Chem Trails, Migrants, Race Baiting and Climate Change, Oh My
The hive mind of the global managerial blob and ever increasing chaos
I was having a beer and a cigarette outside the Eagles Club where my music teacher was playing with his band, talking with a guy I had just realized was a childhood friend of my sister (I had just got off the phone with my sister in the big city, wishing her a happy birthday,) when the topic of chem trails came up. We were discussing this strange winter - the weather is going to feel like early April again this week. The guy, Michael, is not a fan of winter, but he does like to ride a sled (snowmobile.) There is no snow, we’ve only had a few inches all winter. Maybe this is the new normal, we wondered.
He mentioned climate change, not taking a position, wary about broaching the topic (advocates being so often unhinged), so I mentioned chem trails and weather modification, geo-engineering in at least 50 different countries now. Funny, Michael said, that was a conspiracy theory. Funny, I said, how many conspiracy theories are coming true lately. He agreed, on that, and that the band we were there to watch is the best band in the county. The music teacher, Michael and my sister were all childhood friends. The degrees of separation are a lot shorter in a small town.
By chem trails, I mean the 50 countries that are verified to be “modifying the weather.” There are far more attempts to call chem trails a conspiracy theory than attempts to understand how governments are actively modifying the weather. It is a fact that the United States alone has approximately 39 different “weather modification” programs, in something like 27 different states. What are the odds the Federal government is being honest about whatever it is they are spraying in the stratosphere, and why? If someone is going to try to tell me there is a categorical difference between “chem trails” and “weather modification,” I’m probably just going to reply, “safe and effective,” or “cleanest election in history.”
I woke up the following morning thinking about the global professional managerial blob. Usually the blob is a word used to define the military industrial complex. But i think it well describes the increasing, expanding managerial complex.
The definitive background article about this is NS Lyon’s The China Convergence.
In short, the Chinese Communist Party, America and the EU are all coming to resemble each other, in a diffuse, managerial way, rule by un-elected bureaucrats. It seems to me, that is coming to describe governments everywhere in the world.
This is how weather modification just happens, but chem trails are the conspiracy theories of right wing extremists.
This is how the Covid policy response was so universal, unified and in synch, globally.
I’ve been doing some research for the business plan I mentioned in my last post. If i build in the city limits I am subject to International Building Codes. A few years ago the bureaucrats who dictate those codes decided, most new construction requires a sprinkler system. Was there an increase of building fires that necessitated this? No. It was simply decided. There was no referendum. So it seems, I might have to spend $100,000 to put a sprinkler system in the buildings I have in mind, but I might not have to do that if I build a hundred yards outside the city limits, though I am not clear about that yet.
Are sprinkler systems necessary? They might be in certain scenarios, but they can be profoundly destructive too. I would build with a lot of fine wood trim and paneling. Wood trim and water do not mix. A small fire could turn into a washout, doing considerably more damage than the fire.
The point is, there was no referendum. The blob simply decide that is how it is going to be, regardless the cost or necessity. The blob piles on regulation after regulation, regulations all the way down, which makes it ever harder to start or maintain a small business, making the sovereign middle class that is not working for gov/corp/bank (blob) smaller and smaller over time.
It is the same with migration. The EU bureaucracy has recently decided, there will be 75 million new migrants, and any EU nation that refuses will be sanctioned. If you question that you are a right wing extremist.
The Biden administration did not decide to open the borders, Biden was installed by the blob to open the borders, institutionalize trans, DEI and a fraudulent renewables revolution. Covid, that entirely manufactured by the blob fake pandemic, was used to make cover for quite effectiviely gaming the election.
When Herr Schwab at the the World Economic Forum said elections are now predictive, he wasn’t saying we don’t need elections anymore as much as he was hinting, you can predict where the election is headed, so it can be anticipated and scripted to get the precise outcome you want, while maintaining the illusion of democratic elections.
Everyone who is not on board with the dictates of this global managerial blob, will be declared a right wing extremist, a fascist, terrorist, racist, bigot, xenophobe, etc.
Recently the blob declared in France that it will now be illegal to say anywhere on any media platform, that someone should not take a pharmaceutical, on penalty of 3years in jail and a 45,000 euro fine. The blob is about to unleash a galaxy of new mRNA jabs for every illness under the sun.
Disease X = mRNA Fever
In Ireland the blob is instituting a series of Hate Speech laws that could result in a year in jail for having a meme hostile to the blob downloaded on your phone, as one example of the ways it would criminalize free speech and thought-crimes inconvenient to the blob.
The blob’s favored politicians in Germany are declaring openly, anyone accused of being a right-wing extremist should have their bank accounts closed, they should lose any licenses they have earned, they should be jailed. All you have to be is accused. A right-wing extremist again is anyone hostile to this global managerial blob, any one government, any one liberal politician.
The blob in America has built the Censorship Industrial Complex. You are a fascist for questioning that. This is what they are calling democracy now, the institutions “protecting” it. Democracy of, by and for the people is misinformation.
The blob has allowed ten million migrants to cross the border the last three years, the vast majority military-aged men, effectively unchecked. The blob has gamed the elections with a monopoly on messaging, mail-in ballots and digital voting machines with no paper trail.
A recent local example of global managerial blob dictates, here in Minnesota two policeman and a fire fighter/first responder were murdered by a gunman. The fire fighter on the right was shot dead while tending to an officer who was shot. The victim identities were released the first morning. Paul Emstrand, Mathew Ruge and Adam Finseth. Links are for gofundme pages.
The only thing we heard about the shooter was that he had many guns and a lot of ammunition which he was not legally allowed to own because of previous crimes. It was 36 hours before they released his name. It is more than 48 hours now and most “blob” media outlets will not print a picture. I could not find a single article that printed images of the dead and the killer together.
This is the sort of thing that happens when you fill people’s heads full of racial hate. These officers were not hard ass white supremacists, they looked like pillars of their community happy to serve. If the shooter were white it would have been wall to wall hyperventilating about white supremacy, domestic terrorism and the scourge of private gun ownership, the last three days, all throughout the blob media. Because it is a black shooter with illegal guns, I assume is why I have not heard one single call for gun control. Conspicuously, this morning, three days in, this story does not appear anywhere on the front online page of NYT, NPR, MSNBC or WaPo - but they are all still hyperventalating top of the page 5-6 days later about the death of the Russian CIA blob asset dissident, Navalny. Murdered American police and first responders by a disfunctional, violent black man is too contrary to the preferred blob narrative about oppressive white people and oppressed black people. This story makes a mockery of racialized divide and conquer narratives. It is a little too on the nose for every idiot blob media marionette who has said police are the problem.
There were 7 children, at least five of his own and two from one of his two baby momma’s, in the house at the time. Presumably living in public housing. I’m not sure what is worse, having that guy for a dad or dad leaving this legacy for them? The blob is a lot responsible, filling the heads of such people with racial hate, systemic racism, white supremacy, victimhood. The democrat party is a lot responsible, constantly screaming about racism and white supremacy, demonizing being white, demonizing police, encouraging black people to hate white people and police. This is the blob being incapable of taking responsibility for the damage of it’s policies. This is the blob manipulating us like we are all idiot children, there cannot be an honest, direct, real, adult conversation about race and personal responsibility. It is clear at this point the blob will be happy to leave this story behind, pretend it didn’t happen.
Similarly, the blob is hammering the culture with trans, and flooding the streets with mentally ill and migrants, therefore when a trans, mentally ill migrant enters a church with an AR-15 and shoots innocents, there is no media uproar about domestic terrorism, gun control, getting mentally ill off the streets or curbing migration. She had an extensive history of criminal behavior and mental illness, but no one in the blob deported her, despite that she has been in the country for at least ten years. Illegally in the country, profoundly mentally ill, a repeat criminal, free to find a weapon and walk into a church shooting. This is the professional, managerial blob protecting the citizenry.
Again, if the shooter were white, the media would still be shrieking about the scourge of white supremacy, domestic terrorism and private gun ownership, we need to pass domestic terrorism legislation. Instead it is mostly, crickets, nothing to see here folks.
This is all dictated by the global managerial blob. The directive of this blob is not centralized or top down, it is merely implicit. If you work within the blob you understand, you will follow the directives and expectations of the system or you will be exiled. White bad, dark good; all things blob good, everything else right wing extremism. The blob is designed that no one ever has to take any responsibility for anything, except the occasional sacrificial lamb. No one having to take any responsibility for the decisions of the blob, the blob has no ability to fix any problems it has generated, in fact damage piles on damage until the blob is pretty much incapable of anything but damage and destruction.
The entire system seems to be designed around maximization of the system’s ability to wield power, whilst diffusing responsibility such that identifying the actual source of power is nigh impossible, thereby shielding those wielding power on behalf of the system from any negative consequences of their decisions.
If I were to sum up the general belief architecture of the global professional, managerial blob, at it’s unspoken core: Fossil fuels are increasingly hard to come by, the population grew to 8 billion when fossil fuels were cheap and abundant, global population is going to be reduced in the decline of cheap fossil energy, that would be very chaotic, therefore we have the expertise to draw down the population in a more orderly fashion, quietly reducing the number of useless eaters by billions, through abortion, trans-ification, emasculation, chronic illness, gradual impoverishment etc, while flooding the developed world with the denizens of the third world to create political chaos, demonizing native, national, heritage cultures, dividing everyone by oppressed and oppressor and race, with the option for manufactured pandemics, to institute social controls, using climate change to justify a deliberate decrease in the food and energy supply, until we reach something like steady state at about a billion people serviced by robots and AI, with fossil fuels sufficient to maintain civilized living.
But this is madness. This is hubris. This is the conceit of the experts. This is anti-human.
The global, professional managerial blob must be destroyed, or it will destroy civilization. I have no idea how to do that, maybe it can’t be done outside the collapse of civilization. If it is not at the very least checked, limited, made accountable, then there will only be increasing chaos, more top down unaccountable regulations, more controls, more censorship, more illegal immigrants, more dysfunction, more incompetence, more war.
I would be willing to wager that 99-100% of the global managerial blob, as well as their lower level functionaries, bureaucrats, agents in the mass media, apologists and defenders do not believe in the bible. They either believe that this life is all there is and they will never be held to any accounting after death, or they see death as a sort of New Age rosy pink light that will bathe everyone in happiness.
I would wager that 99% of them believe in Darwinism, that we emerged from the animals in a random process, and the the universe just came into being somehow.
They have no regard for human life, and see previous liberties as outdated hindrances to their global ambitions.
It may be that the collapse of everything we have known is coming, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
We are now losing the liberty, prosperity and security we once knew in the past, because the moral foundations are crumbling and vanishing.
Excellent post... and sobering. The world is dramatically changing in front of our eyes.
I'm reminded of something I read: "All these are the beginning of birth pains... many will be deceived... the love of most will grow cold... the end will come... there will be a great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be equaled again... wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather."
The vultures have gathered indeed. A new world is beckoning.