Recently I posted about the new galaxy of mRNA jabs for every illness under the sun, soon to be released for public use. Moderna has no less than 40 in the pipeline, for everything from flu to cancer. They are currently in a building boom, building manufacturing facilities in half a dozen countries. They are very optimistic about “sales”.
Sasha Latypova has been writing about this.
Here she is discussing a recent Utah food labeling bill, for feed animals who have been treated with mRNA gene manipulation. The short answer is, it is entirely legal, it is between the veterinarian (who is no doubt highly incentivized to sell the jabs) and the farmer agri-businessman, there is effectively no over-sight, no real research being done, the Covid jabs were such a fantastic financial success there is no reason at all people should be concerned. The Utah bill went down in flames, there will be no labeling of animals treated with mRNA in Utah. Presumably mRNA is being used in every state where they grow feed animals, particularly chickens and hogs, but no state has mandated labeling and the federal government is merely a booster (no need to pardon that pun.)
This article from might as well have been written by a pharmaceutical company, or by a marketing firm paid by pharma. All the same lies they told about and still tell about the Covid jab - the spike/protein stays at the injection site, there is no DNA in it so it won’t change your DNA, it is safe and effective, the jabs do not cause any damage - they are telling about all mRNA and DNA “vaccine” products. Basically the attitude is, “this stands to be a revolutionary technology if we don't get in the way.” Paraphrased honestly: the great benefit of this technology is how fast the turn-around time is, we are mostly dispensing with the testing bit, if there is a problem we will see it in the field, we have no way of knowing if there will be a problem with the food supply really, but we are experts and we decree you have no reason to be concerned.
In other words, we are the research. If there is a problem they will address it after the fact. But of course, as they have shown with Covid, they will not address it after the fact, they will refuse to acknowledge there is any problem, in fact they will outright deny there is ANY problem no matter how much evidence of a problem there is. They will call us liars, anti-vaxxers, delusional, gramma-killers, they will gas-light us like abusers do, they will denounce us as anti-science, no matter how many people are killed or damaged by the jab. Because these jabs are basically an extension of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and a generalized anti-human, iatrogenic death cult, the cultists having lost their grasp on reality eight years ago, twisting in the authoritarian winds of anything goes and nothing matters ever since.
And these jabs are a potential trillion+ dollar market. That last bit is a trillion+ dollars of motive. Covid jabs were just a taste of such profits.
If you recall, back during the advent of GMO crops, there at least was something like a debate. At least it was brought to the public and discussed in the media. Maybe it was a foregone conclusion, not really a debate but just the appearance of one on the way to widespread adoption in the marketplace? Supporters said all the things about GMO they are saying about mRNA jabs, that you are anti-science, a conspiracy theorist if you disagree in any fashion. Has there been damage as a result of GMO crops? Are Americans healthier than they were in the 80’s? No, definitely not. The use of GMO crops has increased the spraying of Glyphosate about a thousand fold, a primary cause (habitat destruction) in the near-extermination of pollinators. Glyphosate is present in your bread and cereals. Is America a healthier place because of the wide-spread use of GMO crops and pesticides generally? That is a categorical no. But for the cult of Progress, it is a social good that cannot be questioned.
There are currently several mRNA and DNA based “vaccines” for use in chickens and pigs.
mRNA jabs get all the press because of course a few billion people were “vaccinated” with the Covid jab. But there are now DNA based Covid jabs, as well as for other illnesses for feed animals, and presumably many in the pipeline for people. DNA jabs supposedly do not change your DNA, but it is adding DNA to your body, it enters the cell nucleus, which then codes to generate RNA, which then causes the body to produce proteins, which then the immune system creates antibodies to protect against the disease the protein is related to. No one seems to seriously question what happens to the DNA after this, other than mostly breathless and seemingly unsupported assertions that it breaks down harmlessly. Nor does there seem any concern at all from regulators or researchers about generating rogue proteins in the human body.
Similar to DNA vaccines, mRNA vaccines deliver genetic material to human cells to synthesize into one or more viral or bacterial proteins.
While DNA and mRNA vaccines have several similarities, there are notable differencesTrusted Source between these genetic vaccines.
For DNA vaccines to be effective, the plasmid DNA must cross the cell membrane, enter the cytoplasm, and then reach the cell nucleus by crossing the nucleus membrane.
In contrast, an RNA vaccine only needs to cross the cell membrane to enter the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains enzymes that use the genetic information in the mRNA molecules to synthesize the bacterial or viral proteins.
Because DNA vaccines need to go through the extra step of entering the cell nucleus, they produce a much lower immune response than mRNA vaccines.
However, a single plasmid DNA can produce numerous copies of mRNA. Once a plasmid DNA enters the nucleus, it can produce more bacterial or viral protein than a single molecule of an mRNA vaccine.
DNA vaccines are safe, easy, affordable to produce, and, unlike RNA vaccines, are stable at room temperature.
Here is a short list of a few diseases that can be caused by rogue proteins:
Multiple Sclerosis
Creutzfeld-Jakob (human version of mad cow disease, brain wasting)
So, this revolutionary new Health Care technology is about causing your body to generate rogue proteins? To reiterate, mRNA is a 20 year old technology that was never used because of the concern that it causes auto-immune diseases. There is an epidemic going on right now, of auto-immune disease. All of official Health Care is perplexed, mystified. Like they are perplexed and mystified by the rise in cancer rates, especially among young people. Like they are perplexed and mystified by autism. Like they would be perplexed and mystified by an epidemic of parkinsons, multiple sclerosis and Cruetzfeld-Jakob, immediatly following the mass adoption of mRNA/DNA gene manipulation treatments. One might begin to notice the more perplexed and mystified official Health Care becomes, the more money official Health Care makes. One might begin to make an argument there is a causal relationship between the ignorance of Health Care and profits.
I have been very angry for the past week, since I first heard about this issue with feed animals. Furious, really. I brought this up to my elderly parents, who eat a fair amount of commercial meat, but they are set in their ways, it has not penetrated. That is how it will be for most people. The vast majority of people are going to be experimented on in this way. There was no discussion, the USDA just went ahead and ok’d this without saying much of anything about it, they have no intention to open up a discussion, they are not really even trying to sell it to the public, it is merely “safe and effective” right out of the gate, like some holy writ incantation, heresy to question, we will burn you at the stake if you dare. They claim oversight but that is like “safe and effective,” a claim entirely without substance. After covid, reading the literature on mRNA and DNA “vaccines”, it becomes clear, if cancer rates continue to increase, if auto-immune disorders continue to increase, literally if people started dying suddenly after eating hamburgers, they would hide, deny and gaslight, throw more money at mRNA/DNA “threapuetics” to cure cancer/auto immune/died suddenly from eating hamburgers.
I don’t know what else to call this but to call it a death cult. Excess deaths continue to track above baseline, particularly among working aged people, after the covid jabs. Cancer and auto-immune disorders are above baseline. The only thing being done about this is EVER MORE OF THE SAME SORT OF PROGRESS, while acting like any idea that the jabs could be responsible is the stuff of deranged conspiracy theorists. The experts have decreed their astoundingly brilliant infallibility, there shall be no more debate about anything, at, all. Progress begins to look about as open and accommodating as a demon Ahriman or Moloch.
My furious-ness is a sense of helplessness, my fellow Americans being so preyed upon, and there seems so little I can do about it. At the same time there is an invasion of military-aged male migrants, preying upon my fellow Americans, which damage is passed off with the same sort of aloof dismissal as questions about the real effect of mRNA and DNA jabs, by true believers and their hidebound, ideological experts.
This death cult I speak of could very well have emerged in part from the way we treat feed animals, industrially. There is something deeply pathological about confined animal feed lots. It is no stretch then to throw mRNA and DNA biologics at them, the way we have thrown antibiotics at them for decades, so very “logically.” No stretch either, the way the experts and elite tend to think of us as no better than cattle, that they are throwing mRNA and DNA jabs at us with a similar logic.
I will not take any (more) mRNA jabs, no DNA jabs. Much of the meat I eat comes from animals and fish I have harvested myself. I can go to local farmers who will not use mRNA on their feed animals, if I want to eat feed animals. That is one positive that could come out of this, an abandonment of big Pharma and big Ag, re-localization, a greater focus on local, fresh food as the foundation of real health.
If they don’t debilitate us, kill us off and then replace us first.
Also, Tyson Foods is firing Americans and replacing them with migrants.
It's awfully depressing isn't it, both what's happening and the insane apathy amongst those it's happening to. Sometimes I think I was better off not knowing.