The Importance of Equilibrium
Setting oneself on fire is just succumbing to a global conflagration of increasing madness, twice is a coincidence and three times is enemy action, and a sign of increasing religious zealotry
I see a growing trend toward Authoritarianism by people who claim to be defending and protecting Democracy, and it is time again to raise my voice in defiance, to speak where I stand, to help my fellow Americans make sense.
Me, in my Introduction to this Substack
Yes, that is me quoting myself. I don’t think that is totally crazy, though reading through the Introduction to this Substack, I thought, geez, if any random normie happened to stumble upon this Substack, they might think they have stepped into some alternative universe. Something else I said in that Introduction:
Now we are looking at a World Economic Forum and World Health Organization Great Reset, the controlled demolition of the economy and the dollar, a Chinese Communist Party-style social credit system, globalized, programmable digital currency, total surveillance panopticon, transhumanists thinking they can engineer a better human and society (Metaverse), by way of a bio-medical, bi-monthly multi booster, eat your insects, bike to work in the winter, total narrative controlled, eugenicist, planned depopulation regime - in the name of saving the earth.
Which is just a taste of one long narrative “conspiracy theory”, I tried to outline as a way of making sense of the state of the world, civilization and nation we are living in. Reading it again, I am not inclined to take any of it back, or make excuses. In fact I stand by every word of it. I think most of my readers would probably agree with most of it. Most of the writers I am subscribed to would agree with just about every point I made, if they might argue about particulars. That is what makes it a competing narrative, as opposed to “conspiracy theory.” A “conspiracy theory” can be just about anything, but mostly it is a narrative in competition with the Official Narrative, which in some sense is the grandest narrative of them all, or for fans of Tolkien, one ring to rule them all.
Governments construct a narrative, everything about that narrative might be a lie and a manipulation, but every other competing narrative becomes “conspiracy theory” and dis- mis- and mal-information. Anyone who does not see this simply does not want to see this, or is captive to the official narrative.
That is what makes the “conspiracy theory” of Maxwell Azzarello, schizophrenic, because it is a conspiracy theory of one. Maxwell, you probably know, set himself on fire outside the Trump trial. Turns out he had a Substack. I read his post about setting himself on fire: my first thought, how can he be right in the main but wrong about almost every detail? His mind was like a dragnet from which nothing could escape, or a black hole. He constructed a worldview all his own that no one else shared and yet he declared it the Truth. It would take such a one to self-immolate himself at the trial of the century, so very grandiose. That is an ego perhaps bigger than Trump’s, if you can believe it, or at the very least more self-absorbed.
That said, are we on the verge of a “global, fascist coup,” that all the world’s elite are in on? Well, kind of. It is no secret it seems to me, that the governments of the West are heading in the direction of China-style surveillance and narrative control. The Great Reset put forth by the WEF is effective biometric, centralized digital currency lock down, embraced by technocrats everywhere. The governments of every Western country including America are actively attempting to turn democracy into one-party rule.
Maxwell Azzarello intuited a global fascist coup. He spent his time “researching” that, losing himself in it. He forgot to focus on himself, take care of himself and his mental and spiritual welfare.
The point of life is not to understand the ways in which those who rule abuse their power, the point of life is to understand the self. “Know thyself” was the great axiom of the Oracle of Delphi, at the very dawn of the West, a thing most of us have forgot. That is something of the project of this Substack, relating to you what I have learned in my attempt to understand myself. I don’t mean to pose that as some kind of Truth, but merely as a kind of report of what has worked for me, do what you will with it or not.
Equilibrium is a fancy word for balance. Merriam-Webster defines it this way.
1a : a state of intellectual or emotional balance : poise
b : a state of adjustment between opposing or divergent influences or elements
2 : a state of balance between opposing forces or actions that is either static (as in a body acted on by forces whose resultant is zero) or dynamic (as in a reversible chemical reaction when the rates of reaction in both directions are equal)
Did you know?
Equilibrium contains a root from the Latin libra, meaning "weight" or "balance". As a constellation, zodiac symbol, and astrological sign, Libra is usually pictured as a set of balance scales, often held by the blindfolded goddess of justice, which symbolizes fairness, equality, and justice. Equilibrium has special meanings in biology, chemistry, physics, and economics, but in all of them it refers to the balance of competing influences.
The primary opposing forces in society are on the one hand, hyper-order, technocracy, the will to rule in a state of total information awareness, total control - and on the other hand, the forces of chaos, that which seeks destruction for the sake of destruction, which is a lot of the Left in the West, currently. Of course, the more the technocracy tries to control, the more the forces of chaos grow, such that chaos begins to overwhelm all.
Maintaining equilibrium, balance, in the midst of that mounting chaos/attempt at total control, is no easy thing. Not least when almost everything about the Official narrative is a lie, not least when there are powerful forces destroying the foundations of the West, literally destroying language. In the beginning was the Word, the beginning of the end is the destruction of the Word. What is a woman? What is a vaccine? What is democracy? Words are continually redefined to keep us off balance. What was good yesterday is evil today, and what was evil yesterday is good today. It is like a constant psyop gaslighting, do not believe your lying eyes/ears/memory/instinct/intuition, we will tell you what reality is.
Equilibrium is holding true to the meaning of words, the integrity of language. Equilibrium is being conscious how you are being manipulated, depriving the manipulator of power. Equilibrium does not need a child to say the emperor has no clothes.
What is the film Civil War? I imagine that is like the opposite of equilibrium. I haven’t seen it, though I have read several reviews, left and right. The reviews I have read make the film seem like a pastiche onto which the viewer projects his/her biases and prejudices. I intend on watching it Monday, but my immediate bias is, civil war serves the globalists with access to capital, the billionaire class, those who own the dollar (or CBDC), to have America descend into a kinetic, militaristic conflagration. Like the credit collapse of 2008 and the Covid con, mass devastation allows for the buying up of assets for pennies on the dollar, all of America would be bought up by the billionaire class internationally, after such a war. America would be a true, Neo-feudal State, Americans reduced to third-world dispossessed.
Or, perhaps, it might not end well for the globalist billionaire class? Not sure what a billionaire is worth if civil war destroys the dollar.
The importance of equilibrium is that we face the challenges of this life with aplomb, that we make the best of whatever circumstances we are presented with, that we remain strong even as everyone and everything around us seems to be falling apart. To know thyself is the core of it, that we act as well as possible in any moment. Equilibrium is ready for whatever comes.
Equilibrium is the awareness of the the ups and downs of emotion, feeling emotion but not being ruled by it. Equilibrium is not becoming emotional about things you cannot control. Equilibrium is cool, calm situational awareness wherever you are.
There is no separating the Great Work, search for the self, from the circumstances one finds oneself in. There is no search for the self that can remain ignorant of the mounting chaos globally and in America. Equilibrium allows you to face the world as it is. We can face it, or not, or simply live the lies we are told. Best it seems to me to face the world eyes wide open.
That is what my series on Spiritual Alchemy was about, in great degree, finding equilibrium in the self. So too, the spiritual protection and creative meditations I have been writing about:
Maxwell Azzarello fell prey to the mounting chaos, the global conflagration that grows, chosing to make a martyr of himself. There is perhaps a fine line between the mystic and the schizophrenic, though it seems clear Maxwell fell on the side of schizophrenic. He was not wrong though, in the main, about the mounting threat to us all, from the centralization of power of the deep state, of DC and Wall Street, their globalist friends and the owners of the currency.
I assume some of my readers read the work of Elizabeth Nickson. Her work of late on elections has been superb. Her work on the state of the culture is no less courageous. Her righteous indignation is a thing to behold. As to the following piece, I don’t dispute her facts or her conclusions in the main, I do wonder about the equilibrium of this though. There is no real qualitative difference to me between “the whole history of the West is nothing but a long trail of patriarchal, white supremacist abuse,” which is the basic stance of the Left in America, and
The reason anyone participates in a Satanic ritual is for power. The sigils, incantations, the demonic gods summoned, serve you. Their requirement? Blood.
This has always been the way of humans, since the beginning. Every single religion started in blood. I laugh when a New Age practitioner claims she was a Hopi shaman in her past life. Shamans were the authority who decided who would die. The Hopi were the worst at killing their own….
We, all of us, live in peace, among the remnants of a Christian civilization, where blood sacrifice was given once, by the Christ, and that was that. The line was drawn. The history on this could not be more clear. It was the sole reason that Christianity is still the dominant world religion, practiced in every corner.
While it is true, Christianity symbolized the leaving behind of blood sacrifice with the blood sacrifice of Christ, it is a blindly doctrinaire, dogmatic, absolutist thing to say that literally every culture that came before or existed ignorant of Christianity even unto the industrial revolution, from the beginning of time, practiced blood sacrifice and the ritual killing of children.
Reading this post, having been raised evangelical, I want to extend a proverbial olive branch to my Christian readers. Ms Nickson is like the archetype of the death goddess when she writes like this, like Kali manifest. She reminds me why the pillar of femininity in the Qabalah is called the pillar of severity (many women object to this, but consider the mother bear or mountain lion when her cubs are in danger.) It is a kind of Butlerian jihad Nickson is stirring up. If even half of what she is saying about these people is true however, the olive branch is to let you know, if Christians do decide to go biblical on these monsters, I am on the side of God.
What is the difference between setting yourself on fire in a public square, self immolation to make a martyr of yourself, and firing up the believers to go Jihad/holy war on the enemy? Once you light that fire you cannot put it out, you lose control of it once you start it. Once you have been subsumed in that fire you have lost equilibrium, once you have lost the self in that conflagration. Nickson’s follow-up to this piece condemned all of popular music, all of it, as a demonic occult concoction of the deep state spook community. What is the logical end of such absolutism? Are we going to be smashing musical instruments now? Are people who make music evil, if that music is not in service to Christianity? That sounds like abandoning reason for faith.
I am fond of paraphrasing Eliphas Levi, a Christian Occultist who reintroduced occultism to Europe in the 19th century: the true Science is the unification and equilibrium of Reason and Faith.
My own study of occult literature bears zero resemblance to the venomous description Ms Nickson is using to condemn the occult. I don’t condemn all Catholics because of a few pedo priests, or all Protestants because a few I know are unprincipled hypocrites, Nickson has no business condemning as Satanic and demonic any religion that is not Abrahamic, because Hollywood and DC are full of blood cult luciferians. The occult community I am familiar with going back 200 years at least considers blood magic to be black magic, anathema. It seems to me the best defense and offense against black magic is good, positive magic. But when zealots are emboldened, when jihad/holy war is afoot, all such distinctions are wiped away.
This is an image of a goddess of Corinth, the face cut off and given the “Boniface” treatment.
That Boniface treatment, cutting off the face of the goddess, cutting off the face of the sacred feminine, looks to me a lot like this guy.
That is the face and monotone of the zealot, true believer. He might not have been left or right, or religious in any fashion, but a zealot is as a zealot does. Zealots of all kinds religious and secular, are very fond of fire.
Keep in mind, one is a surprise, two is coincidence, three is enemy action. Zealots are no friends of civilization, the more they proliferate the greater risk to civilization.
As always, I am merely saying, keep your head about you. “Fire” is essential to getting anything done, fire will keep you alive, fire will cook your food, fire is like the will to live, but it can also be a massively destructive force, you can literally burn a city down or yourself with it, it could lay waste to modernity, in the form of global thermo-nuclear it could end most life on earth.
Equilibrium looks to me like not getting caught up emotionally in mass movements, regardless of their stated ideals. Equilibrium looks like not losing the self in zealotry, left or right or religious or merely of one’s own mind.
Equilibrium does not mean passivity, on the contrary, true right action is most possible in equilibrium. America is very much in need of some true right action, to restore something like equilibrium to the nation. Such equilibrium for the nation or the world seems unlikely in anything like the near term, but that is all the more reason to seek equilibrium in the self now. There seems little hope for equilibrium in America without many Americans seeking equilibrium in the self.
Equilibrium is a surer hand of the Justice of God, than any zealot.
Personally, on balance, I think America and the West is grossly out of balance toward the left: the left brain at the expense of the right brain and hemisphere equilibrium; liberalism and technocracy at the expense of the conservative and autonomy; government and centralization of powers at the expense of self-governance and local community.
My equilibrium, such as it is, is in service to the Right, to restore something more like balance to life in America generally.
I've read some of Nickson's work and it appears in my inbox, but I haven't read any lately, mostly for some of the reasons you described. Yes she makes good points and has some understandably righteous indignation, but can also be quite extreme, and what I feel is a lack of empathy or understanding of other possibilities. I appreciate your analysis and the way you wove that into your piece, pointing it out without being hostile or condemnatory.
I've been wondering whether I want to want to use the word "occult", because I could just use "esoteric" instead. People get so attached to their meanings and the words they assign to their meanings. Especially with the word "occult"; I really doubt that some people will ever be able, or even try, to understand the sense in which you use it, because of the extremity of their associations with the word. I think it is brave of you to continue to use that word, and I wonder if I am a coward for preferring a word like "esoteric".
Well, this looks quite promising. I will try to leave it open on my browser so I can read it. In the beginning, it reminds me what Andrew Beaton (American Lit) is always telling me about what he calls "self-care." I felt like he was haranguing me, though. I had not appreciated what "born on the fourth" is doing until now. It looks like something good to read. I cannot write something like this. I write in spurts, and I only cover one topic at a time. I couldn't make a list. But I agree with what I have read so far. A person can get it right on all the specific points and miss the point of keeping watch on one's own equilibrium and balance and health.