I'm honestly not sure what's going to happen,only that the astrology is just nuts through end if April, then again ( but different) June-Aug. Then maybe we get healing come Oct and Jupiter's long stay at 0° Cancer?
Cheers to you and yours! Thank you for all your hard work and the information you impart. The symbolism of passing from one year into the next has buoyed my spirits yet I’m still carrying that black pill in my backpack although I’ve sworn off thinking about it for now. It’s going to be a very long 3 weeks as we inch towards Inauguration Day and beyond. I do pray for wonderful outcomes!!
All the best in the New Year
Great wrap-up. Happy New Year
Happy New Year William! To you and yours.
Happy New Year!!
I'm honestly not sure what's going to happen,only that the astrology is just nuts through end if April, then again ( but different) June-Aug. Then maybe we get healing come Oct and Jupiter's long stay at 0° Cancer?
May we not be lead astray from sovereignty.
Btw do you work out your own astrological info, or do you have a place you trust to get that info? Also, Jupiter in Cancer sounds good to me
I know juuuuust enough about astrology to do myself a mischief 😬
I'm pretty good with concepts etc ( Jupiter in exaltation in Cancer, being at 0° is ,indeed the epitome of his graces), etcetc..
I have a trusted group of astrofiends I watch,learn from, and bounce stuff off of.
I've never found a better "chart" interpretation than ,for free even, ChaosAstrology.com. written, not charted,and planets as well as houses.
As far as Astrologers go, I have a 3rd appt in a year-ish booked with my fave,brilliant woman Friday eve. If you do X, you can see her mundane work.
If you want a reading for predictive,world,career or health stuffs, then DM me and I'll send you to her. I save, but damn, she's amazing.
Cheers to you and yours! Thank you for all your hard work and the information you impart. The symbolism of passing from one year into the next has buoyed my spirits yet I’m still carrying that black pill in my backpack although I’ve sworn off thinking about it for now. It’s going to be a very long 3 weeks as we inch towards Inauguration Day and beyond. I do pray for wonderful outcomes!!