Jun 27Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I remember when “liberals” and “progressives” were all about nature. I think that “technology” is their true god. Their cities and the utopias they envision are sickly wastelands. I think planting and caring for a garden is a great way to combat their shadow energy.

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“Trump” and “Climate Change” are quite related in the liberal mind, less about reality and more about the sense of unassailable righteousness involved. They no more question the evil work of the Biden Admin than they question pollinator extinction, water pollution, plastics pollution, the killing of whales due to ocean wind turbines etc ecological pathology.

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Jun 27Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Exactly! Their “green energy” is an earth killing, humanity enslaving scam. The wind farms here on the Great Plains have killed untold scores of birds and permanently altered migration patterns.

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And every time I pass by a wind “farm”, 1-4 of the turbines are not working. Every old time farmer I’ve ever talked to about their turbine for pulling water from the ground, complained about what a pain they are to maintain. A younger farmer just told me too, the turbines are blowing out the system, insofar as he has to replace 14-15 light bulbs a month.

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Jul 1Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Veggie gardens are very important but flower gardens are good for my soul, especially the kind you plant yourself. What a beautiful serene garden.

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Jun 28Liked by William Hunter Duncan

I'll take plants over politics every time! I mean, really, debates about how much we should extort each other become null and void when it comes to the abject necessity of growing food, medicinal plants, and flowering loveliness! Keep going, man.

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Jun 27Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Love your garden…thanks for sharing it with us all!

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Great pictures. Interesting times. Even the die hard lunatics are seeing that there are serious problems in Brandon's regime. Rigging this election is going to be a REAL project!

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They are going to have to cheat 3-4 times as much compared to 2020 or 22.

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Sad that all the “machinery” has been allowed to stay in place!

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Jun 27Liked by William Hunter Duncan

So beautiful! 🌸🌻🌷

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Jun 27Liked by William Hunter Duncan

Between the two methods there's a large variety of flowers!

I wish there were flowers so captivating that carpenter bees forget to eat my house. 😮‍💨

Ive yet to decide if I'll watch the debate. Poppies might help that.

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I love the wild sown as well as the orderly placement of your mother's flowers.

It is all beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

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