Great birthday gift! 🛶

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Happy birthday, Hunter! See you in two weeks! I have a feeling that we will all have some great stories to share around the campfire, or wherever we end up!

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Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for sharing your life adventures 😊

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Happy early birthday William, and congratulations on your successes. Enjoy yourself out there and be safe.

Here's to another half century, my friend. Cheers to you from one proud American to another.

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Happy Birthday!

Sidebar: "...drill baby drill all you like, in ten years you’ll finally realize, oil is a nonrenewable, limited resource."

Look up abiotic oil. You'd be surprised...

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Thing is, if abiotic were a thing, we wouldn't have to drill three miles under water.

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One of the factors in support of abiotic oil is the ability of old fields to "recharge" themselves. It's a matter of time and space. Patience.

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The thing about that is, whatever the rate of "recharge", we still have to drill three feet deep in the ocean to meet demand.

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100% Correct regarding abiotic oil! Of course suppressed as it doesn't support their "green" doom mongering BS!

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If oil were inorganic, it wouldn't contain carbon molecules.

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Saturn's moon, Titan, is swimming in oil reserves.

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That's way harder than drilling three miles down. Even if the moon were full of oil how much energy would it take to get it to earth, barrel for barrel?

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Conditions on Titan are radically different to this planet. No life to sequester carbon, no oxygen to set those lakes of ethane(?) on fire.

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👍 I was going to say something too lol

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Rabbit holes as far as the eye can see...

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Happy Birthday! And as I once wss fond of saying, Bright Blessings !

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Happy birthday! 🙏

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The world needs more shield maidens.

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Thank you, you are so kind. You are such an inspiration to me!

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Happy 50th Birthday 🎂

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More on Magic, Anarchism and Voluntarism (Ayn Rand).


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Happy Bday to someone who can be good, kind, friendly and civil to another human being with whom he disagrees!

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Happy Birthday WHD! Very best wishes! Cheers! 1Love!

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It may be the 4th by the time you wake up and get this, so a just-in-time happy birthday, you youngster. It's been a pivotal year for you, for humankind. Glad to have found you.

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Happy Birthday Hunter. Nice to meet you. I appreciate your thoughts on things. Along the line of points you made, looking for ideas on future essays I discovered this atrocity. Voice of America,

"The Voice Of America will present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively, and will also present responsible discussions and opinion on these policies."

(from the VOA Charter, Public Law 94-350)

Has this when explaining Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution

"Under Article Four, the federal government of the United States guarantees to every state a democratic form of government, and will protect each of the states against foreign invasion."


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Maybe try Chomsky if you are looking for a more palatable anarchist? I feel your pain on trying to read the Russian anarchists. Have a great camping trip by the way!

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I did an episode on why Chomsky's no anarchist. After a skeptical reader listened to the same interview between him and Russell Brand, he came away agreeing that the only anarchist in that convo was Russell. It's here if you're interested: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/noam-chomsky-is-the-problem.

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Thanks. All I know really is Chomsky self describes as an anarchist, or used to. I will check out your link.

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Thank you Gilgamech for subbing me and adding me to your excellent list of 'reads'! You've gotten me within 3 people of hitting 1800 between YT & Sub, a little game I play with myself ;-)

Yes, Chomsky does self-identify as an anarchist and is one of the most famous ones. I think that's why many were appalled when he said that the unvaxxed should self-quarantine forever because they didn't have the right to put other people's health at risk. In his interview with Russell, he says that anarchy's the goal but it will take big gov'ts to act in time to combat the extreme threat of climate change. And young people, like Greta, will save us. He used to be a hero of mine but ... blech!

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Some of Chomsky's work on anarchism is worth a read. But with Covid he revealed himself, sadly.

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Do have a most glorious and free week of celebration WHD!😍🥳 Thank you for sharing your life with US over the last year. I don't remember how I came upon your writing last July, but I am grateful for it. 💚🙏

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Libertarians are anarchists. In North America, they are anarchists of the right; in the rest of the world, libertarian is a term for anarchists of the left. They are supposed to be anti-statist and opposed to authoritarian methods. They don't pry into people's personal lives. Live and let live is their motto.

The pandemic revealed many anarchists/libertarians for the authoritarians they truly are.

Are you sure you're not an anar-*cough*- libertarian?

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I have said sometime somewhere that an anarchist is a libertarian who actually cares about people and the earth. But I'm pretty sure I've also said somewhere, most anarchists don't really care about most people or the earth. And yeah, for sure, with Covid a lot of both revealed their inner violent control freak.

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I learned that some anarchists have no mercy for potato beetles.

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An anarchist who is a patriot. Hmmmm.🤔

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First for everything :)

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Perhaps Ernst Jünger can be seen as an example of this rare hybrid.

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