is, you tax most what you want to get rid of - Pollution, anybody? - nothing is taxed more than employment.

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Once upon a time I made this point to some extremely far Left progressives. Some of them got it.

With Wall St. now Occupying the Left and using wokism as camouflage, opportunities abound.

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May 17Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Lenocracy - good one!

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I like the created word, Lenocracy.

I’m not certain how Jay would feel about toting the last name, but he’ll survive.

The Bush years were full of pimping out government work to cronies to turn around and mark up the fees and provide little to nothing in return (think Katrina). Worse than pimping. I think the better word starts with an ‘R’.

I’m working the farm this year as well. It’s a start. Like you, it won’t pay the mortgage, but that too needs to be revisited.

Banks seem to run (pimp us all) things. And that explains why the stock market is thriving (??).

Since bankers receive the printed trillions for distribution’ into the economy, after the cronies are fed, not much (besides debt) left for the masses.

Stay the course. Love your work and writings. I’ll step up soon and subscribe.

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The RINOs in Congress are some of the worst. Naked kleptocrats and warpigs. Happier in the minority, easier to whores to capital.

Good luck with the farm. Thank you, and you are very welcome here.

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May 19Liked by William Hunter Duncan

War remains one of the best investments for banksters. When two dogs fight over a bone, third dog always walks away with it. Old as time. Why are we in never ending war?? Too profitable. That’s why.

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