I would be willing to wager that 99-100% of the global managerial blob, as well as their lower level functionaries, bureaucrats, agents in the mass media, apologists and defenders do not believe in the bible. They either believe that this life is all there is and they will never be held to any accounting after death, or they see death as a sort of New Age rosy pink light that will bathe everyone in happiness.

I would wager that 99% of them believe in Darwinism, that we emerged from the animals in a random process, and the the universe just came into being somehow.

They have no regard for human life, and see previous liberties as outdated hindrances to their global ambitions.

It may be that the collapse of everything we have known is coming, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

We are now losing the liberty, prosperity and security we once knew in the past, because the moral foundations are crumbling and vanishing.

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Agreed, though I don't know that it is quite that high based on your description. But...at least that many think their work is necessary, a net benefit to society leading on to eternal Progress on the Arc of Justice.

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I wasn't speculating on their motives - trying to save the planet, trying to improve humanity, or just a naked grasp for power and domination - but only saying their aims and goals are completely incompatible with the Bible. And, while I could not prove it in a court of law, I don't believe there is one sincere believer in the Bible in the whole lot - though they may say some nice things about Christ.

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True that. the blob would be more like the anti-christ.

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It says in I John chapt. 2 that there are "many antichrists." It all involves hatred and rejection of what is right, true and good.

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There is not as much separation between the likes of ISIS/Militant Islam, and what we describe as woke, as most people think. They both seek to blot out the light.

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I agree. There is the same underlying hostility to and rejection of many of life's most basic and fundamental truths.

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Excellent post... and sobering. The world is dramatically changing in front of our eyes.

I'm reminded of something I read: "All these are the beginning of birth pains... many will be deceived... the love of most will grow cold... the end will come... there will be a great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be equaled again... wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather."

The vultures have gathered indeed. A new world is beckoning.

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Handwaving Freakoutery has the explanation for the warm weather: https://hwfo.substack.com/p/talkin-about-hunga-tonga

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Yeah, that one is a favorite. I need to revisit and internalize it to add to my explanations IRL

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Terrifying essay outlining the coming collapse of the country we grew up in. You have touched upon all the mayhem and suffering the blob has caused and will continue to do. I hope we find a way out of this but am pessimistic.

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Life seemed so much more innocent and quiet when I roamed the woods and wetlands nearby as a kid. I still go there to find peace, the land much the same. But even that is not as peaceful as it once was, my awareness so changed.

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Excellent post! Not really much to add, except to say thanks for writing it, your analysis is spot on! We really are governed by a parasitic, demonic horde -- your term for it, "the blob," is really perfect.

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I met with an old friend who is a health inspector, to get a handle on what it would take to build a commercial kitchen. Pretty clear I'd have to pay at least $20,000 just to get to the point of applying to the State to review the plans, to get permission to even start building. Meeting all the health requirements for equipment, types of surfaces, etc, I'm sure it will take not less than $200,000, not including the building to house the kitchen.

"Safety" is the means by which the blob has priced out small business in favor of corporations.

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<<"Safety" is the means by which the blob has priced out small business in favor of corporations.>>

That's the ugly truth behind all the various pretexts they give. Every time. The bankster cartel can control big corporations. Controlling thousands of little independent mom and pop businesses is a lot harder.

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The stratospheric aerosol injection programs are really bad here in Southern Ontario ( here are some pics of the skies where we live and links to additional info in the description: https://archive.org/details/6.jpgsef )

I have also been doing research on how to help mitigate the harm of the substances that are being sprayed onto us with regards to human biology via a preventative / detox dietary approach.

Here are links to some foods/natural substances that help with detoxing and/or protecting the body against the deleterious impact of aluminum, barium and strontium nano-particulates:





Here are some of the foods that can assist specifically with natural chelation (heavy metal detox):

– cilantro

– garlic

– blueberries

– lemon water

– spirulina

– chlorella

– barley grass juice or powder

– dulse (sea weed)

– curry

– green tea

– tomatoes

– fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi (containing probiotic organisms)

–Maitake mushrooms

–white pine needle (or spruce needle) tea

— Tusli (aka “holy basil”)

— echinacea tea/extract

— any sulfur-rich vegetables (Sulfur-rich Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage, mustard greens, arugula, Bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards, horseradish, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, wasabi and watercress).

It is worth noting that cilantro taken in conjunction with a blue green algae (like spirulina or chlorella) are among some of the most potent natural chelating foods in that list. (for more info: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/turning-to-mother-natures-medicine )

Hope this info helps.

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We eat a lot of that. It would be interesting to cultivate some blue-green algae.

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I took a course with a guy that grows his own at home.

Here is one of his youtube videos on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSSrqXRqel0

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Another antiwhite hush crime.

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I somehow doubt the blob is keeping data of migrant attacks on Americans anymore than it keeps data on covid jab injuries.

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I’m saving this one in the archives. Good analysis of a heavy topic. I’m not sure what the best course of action is either. It is nice to know that others see the situation clearly too.

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Excellent summary. The only point I would add is that it is very hard for those living under the thumb of the bureaucratic blob which controls the West to know what the lines not to be crossed are. Up is down, left is right. Contrast this to those living in Russia or China. There, it is clearer what lines, if crossed, result in electric shock or electrocution.

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Thank you. Though after the recent Trump verdict however, everyone in America should be chilled I think, that if you are in any way perceived as a threat...

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Whatever happened to the saying “live and let live”? Seems to be whole swaths of unelected and elected micro managers who want to herd the little people in the barn and set it on fire.

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Summed it up very well. Seeing another bogey man now. Christian Nationalism. That idiot rob Reiner made a movie and this idiot is in front of Congress pushing her book.


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https://open.substack.com/pub/divadrops/p/processing-the-unimaginable-we-trudge?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=b7m4j another angle. Also read that the spraying is to keep the ionosphere positively charged for communication. Star Link anyone?

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I heard about this place https://freedomworkspca.org/ on a podcast of a doctor (The Holistic OB/GYN). I'm not entirely clear on how it works, and I sort of doubt that it would help you something like building regulations, but I was reminded of this concept of a "private contract association", so I thought I would mention it.

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