That was intense. Americans on the whole are completely clueless about how we are thought of in the rest of the world. And like you said, the dumbasses would stupidly welcome the Chinese coming to kill them.

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I've no doubt there have been plenty of Party members in the flood of migrants, quite likely responsible for some of the thousands of fires/explosions in food processing facilities etc, that the government and media are in denial about.

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Here's the really crazy thing. You and the Islamist have much in common. We both want to save the world from the bad guys. But he comes from a culture where revenge and violence are much more acceptable, especially mob violence. He was saying "When the war between good and evil begins and they start killing children, there will be zero mercy on the children of the evil." The culture is so very different from what we are used to. But they seem themselves as the 'real men' because they are willing to fight in these gruesome ways for what they believe to be righteousness. And it may come to that one day. I'd rather be on the same team with people who worship God than with those who worship Satan. But I am willing to die for my faith in Jesus. Muslims, Jews, and Christians have much more in common than Hindus, atheists, Gnostics, and pagans who worship the earth.

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This is America. I believe in freedom of religion. And I don't care how anyone worships, as long as they are standing against evil. Which also means I will not be ruled over by monotheists. As to violence, I think a civil war must be avoided, but not if the globalists continue to force us in the direction they are.

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The problem with what you said, you "don't care how anyone worships, as long as they are standing against evil", is that globalism is successful because of the failure of people to worship God. Idolatry brings the wrath of God upon a nation. So when you have a nation worshipping false gods, it will eventually be attacked by it's enemies, both from within and from without. And some people actively worship evil. They are puppets of supernatural evil. So you can't just refer to globalists without understanding that they are not acting in their own power. There is a spiritual battle and you have to choose your side. As for violence, which of your beliefs are you going to fight for? The globalists worship the idols of money and power and sexual deviance. And they love death and violence. I am not trying to change your religion. I am just saying that you need to understand what you base your life upon if you are going to defend it to the death. The Muslims believe that they are fighting for God, which is why they are willing to do such horrible things in a war. However, the Bible does not teach that. God is merciful to those who fear and obey him. Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for them and that in the last days Christians will die for their faith. For now, we have freedom of religion, but don't count on it lasting much longer.

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I base my life on service to my family, friends, community, nation, creator, the earth (I think a lot of our problems arise from our lack of care, concern or awareness for nature). I am not particularly interested in a God I am required to fear and obey, because that is a God defined by those who want me to fear and obey them. I'm not sure what you mean by not having freedom of religion much longer, though I assume you mean the globalists will outlaw religion as collectivists are inclined to do.

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Muslim Taqqiya allows deceit, including seeming friendly to non-believers, to hide true intentions while infiltrating the host nation. This exchange was completely understandable. USA is considered The Great Satan. As City of London stooges used to retain the hegemony for decades, any Middle Eastern country threatening it has been destroyed, raped and pillaged for oil, gold, lithium, whatever. Libya Iraq, Syria. The industrial military complex sucks up taxpayer money on top of income generated by trafficking of people, drugs, treasure. Read Iceni Spartacus post 12 for a better explanation. The evil inflicted will come back tenfold is the gist of our Muslim friend's argument. Millions of fighting age men have been let in to Western countries under this UN driven Trojan Horse. Yuri Bezmanov warned about the Fabian infiltration of institutions and subversion of our youth leading to genocide and destruction. The Crown, City of London Washington and Vatican have planned this out for 150 years or more. Whilst disturbing and unpleasant to behold, unless Patriots wake up to the fact their Government wants them dead or enslaved they are finished. Our Muslim friend is just highlighting that there are millions of willing invaders who will execute this plan and as many Americans as they can. It is a shame because Muslims have been brainwashed too and all faiths should be uniting against the Satanic Globalists. Canadian parents uniting and standing up to the sexualisation and theft of children by the state is encouraging but just one colored piece of glass on the kaleidoscope.

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Somewhat like Paula said, Qais and I have more in common than we do with the satanic globalists.

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Indeed Paula is right and so are you and Qais in this assessment. So clever that the evil ones wish to impose a One World religion on whoever survives the carnage.

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My simple approach to this:

Did I experience it directly, or see it on TV/internet (black-screen-box magic show)?

Meanwhile, sharpen my basic skills for survival, and drink a glass of really good wine later.

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Do you really think an immigrant can vote - just because they crossed the border? What about citizenship? Don't voters have to be citizens?

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I've been reading about this issue since you commented. Normally I am very careful about what I can prove and what I cannot. There is no basis for me to state it as absolutely as I did in this post. I will take some measures to make that more clear and accountable. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will casually blame that on my fever dream state.

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Technically, yes, a voter has to be a citizen. However, where there is a will there is a way. Part of the concept of mail-in ballots tied to drivers licenses, there are close to 100mil Americans who never vote. Depending on how those ballots are printed, it would be very easy to game them, while it would be very hard to prove they were gamed. But you are probably right, I should not say it is guaranteed, but I feel confident many Dem controlled states (like mine, MN) are actively looking at ways to game it.

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I have been perplexed by the claims of ballot counting errors. I never found actual explanations of how that might happen. I have studied the website of my local official of voting, and could not see any posibility of fraud. What do you mean by "gamed"?

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I added an accountability footnote to the post, and I will address it again in a future post. Thank you again, Susan.

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Mail-in ballots and legal ballot harvesting makes it much easier to "game" the system, ie fraud, while it is hard to prove. After all, "the safest election in history" is as accurate a statement as "safe and effective." Elections are as honest as the people administering them, and while most people who work elections care deeply about integrity, systems are gamed outside the voting booth/site. But as I said in an earlier response, you are right to call me on the way I stated that, and I will take some measures of accountability.

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I cannot see the danger in mail-in ballots where I live. I am deeply suspicious of voting machines as they rely on software. My career was in software, so I know the technology by which a voting machine can be "hacked" or compromised. I doubt there is anyway to compensate for stupid, careless, or dishonest voting managers.

To my mind, anyone set on ensuring honest, accurate voting must first ensure the integrity of the voting manager, and of the procedures they implement and oversee.

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I read earlier today from Emerald Robinson that one of the people on the board of Smartmatic, which is not even an American company, is known to be a dear friend of George Soros, though his profile was scrubbed from the website. Smartmatic is suing ER to get access to her phone.

Also, one way I suspect mail-in ballots could be harvested fraudulently would be in nursing homes, particularly those servicing the poor. It would be easy to register the residents and then sell the ballots to harvesters. There is a case in Michigan where a woman put 10,000 mail-in ballots in a remote box. Far as I know it has not gone to court so we don't know the specifics.

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I've read elsewhere on Substack about voting by nursing home residents, who clearly cannot easily travel to a voting station. This is a topic that should be addressed by formal voting procedures established by a "voting manager" (whose title undoubtedly varies by location). Certainly voter registration should be subject to formal and vetted procedures that can be monitored.

This is beginning to look like a problem that the public and counties completely ignored until recently, when one political candidate (Trump) complained (and we know he specializes in fiction). Is each county on its own? Ah yes, where I live there is a county Registrar of Voters. I take this to mean that managing the voting process is done at the county level. The County Clerk is an elected position. There is also an Elections Division of the Secretary of State. I will have to study what their websites say about them.

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Makes me glad I'm an atheist.

Why does this person believe there would be a conquest to be made after a nuclear strike?

America's cities will have been destroyed in retaliation. The world would be in the grips of nuclear winter.

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With all the nuclear weapons testing that has been done, I suspect a nuclear winter would probably require several thousand nuclear strikes in a fairly short period of time, which seems well beyond unlikely. Even the use of one seems quite unlikely, as the consequences would surely be much worse than any supposed gain. His thinking is quite grandiose, the stuff of Hero's, in which case circumstances have to fit his grandiosity rather than the other way around.

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