Do you not also see that every single commercial has a white man being chastised and made a fool of? It’s so embarrassing. Especially when I was growing up as a child they were very masculine men around at the time. I can see how humiliating it is. They’ve been doing this for 40 years on the TV.
This gets in people’s subconscious. 40 years of this crap in our subconscious.
All the white men especially are doofuses, the woman is the primary breadwinner, she and the kids rolling over dad. Rarely do you even see a white couple, more likely to see a black couple or mixed race. It is like woke Hollywood movies nobody watches, though you are right, it absolutely has a psychological effect.
Definitely! There is a commercial out now that everybody’s painting and singing, and at the end, the doofus husband gets chastised
By the wife in front of everyone
They always treat white men like little boys
They had another one with a woman driving and she was going closer to her destination and the guy whimpered oh maybe you should park here and she packed closer and said that she wore the pants in the family. That was just about the worst I ever saw.
I’ll never buy Reynolds wrap because they had the breadwinner woman coming home and the guy a big strong guy with little oven mitts taking something out of the oven. Pathetic. Big strong muscles were not meant for this kind of faggotry
Another commercial at 35 year old, something male was eating a Friendly’s with his daughter, and the six-year-old girl figured out the tip and made a fool out of him
Another commercial for Moving company showed all the men with the things that women couldn’t lift so what they did was make a fool out of men by making the woman dust off the men while they were standing at attention It was pure disgusting us.
These are all just recent ones. There are 1 million of them goat that go back to 40 years.
I thought it was safe to watch the black-and-white rifleman However, after they had made everybody love the very masculine rifleman after a couple seasons, they made a woman in a bar type saloon come at him and talk about feminism and women voting, and all this crap, and he tipped his hat to her and agreed.
Any time they had comments in magazines, they would never have the opposite feelings I was censoring for so many years because I was against daycare and actually worked in some and know how bad they are and they never let me write it
Instead, they talked a lot about how great it is, but at the very end they always had one line. They used to even say themselves at the end daycare should only be done a certain amount of hours a week maybe three days a week for a few hours on each of those days and it should be taught by people who have a masters degree.
Good luck with that because usually they only need one class in child development.
I’ve seen a lot of bad things.
I’ve reported them too, but when the Dcf comes into the office, one of the office ladies goes around telling everybody that the Dcf is there, and they change a lot of things before she actually gets in the classroom by the way.
Oh thank God someone else sees it, too. I don’t watch TV anymore, gave it up many years ago but I thought back to the Rosanne Show and others I used to watch and it is unmistakable. It is like social engineering, perhaps?
I think the feminist project was in part promoted to split the sexes as a from of control by the ruling class. Also the term liberal has had its meaning changed. The truth is men and women are different and complementary we each have our strengths and weaknesses, we need each other and to focus on and celebrate our strengths. As a feminine woman that stayed home to raise my daughter, I was shocked at how badly I was treated by not only society but also by my own husband for not having a high paying career. I think our society treats everyone like shit, men and women alike, and we have to decide to love one another to heal our world. I have a lot more to say but can’t fit it in this little comment. I am thinking about coming back to Substack to write a few more essays. You and Kathleen Deveney really inspire me. 🤗 Love this essay.
Thank you. I think if I were a young man I would find a young woman to build a big family with. Alas, it is more for me to help young people see past the pathological conditioning.
beautiful writing...islam, look at feminism, birth control, homosexuality...all of group benefits...while the west demises one group advances in numbers etc.
I considered for a short time, after the collapse of my last relationship, finding a young woman (well, 30-35) to have some kids with, but then I came to terms with the fact that I would be both dad and grandpa, which would not really be fair for the kids. Perhaps in my next life though I will find the right woman at the right time and fill a big house with kids ;)
do not think so...we need kids...once they have some good time with you enough, and they can stand on their feet, I say go for it...I love your writing and balance.
Is Saudi Arabia using their vast oil wealth to pay for the destruction of the West? Promoting wokeness would be a way to do this. It is certainly not an endogenous or organic phenomenon to have the lunatic fringe pushed to be the mainstream.
I knew feminism was bullshit. 40 years ago. I’m glad you finally woke up. At least you woke up because so many haven’t.
Do you realize how much you have killed people like me?!!!
All I wanted was to be a housewife and mother, and then when I was older grandmother with a lot of grandchildren.
How do you think I did in this sick clown world?!!
I ended up being a housewife for a while because I married a foreigner to be able to get someone masculine enough to want to be responsible for a family. we only had one kid when he decided to leave for religious reasons. He saw how sick this country was getting. He wanted me to come, but I was close to my family at that time. If I had known they would all split apart after the Covid I would’ve went with them.
Now I have one child who is married who doesn’t even want to have kids yet because he saw how well I did as a mother, but his wife is making as much as he does. They are trapped with a huge condo payment. Yes, even though they saved both of them since they were kids they couldn’t get a house. Condo was the best they could do.
Feminism has hurt so many women, so many families. I remember being 12 years old and my mother having told me I was going to be a housewife all of a sudden at school finding out that women “have to work” I was suicidal a lot of times in my life after that.
I am right there with you. I was pushed back out of my stay at home role by a husband who thought I wasn't doing enough. My marriage went downhill from that and subsequently ended. He had a vascectomy after 2. I was not given a say. Now I have 1 grandchild and don't see anymore for the future.
Like you I began questioning the feminist agenda when it was evident that only one viewpoint was acceptable.
Also was treated very badly for staying home with my daughter. It killed our marriage. I have to just try to let go of the anger and have compassion for the fact we are living in a sick system.
Yeah! It’s considered animal cruelty to take puppies away from a dog before they are weaned so why are human beings asked to drop their babies off at day care? It’s cruel and traumatic for both the mother and child. Oh wait it’s only the slave masses that are asked to do this, not the ruling banker class parasites.
I appreciate all your comments here Shield Maiden. I know you’re speaking specifically about mother and baby but what I’ll add is that very high elite families encourage their sons to go to elite schools early in development not only for the higher education but so they are away from their mothers, which can help facilitate psychopathic tendencies and lack of empathy. This results from being severed from the nurturing qualities of the mother. It’s sick.
It's only recently that men have become so anti-feminist. During the Second Wave (Baby Boomers and my Gen X) a lot of men were either feminists or supportive to some degree. Why? My guess is they enjoyed the "free love" benefits the hippy second wavers provided. Women who were holding out for marriage and refused to compromise often wound up alone. Especially if our convictions were religious. Not enough males for females in conservative religious subcultures whether LDS, Amish, Orthodox Jew, or Evangelical.
For some reason a lot fewer young women are going to church now. A lot of young men are anti-feminist just because they aren't getting any. Not sure why they can't get oodles of all those no-strings hook ups like the generations before them did. That's the real reason why they're opposed to feminism and claim to want purity. Speaking as a middle-aged religious female virgin. I'm not a feminist and I'm sick of all the spite and vitriol dumped on childless single women as though we are a monolith. Nancy Pelosi and Hilary Clinton are both married with kids. For some reason Matt Walsh can't seem to remember this. Mark Driscoll can't remember that Jezebel was a wife and mother either.
Too much porn for a lot of these young men. They have also been treated negatively much of their lives. The incel phenomenon to me is one of the saddest indictments of the culture.
As for demonizing childless women, expecting every woman to breed is it's own kind of pathology. That is fundamentally unsympathetic too, about how much women have been propagandized to be godless, independent consumers the last several generations.
Women are too apt to fall for commercials and propaganda. They look at relationships on screens and imagine that's how it should look in reality. Hollywood has its own agenda and keeping people happy no longer matters. Neither men nor women are prospering under the current state of affairs and loneliness is at an all-time high for both sexes.
I’m too feminine for the sick world. I could’ve been brought up anytime in a normal world, but I just had to have been born when women were sick masculine freaks, and men faggots
Thank you for sharing your experience. I suspect a lot of women and men feel the way you do. I cautiously caution you not to dwell in bitterness. Young people need guidance. All of us who see how pathological this system is need to stand up and be models, if we hope to right the system.
I agree that "young people need guidance". With my own visceral experience in the disaster of the sexual revolution of my youth (1960's and 1970's), I got slam-dunked many times. Recently, Holy Spirit nudged me to begin writing a short series of pieces directed to Generation Z, ("From B to Z") as they are nearly the youngest group now (I guess there is now Gen. Alpha?). I have written part one so far, called "War", sharing my time in early teens when my brother Tom was killed in Vietnam in 1968 and the repercussions of all the upheaval of the 1960s. I have two other pieces in processing right now, part two on love and sexuality and part three likely on work. Boomers and Gen. Z actually have some similar roots and I hope I can at least share without sounding preachy. I lived the chaos!
William, I already have part one, "From B to Z" out on my Substack, a blunt Oregon girl. That deals with the subject of how the Vietnam War devastated my Boomer generation ( my brother Tom was killed in Vietnam in 1968). Part two on love and sexuality is in the writing and I hope to get it out by this Friday evening Aug. 2, 2024. Final piece will be on the realm of work, still in note taking and out in hopefully another week. This Substack and Notes platform is truly a blessing to us all, a place to share and discuss. Blessings on your day, William!
I understand what you were saying, but I wish I was born any other time. I would’ve gotten along great at any time being a normal woman. I am very bitter that this is a sick society. Especially since the first years of my life were brought up in a very conservative normal area. All of a sudden things went sick and crazy. I don’t belong here.
The CIA-invented feminist propaganda really took hold in the 60s and 70s, and every subsequent decade saw the foundations of it embedded more deeply within the psyche. When I returned to college (2012-2016), I witnessed the smugness of young women as they assumed power over men while wearing the equivalent of skimpy summer pajamas in classrooms. But I could see through the flimsy put-on, as these were also children of helicopter parents: They had no wisdom because they had no genuine experiences. They'd been protected from every potential harm that is normal and natural to children exploring the world on their own.
Truth be told, I think that all we can do is continue to speak and act in ways that defy this feminist trans DEI woke ideology, since it is very difficult to un-program people who have been more deeply traumatized by institutions and mockingbird media mouthpieces than we have. That said, keep up your good work!
As other women here, I'll share part of my story, and make it short.
I grew up a latchkey kid by necessity,our family was lower middle class.
I worked hard in a scientific field worling within an industrial environment. 20/80 f/m. I worked harder than other women to earn my respect. I have never been a feminist.
I left my established career,with the agreement of my husband, to raise our child. I was only allowed the one,and my husband was a Father but not a Dad. I raised my son to be respectful and manly as best I could,but Culture warped him. I won't give up. I'm a mom.
..I will not give up on my child.
I despise women like you've been abused by ,William, and I am heartened by your ability to still see us . Really see us.
I love being female.
I love true masculinity.
We are better together, Yin and Yang.
As an aside: The fixed star of kings, Regulus, moved into Virgo a few years ago. Let that percolate for a bit.
Thank you for the rant today, was needed.
Thank you, and you are welcome. Thank you too for sharing your experience.
As to Regulus, the King in trickster Mercury and Virgo the Virgin, would explain a fair bit about the gender confusion of the times. People tend to think of it as a particularly Western thing, but Asian cultures have been dealing with the feminization of young men for some time too.
Ps- yeah, I'm literally the sword wielding shield- maiden... but I've always wanted a warrior who'd appreciate me and treat me like I deserved to be a damsel. ( citing Kathrine's stack)
I love the finishing sentences. It is a beautiful elegy to women and a lovely reveal of the tender William.
I have known, probably borderline women, who would rant, degrade and demoralize their men, including sons, in front of other people. I was mortified. It was one of the most horrifying things I have witnessed. It has always haunted me.
This is the money quote. The best current analysis of the liberal, white, female, frailty. (pardon my punctuation) "Trump Derangement Syndrome is the liberal female id projected, laying waste to the very foundations of their independence and empowerment, turning themselves into everything authoritarian they claim to hate."
I've been listening to Mary Harrington. Good podcasts with Jordan Peterson. Also, Heather Heying assessed the Pride parade in PDX. A disgusting display of 'pride', and promoted/witnessed by liberal, white, women with young children in tow.
I was long mystified about women who critized their men in public…until it happened to me. It is a pathology on both ends, a relationship gone sour. Women are not to be blamed necessarily for the weakness of men.
I’m glad you appreciated the ending. It s easy to get in a negative spiral, harder to be positive and speak from the spirit and heart.
I am heading up there next month to attend the wedding of my eldest (step)son. My middle son (the one I helped make) is married with one child already, and (step)son #3 has just announced his engagement.
All 3 have found Earth bound women, who are either already exalting in motherhood, or anxious to get started. All 3 are the leaders of their families in all the ways men are supposed to lead. Their women lead in their roles.
I see this as the reward for my wife and I for sacrificing affluent lifestyles (although I am well compensated and my wife is excellent with finances), to put our boys through private schools.
They were certainly aware of the Poz, but they were never immersed in it, and we taught them about the dark places degeneracy leads.
I am looking forward to guiding a new generation and so is my wife.
Very glad to hear it. Some women have misinterpreted this post, but I have always been an advocate for strong women and strong men, which is the foundation of a Republic.
My interpretation is you only like strong women in a certain role—wife and mother. Do correct me if I’m wrong.
I don’t know where you’re from, but where I live, the “empowering women through motherhood and being a wife” is a sham. It sounds nice and rosy, but it can result in women being trapped in unhealthy, unbalanced relationships with no viable economic alternative because they can’t support themselves. (Please don’t try to tell me it’s because these men have been made weak by modern society—this kind of thing happened long before the women’s movement). It’s not always a trap, and it’s great if a couple can find that balance and make it work. But let’s not pretend it’s a cure-all for society’s ills. It simple doesn’t work for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
I, for one, would never tell a woman she can’t stay at home if she chooses. I advocate men and women being able to set up the relationship dynamic that works best for them. What I object to is the conservative stance that there is only one way to be a real woman (marry and have kids) or only one kind of family.
I think for women who resent feeling like they couldn’t be stay at home moms, I’d be curious about the root of that. Is it because it really wasn’t financially viable for your family? That’s not the fault of feminism. Is it because your husband saw other women working and decided you should, too, even though he earns enough for you to stay home? Don’t hold that against the women working—maybe they’re doing what they need to do for their families, or what makes them happy and fulfilled. That’s a problem to take up with your husband. Is it just because society at large seems to condemn you? Grow a backbone and be proud of your life.
This matriarchy you speak of—I’ve never seen it. Mostly it sounds like you’ve experienced women in positions of power within capitalism, which is a far cry from any true matriarchy lol. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I don’t want a matriarchy any more than I want a patriarchy because I believe in equality and balance—but what you write here simply doesn’t make sense to me. I try to be sympathetic to other points of view because I know my personal experience isn’t universal, but not much of what you write makes much sense to me.
You are not the only one to object. That is perfectly fine. I have made it clear in the comments, it is not for every woman to be a mother or a wife. As to marriage, it absolutely is no cure-all, though it can make both better and stronger. When I say Binah the divine feminine in the cabala gives birth to all forms, there is nothing about that that would suggest a woman’s place is to be subservient to her husband. Feminism is not the only pathology of the times by any means, feminism began in part as a reaction to the pathology that had been marriage in this atomized, capitalist, industrial society. Marriage and parenthood is easier if it isn't all on the family. Industrialization and mangerialism destroyed the communities families depended on, many families disintegrated as a result.
My ideal in a marriage would be an alchemical marriage, in which we exemplify each other, are made greater and stronger. Otherwise I am content to be like a shaman at the edge of the village.
I appreciate the follow-up. I guess so much of what you say sounds a lot like Christian conservatives and Christian Nationalists that hate feminism, too. They hate it, I guess, because it empowered women at all. They very much want to go backward and don’t acknowledge any other societal ills. Misogyny is still lingering in weird ways. I would very much like to move beyond these old fights, these old dichotomies, but I’m afraid that we will just get handed back over to old school conservative nonsense. So while I want to understand your point of view, it feels too much like the complaints of those Christian’s Nationalists. No offense intended. I wouldn’t engage if I didn’t care about a dialogue.
It is not merely that feminism empowered women. It also encouraged many women to demonize all masculine white men. Also, many of those most vocal about feminism have had nothing to say or have supported the Trans movement, the idea that a man can become a woman and should be able to take over women’s sport, enter female bathrooms and be put in female prisons to prey on women, and the movement to sexualize children and sterilize and mutilate kids in the name of therapy. Add open borders for any military aged males to cross unchecked.
That is not to say religious conservatives have the answer to that, it is merely to state that liberalism is actively destroying western civilization and America, tilting into demonic excess, which puts us all at risk.
I think we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t think liberalism is demonic, and I don’t think it’s actively destroying western civilization. Overall, it’s a great good because it is focused on individual rights in a way that is historically critical to our democracy. The part many have failed on is recognizing your rights are only limited by another’s, and we have to negotiate where we bump up against each others rights in good faith. The right is primarily responsible to asserting its rights as more important than anyone else’s. That’s not to say the far left hasn’t gotten out of control, and I’m not a fan of their illiberal tendencies. I lay the blame squarely at the feet of conservatives who believe their culture is the one everyone should have, and their insistence led to resistance, which has now escalated.
As far as parties go, I like a balance of conservative and liberal myself because I don’t think any one side can have all the answers all the time. I don’t like grievance politics, where your identity depends on an ”other” to constantly struggle against. That “other” can never change or grow or you’d lose your oppositional identity. I think both sides are guilty of that. It’s not fruitful and plain boring.
Thanks for engaging. I’m just not at all sold on your point of view.
SPEAK IT TEXAS. Yahoooooo. Well put. I am all for empowered women. The point you bring about women being trapped if their marriage goes south, is much viable. The feminism movement was a ploy for dis-satisfaction with circumstance and not working anything out because it was easier to not work...period. Easy way out. & I won't forget the good old bystander for crazy----GREED. Look where our world is now because of greed, then add power with it. But if anyone had of known there was a big agenda to any of the feminist push, a lot would have given it all a middle finger.
Never underestimate the petty vindictiveness of AWFLs. Hillary not getting her turn still burns in their bellies. Never mind that she was an avatar for America's plutocracy with its boot licking DC elites lying to get voted into office and once there doing whatever they wanted for themselves and their big donors. Over and over. Rules for thee. Throwing feel good bones to the suckers and laughing all the way to the bank. Feminism lost its way. How it ended up being childless Big Mommyism where the path to liberation was disavowing your sex and emulating men is a huge mystery. And a profound failing.
So curious too, with the rise of AWFLs, that the sexualizing of childhood and child sex trafficking has become such a thing. Hillary's tightness with the odious Podesta brothers is a prime example.
They're too busy fighting patriarchy to bother with old fashioned concerns like safeguarding children. That job has been transferred to the (LGBTQ promoting) State or the (simply money talks) Market, who are handling it in the ways that they see fit.
Thank you for stating this. People tend to look at me like I fell out of a tree when I speak of such things. I’m not really good cocktail party material anymore. Child-sex-trafficking are not words that belong in the same sentence together.
Here is a "fact check" that says it is illegal in the title but then admits it is not illegal, even quoting dems saying the instances are "vanishingly small," so not worth legislating about.
I love this rant and for your take down of toxic feminism. I didn't think I could love this any more and then you wove in kabbalistic principles of the interdependence of masculine and feminine. Beautiful and brilliant piece.
I am not comfortable with groupthink, so, never thought of myself as any member of a group. Kali Ma, sorry, Kamala, should not be in charge of anything. prefer merit based hiring. In ancient greece, it has been found that women had many a rooftop shrine to adonis, an idealized man. this seems natural to me. the radiance of divinity shines through for her. I think men needed the cult of mary (in greece, maybe Aphrodite or Athena, what have you, depending on the needs of the individual man) in the christian church for the same reason, it is compelling to them. Like the Animus and the Animah. religion and philosophy cannot be well understood without a minimal grasp of how human minds function.
Kali Ma, good one, with her eight arms with eight swords flailing, her garland of human heads. Probably not the energy we want, to restore America?
The Catholic Church had to deify Mary, it would not have survived without some feminine divine to worship. That is the failure of Protestantism, and much the reason why so many women have abandoned Christianity, women expected to be so subservient, not represented in the holy trinity.
truly, and women long for the divine man with full masculine power. I know i have been conditioned to want a docile male with no phallus, but biology dictates otherwise. I prefer the old images of men in all their cosmic glory. sadly people do not even understand how to make these any more.
I don't give a crap about any of this nonsense. I am married to a nice woman in her late 70's who is just a person who lives a good life. I am respectful of her and happy to have her with me sharing a love together. I don't really know what a feminist is and couldn't care less. And I couldn't care less what anyone thinks of me or my wife. We live "crappola" free.
"On a personal level, both of the liberal women I have loved in my adult life would sometimes treat me like I was the embodiment of every awful thing any man had ever done to them, or to any woman throughout history. At times it felt like, because they knew I would not or could not legally strike them, they could say the absolute worst, mean spirited things to me without consequence."
Do you not also see that every single commercial has a white man being chastised and made a fool of? It’s so embarrassing. Especially when I was growing up as a child they were very masculine men around at the time. I can see how humiliating it is. They’ve been doing this for 40 years on the TV.
This gets in people’s subconscious. 40 years of this crap in our subconscious.
Think about it !!!!
All the white men especially are doofuses, the woman is the primary breadwinner, she and the kids rolling over dad. Rarely do you even see a white couple, more likely to see a black couple or mixed race. It is like woke Hollywood movies nobody watches, though you are right, it absolutely has a psychological effect.
Definitely! There is a commercial out now that everybody’s painting and singing, and at the end, the doofus husband gets chastised
By the wife in front of everyone
They always treat white men like little boys
They had another one with a woman driving and she was going closer to her destination and the guy whimpered oh maybe you should park here and she packed closer and said that she wore the pants in the family. That was just about the worst I ever saw.
I’ll never buy Reynolds wrap because they had the breadwinner woman coming home and the guy a big strong guy with little oven mitts taking something out of the oven. Pathetic. Big strong muscles were not meant for this kind of faggotry
Another commercial at 35 year old, something male was eating a Friendly’s with his daughter, and the six-year-old girl figured out the tip and made a fool out of him
Another commercial for Moving company showed all the men with the things that women couldn’t lift so what they did was make a fool out of men by making the woman dust off the men while they were standing at attention It was pure disgusting us.
These are all just recent ones. There are 1 million of them goat that go back to 40 years.
I thought it was safe to watch the black-and-white rifleman However, after they had made everybody love the very masculine rifleman after a couple seasons, they made a woman in a bar type saloon come at him and talk about feminism and women voting, and all this crap, and he tipped his hat to her and agreed.
Any time they had comments in magazines, they would never have the opposite feelings I was censoring for so many years because I was against daycare and actually worked in some and know how bad they are and they never let me write it
Instead, they talked a lot about how great it is, but at the very end they always had one line. They used to even say themselves at the end daycare should only be done a certain amount of hours a week maybe three days a week for a few hours on each of those days and it should be taught by people who have a masters degree.
Good luck with that because usually they only need one class in child development.
I’ve seen a lot of bad things.
I’ve reported them too, but when the Dcf comes into the office, one of the office ladies goes around telling everybody that the Dcf is there, and they change a lot of things before she actually gets in the classroom by the way.
The solution is to abandon the TV. There is no honest culture on TV, only exploitation.
Spend your nights reading Substack! (just kidding)
I always read read read the TV is all propaganda. Everyone should shut it off.
I have not had a TV since 2008! I do not miss it one bit. (Internet helps...)
Oh thank God someone else sees it, too. I don’t watch TV anymore, gave it up many years ago but I thought back to the Rosanne Show and others I used to watch and it is unmistakable. It is like social engineering, perhaps?
I think the feminist project was in part promoted to split the sexes as a from of control by the ruling class. Also the term liberal has had its meaning changed. The truth is men and women are different and complementary we each have our strengths and weaknesses, we need each other and to focus on and celebrate our strengths. As a feminine woman that stayed home to raise my daughter, I was shocked at how badly I was treated by not only society but also by my own husband for not having a high paying career. I think our society treats everyone like shit, men and women alike, and we have to decide to love one another to heal our world. I have a lot more to say but can’t fit it in this little comment. I am thinking about coming back to Substack to write a few more essays. You and Kathleen Deveney really inspire me. 🤗 Love this essay.
Thank you. I think if I were a young man I would find a young woman to build a big family with. Alas, it is more for me to help young people see past the pathological conditioning.
beautiful writing...islam, look at feminism, birth control, homosexuality...all of group benefits...while the west demises one group advances in numbers etc.
I considered for a short time, after the collapse of my last relationship, finding a young woman (well, 30-35) to have some kids with, but then I came to terms with the fact that I would be both dad and grandpa, which would not really be fair for the kids. Perhaps in my next life though I will find the right woman at the right time and fill a big house with kids ;)
do not think so...we need kids...once they have some good time with you enough, and they can stand on their feet, I say go for it...I love your writing and balance.
Much appreciated, and note taken the heart.
I was thinking more like 4-5 before we turn thirty :)
Keep writing, Shield Maiden, we are on the same page! Blessings from "a blunt Oregon girl".
islam is at the root of feminism
close, but you're thinking of a different middle-eastern religion.
Is Saudi Arabia using their vast oil wealth to pay for the destruction of the West? Promoting wokeness would be a way to do this. It is certainly not an endogenous or organic phenomenon to have the lunatic fringe pushed to be the mainstream.
But yeah, too, if I were China/Russia/Iran etc I would be supporting Trans in America.
I point more to domestic Marxists, and especially the so-called health care industry/cartel. As with so many things, follow the money.
I knew feminism was bullshit. 40 years ago. I’m glad you finally woke up. At least you woke up because so many haven’t.
Do you realize how much you have killed people like me?!!!
All I wanted was to be a housewife and mother, and then when I was older grandmother with a lot of grandchildren.
How do you think I did in this sick clown world?!!
I ended up being a housewife for a while because I married a foreigner to be able to get someone masculine enough to want to be responsible for a family. we only had one kid when he decided to leave for religious reasons. He saw how sick this country was getting. He wanted me to come, but I was close to my family at that time. If I had known they would all split apart after the Covid I would’ve went with them.
Now I have one child who is married who doesn’t even want to have kids yet because he saw how well I did as a mother, but his wife is making as much as he does. They are trapped with a huge condo payment. Yes, even though they saved both of them since they were kids they couldn’t get a house. Condo was the best they could do.
Feminism has hurt so many women, so many families. I remember being 12 years old and my mother having told me I was going to be a housewife all of a sudden at school finding out that women “have to work” I was suicidal a lot of times in my life after that.
I am right there with you. I was pushed back out of my stay at home role by a husband who thought I wasn't doing enough. My marriage went downhill from that and subsequently ended. He had a vascectomy after 2. I was not given a say. Now I have 1 grandchild and don't see anymore for the future.
Like you I began questioning the feminist agenda when it was evident that only one viewpoint was acceptable.
Also was treated very badly for staying home with my daughter. It killed our marriage. I have to just try to let go of the anger and have compassion for the fact we are living in a sick system.
I’m sorry for what you ladies went through as well
My aunt said she is lucky to be able to stay home
No, not lucky. It’s a God-given right for a mother to be with her baby
Just try taking a baby from any other creature !! The mother will kill you quick as a wink!
Yeah! It’s considered animal cruelty to take puppies away from a dog before they are weaned so why are human beings asked to drop their babies off at day care? It’s cruel and traumatic for both the mother and child. Oh wait it’s only the slave masses that are asked to do this, not the ruling banker class parasites.
I appreciate all your comments here Shield Maiden. I know you’re speaking specifically about mother and baby but what I’ll add is that very high elite families encourage their sons to go to elite schools early in development not only for the higher education but so they are away from their mothers, which can help facilitate psychopathic tendencies and lack of empathy. This results from being severed from the nurturing qualities of the mother. It’s sick.
You make a very good point, no wonder these people are psychopaths.
It's only recently that men have become so anti-feminist. During the Second Wave (Baby Boomers and my Gen X) a lot of men were either feminists or supportive to some degree. Why? My guess is they enjoyed the "free love" benefits the hippy second wavers provided. Women who were holding out for marriage and refused to compromise often wound up alone. Especially if our convictions were religious. Not enough males for females in conservative religious subcultures whether LDS, Amish, Orthodox Jew, or Evangelical.
For some reason a lot fewer young women are going to church now. A lot of young men are anti-feminist just because they aren't getting any. Not sure why they can't get oodles of all those no-strings hook ups like the generations before them did. That's the real reason why they're opposed to feminism and claim to want purity. Speaking as a middle-aged religious female virgin. I'm not a feminist and I'm sick of all the spite and vitriol dumped on childless single women as though we are a monolith. Nancy Pelosi and Hilary Clinton are both married with kids. For some reason Matt Walsh can't seem to remember this. Mark Driscoll can't remember that Jezebel was a wife and mother either.
Too much porn for a lot of these young men. They have also been treated negatively much of their lives. The incel phenomenon to me is one of the saddest indictments of the culture.
As for demonizing childless women, expecting every woman to breed is it's own kind of pathology. That is fundamentally unsympathetic too, about how much women have been propagandized to be godless, independent consumers the last several generations.
Women are too apt to fall for commercials and propaganda. They look at relationships on screens and imagine that's how it should look in reality. Hollywood has its own agenda and keeping people happy no longer matters. Neither men nor women are prospering under the current state of affairs and loneliness is at an all-time high for both sexes.
Mr. Duncan, I wholeheartedly agree with your take on the "incel phenomenon." Sad indeed.
I’m too feminine for the sick world. I could’ve been brought up anytime in a normal world, but I just had to have been born when women were sick masculine freaks, and men faggots
Thank you for sharing your experience. I suspect a lot of women and men feel the way you do. I cautiously caution you not to dwell in bitterness. Young people need guidance. All of us who see how pathological this system is need to stand up and be models, if we hope to right the system.
I agree that "young people need guidance". With my own visceral experience in the disaster of the sexual revolution of my youth (1960's and 1970's), I got slam-dunked many times. Recently, Holy Spirit nudged me to begin writing a short series of pieces directed to Generation Z, ("From B to Z") as they are nearly the youngest group now (I guess there is now Gen. Alpha?). I have written part one so far, called "War", sharing my time in early teens when my brother Tom was killed in Vietnam in 1968 and the repercussions of all the upheaval of the 1960s. I have two other pieces in processing right now, part two on love and sexuality and part three likely on work. Boomers and Gen. Z actually have some similar roots and I hope I can at least share without sounding preachy. I lived the chaos!
Sounds like a work worth writing and reading. Please share.
William, I already have part one, "From B to Z" out on my Substack, a blunt Oregon girl. That deals with the subject of how the Vietnam War devastated my Boomer generation ( my brother Tom was killed in Vietnam in 1968). Part two on love and sexuality is in the writing and I hope to get it out by this Friday evening Aug. 2, 2024. Final piece will be on the realm of work, still in note taking and out in hopefully another week. This Substack and Notes platform is truly a blessing to us all, a place to share and discuss. Blessings on your day, William!
I understand what you were saying, but I wish I was born any other time. I would’ve gotten along great at any time being a normal woman. I am very bitter that this is a sick society. Especially since the first years of my life were brought up in a very conservative normal area. All of a sudden things went sick and crazy. I don’t belong here.
wait till you figure out what group of people is responsible for this!
I have not figured it out. I read about atavistic and social engineering. What group? Literally nothing makes sense to me aside of nature.
Global technocrats. The ultimate goal is a one world government with no religion.
The CIA-invented feminist propaganda really took hold in the 60s and 70s, and every subsequent decade saw the foundations of it embedded more deeply within the psyche. When I returned to college (2012-2016), I witnessed the smugness of young women as they assumed power over men while wearing the equivalent of skimpy summer pajamas in classrooms. But I could see through the flimsy put-on, as these were also children of helicopter parents: They had no wisdom because they had no genuine experiences. They'd been protected from every potential harm that is normal and natural to children exploring the world on their own.
Truth be told, I think that all we can do is continue to speak and act in ways that defy this feminist trans DEI woke ideology, since it is very difficult to un-program people who have been more deeply traumatized by institutions and mockingbird media mouthpieces than we have. That said, keep up your good work!
Absolutely this.
As other women here, I'll share part of my story, and make it short.
I grew up a latchkey kid by necessity,our family was lower middle class.
I worked hard in a scientific field worling within an industrial environment. 20/80 f/m. I worked harder than other women to earn my respect. I have never been a feminist.
I left my established career,with the agreement of my husband, to raise our child. I was only allowed the one,and my husband was a Father but not a Dad. I raised my son to be respectful and manly as best I could,but Culture warped him. I won't give up. I'm a mom.
..I will not give up on my child.
I despise women like you've been abused by ,William, and I am heartened by your ability to still see us . Really see us.
I love being female.
I love true masculinity.
We are better together, Yin and Yang.
As an aside: The fixed star of kings, Regulus, moved into Virgo a few years ago. Let that percolate for a bit.
Thank you for the rant today, was needed.
Thank you, and you are welcome. Thank you too for sharing your experience.
As to Regulus, the King in trickster Mercury and Virgo the Virgin, would explain a fair bit about the gender confusion of the times. People tend to think of it as a particularly Western thing, but Asian cultures have been dealing with the feminization of young men for some time too.
Yes,however I should have been more clear.
Woman in Power.
Since Regulus moved into Virgo,we've had a bigger eye full of women with king-like power.
Clinton,Van derLayen( sp),Ardern,Victoria Nuland,Germany's chancellor I can't recall the name of...
There were women prior...but these are prominent since the tick-over,and they represent some of the most ghoulish power-mongers of my sex.
You are thinking of Angela Merkel, the second worst German Chancellor.
Oh, thank you so much! Yes. Horrible hag .
You won't be alive,nor your children's great grandchildren...
It believe the fixed stars move roughly 1° every 72 years,and there's 30° per sign...
A bit more than 2000 yrs from now ,it'll move into Scorpio.
Ps- yeah, I'm literally the sword wielding shield- maiden... but I've always wanted a warrior who'd appreciate me and treat me like I deserved to be a damsel. ( citing Kathrine's stack)
I am deeply honored to have two shield maidens among my readers. You deserve such a warrior. So does your son.
I love the finishing sentences. It is a beautiful elegy to women and a lovely reveal of the tender William.
I have known, probably borderline women, who would rant, degrade and demoralize their men, including sons, in front of other people. I was mortified. It was one of the most horrifying things I have witnessed. It has always haunted me.
This is the money quote. The best current analysis of the liberal, white, female, frailty. (pardon my punctuation) "Trump Derangement Syndrome is the liberal female id projected, laying waste to the very foundations of their independence and empowerment, turning themselves into everything authoritarian they claim to hate."
I've been listening to Mary Harrington. Good podcasts with Jordan Peterson. Also, Heather Heying assessed the Pride parade in PDX. A disgusting display of 'pride', and promoted/witnessed by liberal, white, women with young children in tow.
I was long mystified about women who critized their men in public…until it happened to me. It is a pathology on both ends, a relationship gone sour. Women are not to be blamed necessarily for the weakness of men.
I’m glad you appreciated the ending. It s easy to get in a negative spiral, harder to be positive and speak from the spirit and heart.
Borderline personality mothers create angry, resentful, depressed, confused men.
Oh boy, I’m sorry.
Exactly! One of the women's only son is a career criminal. Quelle suprise.
I am heading up there next month to attend the wedding of my eldest (step)son. My middle son (the one I helped make) is married with one child already, and (step)son #3 has just announced his engagement.
All 3 have found Earth bound women, who are either already exalting in motherhood, or anxious to get started. All 3 are the leaders of their families in all the ways men are supposed to lead. Their women lead in their roles.
I see this as the reward for my wife and I for sacrificing affluent lifestyles (although I am well compensated and my wife is excellent with finances), to put our boys through private schools.
They were certainly aware of the Poz, but they were never immersed in it, and we taught them about the dark places degeneracy leads.
I am looking forward to guiding a new generation and so is my wife.
Very glad to hear it. Some women have misinterpreted this post, but I have always been an advocate for strong women and strong men, which is the foundation of a Republic.
My interpretation is you only like strong women in a certain role—wife and mother. Do correct me if I’m wrong.
I don’t know where you’re from, but where I live, the “empowering women through motherhood and being a wife” is a sham. It sounds nice and rosy, but it can result in women being trapped in unhealthy, unbalanced relationships with no viable economic alternative because they can’t support themselves. (Please don’t try to tell me it’s because these men have been made weak by modern society—this kind of thing happened long before the women’s movement). It’s not always a trap, and it’s great if a couple can find that balance and make it work. But let’s not pretend it’s a cure-all for society’s ills. It simple doesn’t work for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
I, for one, would never tell a woman she can’t stay at home if she chooses. I advocate men and women being able to set up the relationship dynamic that works best for them. What I object to is the conservative stance that there is only one way to be a real woman (marry and have kids) or only one kind of family.
I think for women who resent feeling like they couldn’t be stay at home moms, I’d be curious about the root of that. Is it because it really wasn’t financially viable for your family? That’s not the fault of feminism. Is it because your husband saw other women working and decided you should, too, even though he earns enough for you to stay home? Don’t hold that against the women working—maybe they’re doing what they need to do for their families, or what makes them happy and fulfilled. That’s a problem to take up with your husband. Is it just because society at large seems to condemn you? Grow a backbone and be proud of your life.
This matriarchy you speak of—I’ve never seen it. Mostly it sounds like you’ve experienced women in positions of power within capitalism, which is a far cry from any true matriarchy lol. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I don’t want a matriarchy any more than I want a patriarchy because I believe in equality and balance—but what you write here simply doesn’t make sense to me. I try to be sympathetic to other points of view because I know my personal experience isn’t universal, but not much of what you write makes much sense to me.
You are not the only one to object. That is perfectly fine. I have made it clear in the comments, it is not for every woman to be a mother or a wife. As to marriage, it absolutely is no cure-all, though it can make both better and stronger. When I say Binah the divine feminine in the cabala gives birth to all forms, there is nothing about that that would suggest a woman’s place is to be subservient to her husband. Feminism is not the only pathology of the times by any means, feminism began in part as a reaction to the pathology that had been marriage in this atomized, capitalist, industrial society. Marriage and parenthood is easier if it isn't all on the family. Industrialization and mangerialism destroyed the communities families depended on, many families disintegrated as a result.
My ideal in a marriage would be an alchemical marriage, in which we exemplify each other, are made greater and stronger. Otherwise I am content to be like a shaman at the edge of the village.
I appreciate the follow-up. I guess so much of what you say sounds a lot like Christian conservatives and Christian Nationalists that hate feminism, too. They hate it, I guess, because it empowered women at all. They very much want to go backward and don’t acknowledge any other societal ills. Misogyny is still lingering in weird ways. I would very much like to move beyond these old fights, these old dichotomies, but I’m afraid that we will just get handed back over to old school conservative nonsense. So while I want to understand your point of view, it feels too much like the complaints of those Christian’s Nationalists. No offense intended. I wouldn’t engage if I didn’t care about a dialogue.
It is not merely that feminism empowered women. It also encouraged many women to demonize all masculine white men. Also, many of those most vocal about feminism have had nothing to say or have supported the Trans movement, the idea that a man can become a woman and should be able to take over women’s sport, enter female bathrooms and be put in female prisons to prey on women, and the movement to sexualize children and sterilize and mutilate kids in the name of therapy. Add open borders for any military aged males to cross unchecked.
That is not to say religious conservatives have the answer to that, it is merely to state that liberalism is actively destroying western civilization and America, tilting into demonic excess, which puts us all at risk.
I think we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t think liberalism is demonic, and I don’t think it’s actively destroying western civilization. Overall, it’s a great good because it is focused on individual rights in a way that is historically critical to our democracy. The part many have failed on is recognizing your rights are only limited by another’s, and we have to negotiate where we bump up against each others rights in good faith. The right is primarily responsible to asserting its rights as more important than anyone else’s. That’s not to say the far left hasn’t gotten out of control, and I’m not a fan of their illiberal tendencies. I lay the blame squarely at the feet of conservatives who believe their culture is the one everyone should have, and their insistence led to resistance, which has now escalated.
As far as parties go, I like a balance of conservative and liberal myself because I don’t think any one side can have all the answers all the time. I don’t like grievance politics, where your identity depends on an ”other” to constantly struggle against. That “other” can never change or grow or you’d lose your oppositional identity. I think both sides are guilty of that. It’s not fruitful and plain boring.
Thanks for engaging. I’m just not at all sold on your point of view.
SPEAK IT TEXAS. Yahoooooo. Well put. I am all for empowered women. The point you bring about women being trapped if their marriage goes south, is much viable. The feminism movement was a ploy for dis-satisfaction with circumstance and not working anything out because it was easier to not work...period. Easy way out. & I won't forget the good old bystander for crazy----GREED. Look where our world is now because of greed, then add power with it. But if anyone had of known there was a big agenda to any of the feminist push, a lot would have given it all a middle finger.
I enjoyed your response!
Never underestimate the petty vindictiveness of AWFLs. Hillary not getting her turn still burns in their bellies. Never mind that she was an avatar for America's plutocracy with its boot licking DC elites lying to get voted into office and once there doing whatever they wanted for themselves and their big donors. Over and over. Rules for thee. Throwing feel good bones to the suckers and laughing all the way to the bank. Feminism lost its way. How it ended up being childless Big Mommyism where the path to liberation was disavowing your sex and emulating men is a huge mystery. And a profound failing.
So curious too, with the rise of AWFLs, that the sexualizing of childhood and child sex trafficking has become such a thing. Hillary's tightness with the odious Podesta brothers is a prime example.
They're too busy fighting patriarchy to bother with old fashioned concerns like safeguarding children. That job has been transferred to the (LGBTQ promoting) State or the (simply money talks) Market, who are handling it in the ways that they see fit.
Thank you for stating this. People tend to look at me like I fell out of a tree when I speak of such things. I’m not really good cocktail party material anymore. Child-sex-trafficking are not words that belong in the same sentence together.
Here is the basic argument.
Here is a "fact check" that says it is illegal in the title but then admits it is not illegal, even quoting dems saying the instances are "vanishingly small," so not worth legislating about.
Love both parts of this rant, WHD!💚🙏✌
This was a wonderful post both in reason and emotion. Thank you. I loved your tribute at the end.
Thank you, that means a lot. Publishing it I wondered if it would be well received or not.
I love this rant and for your take down of toxic feminism. I didn't think I could love this any more and then you wove in kabbalistic principles of the interdependence of masculine and feminine. Beautiful and brilliant piece.
Thank you and honored. Welcome to my substack.
I am not comfortable with groupthink, so, never thought of myself as any member of a group. Kali Ma, sorry, Kamala, should not be in charge of anything. prefer merit based hiring. In ancient greece, it has been found that women had many a rooftop shrine to adonis, an idealized man. this seems natural to me. the radiance of divinity shines through for her. I think men needed the cult of mary (in greece, maybe Aphrodite or Athena, what have you, depending on the needs of the individual man) in the christian church for the same reason, it is compelling to them. Like the Animus and the Animah. religion and philosophy cannot be well understood without a minimal grasp of how human minds function.
Kali Ma, good one, with her eight arms with eight swords flailing, her garland of human heads. Probably not the energy we want, to restore America?
The Catholic Church had to deify Mary, it would not have survived without some feminine divine to worship. That is the failure of Protestantism, and much the reason why so many women have abandoned Christianity, women expected to be so subservient, not represented in the holy trinity.
truly, and women long for the divine man with full masculine power. I know i have been conditioned to want a docile male with no phallus, but biology dictates otherwise. I prefer the old images of men in all their cosmic glory. sadly people do not even understand how to make these any more.
Difficult times make great men, easy times make men fat, lazy and GAE.
I don't give a crap about any of this nonsense. I am married to a nice woman in her late 70's who is just a person who lives a good life. I am respectful of her and happy to have her with me sharing a love together. I don't really know what a feminist is and couldn't care less. And I couldn't care less what anyone thinks of me or my wife. We live "crappola" free.
I am glad for you and your wife.
This was brilliant and deeply affecting.
Much appreciated and honored.
"On a personal level, both of the liberal women I have loved in my adult life would sometimes treat me like I was the embodiment of every awful thing any man had ever done to them, or to any woman throughout history. At times it felt like, because they knew I would not or could not legally strike them, they could say the absolute worst, mean spirited things to me without consequence."