Setting oneself on fire is just succumbing to a global conflagration of increasing madness, twice is a coincidence and three times is enemy action, and a sign of increasing religious zealotry
I've read some of Nickson's work and it appears in my inbox, but I haven't read any lately, mostly for some of the reasons you described. Yes she makes good points and has some understandably righteous indignation, but can also be quite extreme, and what I feel is a lack of empathy or understanding of other possibilities. I appreciate your analysis and the way you wove that into your piece, pointing it out without being hostile or condemnatory.
I've been wondering whether I want to want to use the word "occult", because I could just use "esoteric" instead. People get so attached to their meanings and the words they assign to their meanings. Especially with the word "occult"; I really doubt that some people will ever be able, or even try, to understand the sense in which you use it, because of the extremity of their associations with the word. I think it is brave of you to continue to use that word, and I wonder if I am a coward for preferring a word like "esoteric".
I rarely use the word occult because there is hardly a more propagandized word in the English language. A lot of people have a very strong, visceral reaction to it, without having any idea what it is really about, or how they have been manipulated and propagandized. It is frustrating, because it is not just Nickson, it is a lot of writers here I admire, who use the word as a synonym for evil, unconsciously. I too use esoteric or esotere instead, or even magic. It is not cowardice, it is simply recognizing that the word can trigger not just a wall of defenses, but even outright hate.
That said, magic rises in every crisis, as more people start looking to make sense of the collapse of order. The "second religiosity" is not just about a restoration of Christianity, it will also be a restoration of magic. America has a long history of esotere, particularly early in our history. I seem myself as helping, trying to popularize it.
Well, this looks quite promising. I will try to leave it open on my browser so I can read it. In the beginning, it reminds me what Andrew Beaton (American Lit) is always telling me about what he calls "self-care." I felt like he was haranguing me, though. I had not appreciated what "born on the fourth" is doing until now. It looks like something good to read. I cannot write something like this. I write in spurts, and I only cover one topic at a time. I couldn't make a list. But I agree with what I have read so far. A person can get it right on all the specific points and miss the point of keeping watch on one's own equilibrium and balance and health.
equilibrium huh. well, you could be spiritually anchored to the past by your ancestors, to the present by the relationships of a spiritual nature in the here and now. if you are spiritually connected to the next generations removing yourself would be seen as abandonment. in a world of dead matter with a far distant god, there is no anchor. maybe for him he saw no divine. what little i read of him, it seemed he wanted very much to matter. but to whom? he observed well, but was in an important way disconnected.
If you aren't going to do anything useful, you are better off sticking your head in the sand. Telling the Sheeple to wake up without a plan of useful action is to disturb their equilibrium.
20 years ago I realized that freedom required reduction in the wealth gap as well as a reduction in the size, scope, and complexity of government. About the only people who actively understood this at the time were followers of Henry George and conspiracy theorists of the John Birch/Alex Jones variety. Given the tiny size of the first faction and the wackiness and racism of the latter, I opted to pitch my vision to progressives and apolitical normies.
Many progressives were open minded at the time, practicing yoga, positive visualization and whatnot in order to avoid Hate. Sometimes I could get through to them that deficit spending was a subsidy to the already rich and that regulatory overhead favors Walmart over Mom and Pop.
Reaching normies is more challenging. You need a movement of activists and normies aren't. But when I got the opportunities to describe my vision in front of apolitical social clubs (Kiwanis and Torch), it was very well received. There was a hunger there for something other than the Republican and Democratic visions of the time.
Then the world went through a wormhole around 2008. Progressives gradually switched from yoga to modern indignation studies. The Left learned to love censorship, secret police, and corporate centralism. The elites began to *openly* behave something like described in "None Dare Call it Conspiracy," only gayer. And Trump pushed the Republican Party partially into the niche where I wanted to start a new party, but didn't have the resources. And if you are White and don't hate yourself, you are an a priori racist.
So it's sunk cost time, baby! I'm all in with the Dissident Right.
But I still say that dwelling too much on conspiracies is unproductive, even if the conspiracies are real. You need to focus on productive action and start doing. If you find the head of the hydra and cut it off, it will just grow another head. You need to build and alternative and defend it. You need to give the normies something better to vote for.
Simple case in point: for decades the Republicans have complained about federal government spending, but with the exception of Ron Paul, they have NEVER proposed a set of spending cuts adequate to balance the budget without tax increases. When politicians make specific promises, they often follow through. When they make nicey sounding tawk, expect nothing.
Another case in point: ObamaCare. While the Republicans whined and railed against it, they had no alternative. For the most part ObamaCare WAS a Republican plan. It's based on the Heritage Foundation's proposed alternative to HillaryCare.
Instead of wallowing in despair and conspiracy theories, recognize that the baddies often win by default.
All in with the dissident right indeed. A most curious collection of perspectives, but the only place anywhere in America where vibrant dialogue and ideas are shared freely.
And yes, there is little point in dwelling on the very real conspiracies to lock us down and reduce our standard of living. Without some alternative plan it is just so much ranting and raving. Personally, I am for cancelling about 90 of the Federal government, that would reduce spending, and most people wouldn't even notice the difference. I would also institute some kind of land reform/debt reform that would allow those young people who want to, to return to the land, food production, delivery and value-adding. I would also end all public funding for Edu, except maybe land-grant colleges in the old-school fashion. I would also probably institute some kind of modernized CCC, for restoring wetlands etc healing the earth, to give young men particularly something useful and meaningful to do.
But Neither Trump nor Republicans seem capable of any of that, and Democrats are a lost cause. Mostly at this point I'm just trying to get people to think about local consciousness, local infrastructure, local production of essentials. But even that is a challenge for modern Americans.
Which 90 percent? Debt service, Social Security and Medicare constitute about half the federal government today. People would notice.
They might notice if you disbanded the military.
And even those who tawk about disbanding the Department of Energy fail to realize that this constitutes unilateral nuclear disarmament. At least half the DOE budget is maintaining our nuclear weapons. Another significant part is keeping our nuclear power plants safe. Nuclear meltdowns are noticeable.
It is largely a figure of speech, just to introduce the concept, as the idea of reducing government is not really even on the table, quite the opposite, with both parties.
I imagine starting with Education, HHS, Labor, DOJ, Interior, EPA, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, etc. I assume there is as much administrative bloat there as there is in every other institution public and private. Also, no more funding for NGO's.
But I allow, you have put a lot more thought into this than I have. The reality is, a better path is likely the one outlined today by NS Lyons, parallel, grass roots community building.
The amounts of NGO and local government handouts exploded under Biden under the "Inflation Reduction [sic] Act." Trim that crap with a bulldozer. End the federal Department of Education and HUD. Require sponsors for any asylum seekers, and the sponsors have to buy a gold plan health insurance policy for those whom they sponsor and foot the education bills for any children.
And you still have a trillion+ dollar budget deficit. The time to fix our troubles was during the Reagan years. We needed to be realistic about retirement and ramp up the SS retirement age before the Boomers started to retire. Too late now. Now, it's either massive inflation, tax increases, or Euthanasia Day at the old folks home.
And yes, my nitpicking is important. The Right has lost most of the college educated in part because the Right's accounting is nearly as bad as the Left's biology. The Left is winning by default.
I have described Republican messaging as stuck in 1980, mistaking Biden for Jimmy Carter, both of them just about equally dead. Something like the opposite of inspiring.
A few I know speculated covid was in part about culling the elderly population. A friend in an assisted living facility in Alaska tells me it is quite the growth industry up there, the average resident contributing about $1000 to their upkeep, the facility billing $15,000 to the government.
Yes, probably the only thing to be done is prepare in the way NS Lyons is describing, for the collapse of the GAE imperium, to be ready to assume power in the vacuum.
Jimmy Carter was economically more conservative than either Bush or Donald Trump. That's the big Inconvenient Truth. Carter ended loose monetary policy and he ended price controls from the Nixon, Roosevelt, and Progressive eras. He was a weak president because the norther liberal Democrats were not behind him. Recall that Saturday Night Live lampooned Carter just as much as they lampooned Republican presidents.
While it may be too late, let us remember that H. Ross Perot made serious inroads as a third party candidate running on a platform of fiscal sanity. Had he not dropped out and had he picked a better running mate, he might have become president.
We would probably all agree that our most serious problem as individuals and People lies in our ability to think clearly and then to act accordingly.
Occasionally our thinking is confused first by our own imperfect natures and then by the bombardment of a globally coordinated campaign of misinformation augmented with negative subliminal programming.
Subliminal audio programming is probably the most powerful human resource technology known. The reason you do not already know about it is because it is being heavily suppressed by our enemies. The reason some people scoff at its mention is directly related to that. The last thing the invisible hand wants is for you to use it. Why ?
Because it works, and they want the monopoly on it.
Subliminal programming is a fact of modern life. This technology cannot be denied by sapient people. It literally determines who is the master and who is the slave. In the modern world negative subliminal programming is the tool that keeps the chains on the minds of our people.
Ethnic tendencies are automatic, unconscious mechanisms, but despite the power of these ancient mechanisms, they can be suppressed or diverted from their original purpose by cultural programming that takes advantage of some recently evolved cognitive machinery: the conscious processing mechanisms of the human prefrontal cortex. [Kevin MacDonald, Psychology and White Ethnocentrism, 2007, The Occidental Quarterly]
It is not necessary to re-invent the wheel. Please let me tell you how we can win the war.
In order to overcome the effects of negative subliminal programming, we simply have to bring positive subliminal programming into our people’s daily routines. The correct use of positive subliminal programming will enable us to eliminate the psychic problems created by our enemies.
"My wife and I had not been doing very well. We were edgy, finding fault with each other and talking about a divorce. We have a small boy together. I was not making as much progress as I should have been making at work and I did not know what to do. So I did what you suggested; put the CD on the home stereo and let it repeat on track one for a month. After two weeks things smoothed out a little. A little while later we went dancing. Things started going better at work. After a year we made a good deal on a better house. I have some very interesting new job offers which I have not acted on yet because I want to do it right. My level of political activity has increased considerably. My wife and I have not spoken about divorce since before listening to the CD." Then he put out his hand and said "thank you."
Positive subliminal programming overcomes the double-minded spiritual confusion presently enforced by the enemies negative subliminal programming. Its use enables our people to quickly realize that our past, present, and future genetic history transcends the artificial constructs of materialism, religion and the other tools of war.
Now: The diffusion of innovations is not an easy thing to do in a short period of time. Most people prefer not to recognize the effectiveness of any innovation. The Founding Fathers had a real hard time getting the cooperation of the population during the Revolutionary War. And Henry Ford had a hard time selling cars and tractors to people who thought horses were better for transportation and farm work. People only adopt new methods after those they admire and respect have adopted them. Salesmanship of new ideas is a subjective thing.
"Diffusion investigations show that most individuals do not evaluate an innovation on the basis of scientific studies of its consequences, although such objective evaluations are not entirely irrelevant, especially to the very first individuals who adopt. Instead, most people depend mainly upon a subjective evaluation of an innovation that is conveyed to them from other individuals like themselves who have previously adopted the innovation. This dependence on the experience of near peers suggests that the heart of the diffusions process consists of the modeling and imitation by potential adopters of the network partners who have adopted previously. So diffusion is a very social process."
"Subjective evaluations of a new idea from other individuals are especially likely to influence an individual at the decision stage and perhaps at the confirmation stage." [Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, Fourth Edition, 1995]
In the West, negative subliminal programming is one of the enemies main weapons. It has been refined and perfected. The powerful subliminal directions they command are the modern day source of our destroyed social identity. The beautiful America we seek is deliberately thwarted by the negative subliminal programming foisted upon our people. So far it has prevented our generation’s development of a successful group evolutionary strategy.
As we all know swords cut both ways. We now have the means to use the technology for our own purposes.
Anthropology shows us that the frontal cortex of the brain is what separates us from the chimpanzees. It is a recent development, supposedly less than a few hundred thousand years old.
The study of IMPLICIT or instinctive behavior and EXPLICIT or learned behavior shows that learned behavior is centered in the frontal cortex.
How does positive subliminal programming work?
It works by synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain which unifies and protects the mind from the enemies negative subliminal assault.
Harmonization causes the externally implanted double mind and its accompanying catatonic state to disappear due to your dramatically enhanced state of awareness.
It also stimulates the frontal cortex which is the center of the reasoning mind. This opens the individual person for the ultimate spiritual transformation: the desire to act on their God given ability for self directed evolution.
By using these tools we really can become The Ubermensch, now, in this generation, and bequeath to future generations the ability to do the same.
What do Subliminal Programming signals consist of?
All subliminal audio products consist of tones (called the carrier frequency) that stimulate the frontal cortex and verbal affirmations that stimulate the mind. These signals are repeated over and over and over and are amalgamated each listening, exactly the way language is acquired. The developers’ commentaries reveal that they use the most modern equipment to determine which tones and frequencies produce the most dramatic stimulation of the brain. They appear to have proven that listening to certain tones can cause the brain to actually develop dendrites, the neuro pathways used to conduct the brains business. Thus persons who expose themselves to these sounds under optimal conditions can quickly realize a better functioning mind. How about that!
The commentary by, on the development of their program called Dive, is more than worth anyone’s effort to acquire. The more one listens the more one gains. Explicit becomes Implicit, just like language.
Equilibrium probably does not require so much money, but I suppose if one is already paying a therapist I imagine this might be worth a try. A routine is important, and belief can have a positive effect.
I've read some of Nickson's work and it appears in my inbox, but I haven't read any lately, mostly for some of the reasons you described. Yes she makes good points and has some understandably righteous indignation, but can also be quite extreme, and what I feel is a lack of empathy or understanding of other possibilities. I appreciate your analysis and the way you wove that into your piece, pointing it out without being hostile or condemnatory.
I've been wondering whether I want to want to use the word "occult", because I could just use "esoteric" instead. People get so attached to their meanings and the words they assign to their meanings. Especially with the word "occult"; I really doubt that some people will ever be able, or even try, to understand the sense in which you use it, because of the extremity of their associations with the word. I think it is brave of you to continue to use that word, and I wonder if I am a coward for preferring a word like "esoteric".
I rarely use the word occult because there is hardly a more propagandized word in the English language. A lot of people have a very strong, visceral reaction to it, without having any idea what it is really about, or how they have been manipulated and propagandized. It is frustrating, because it is not just Nickson, it is a lot of writers here I admire, who use the word as a synonym for evil, unconsciously. I too use esoteric or esotere instead, or even magic. It is not cowardice, it is simply recognizing that the word can trigger not just a wall of defenses, but even outright hate.
That said, magic rises in every crisis, as more people start looking to make sense of the collapse of order. The "second religiosity" is not just about a restoration of Christianity, it will also be a restoration of magic. America has a long history of esotere, particularly early in our history. I seem myself as helping, trying to popularize it.
careful now... : )
Well, this looks quite promising. I will try to leave it open on my browser so I can read it. In the beginning, it reminds me what Andrew Beaton (American Lit) is always telling me about what he calls "self-care." I felt like he was haranguing me, though. I had not appreciated what "born on the fourth" is doing until now. It looks like something good to read. I cannot write something like this. I write in spurts, and I only cover one topic at a time. I couldn't make a list. But I agree with what I have read so far. A person can get it right on all the specific points and miss the point of keeping watch on one's own equilibrium and balance and health.
equilibrium huh. well, you could be spiritually anchored to the past by your ancestors, to the present by the relationships of a spiritual nature in the here and now. if you are spiritually connected to the next generations removing yourself would be seen as abandonment. in a world of dead matter with a far distant god, there is no anchor. maybe for him he saw no divine. what little i read of him, it seemed he wanted very much to matter. but to whom? he observed well, but was in an important way disconnected.
If you aren't going to do anything useful, you are better off sticking your head in the sand. Telling the Sheeple to wake up without a plan of useful action is to disturb their equilibrium.
20 years ago I realized that freedom required reduction in the wealth gap as well as a reduction in the size, scope, and complexity of government. About the only people who actively understood this at the time were followers of Henry George and conspiracy theorists of the John Birch/Alex Jones variety. Given the tiny size of the first faction and the wackiness and racism of the latter, I opted to pitch my vision to progressives and apolitical normies.
Many progressives were open minded at the time, practicing yoga, positive visualization and whatnot in order to avoid Hate. Sometimes I could get through to them that deficit spending was a subsidy to the already rich and that regulatory overhead favors Walmart over Mom and Pop.
Reaching normies is more challenging. You need a movement of activists and normies aren't. But when I got the opportunities to describe my vision in front of apolitical social clubs (Kiwanis and Torch), it was very well received. There was a hunger there for something other than the Republican and Democratic visions of the time.
Then the world went through a wormhole around 2008. Progressives gradually switched from yoga to modern indignation studies. The Left learned to love censorship, secret police, and corporate centralism. The elites began to *openly* behave something like described in "None Dare Call it Conspiracy," only gayer. And Trump pushed the Republican Party partially into the niche where I wanted to start a new party, but didn't have the resources. And if you are White and don't hate yourself, you are an a priori racist.
So it's sunk cost time, baby! I'm all in with the Dissident Right.
But I still say that dwelling too much on conspiracies is unproductive, even if the conspiracies are real. You need to focus on productive action and start doing. If you find the head of the hydra and cut it off, it will just grow another head. You need to build and alternative and defend it. You need to give the normies something better to vote for.
Simple case in point: for decades the Republicans have complained about federal government spending, but with the exception of Ron Paul, they have NEVER proposed a set of spending cuts adequate to balance the budget without tax increases. When politicians make specific promises, they often follow through. When they make nicey sounding tawk, expect nothing.
Another case in point: ObamaCare. While the Republicans whined and railed against it, they had no alternative. For the most part ObamaCare WAS a Republican plan. It's based on the Heritage Foundation's proposed alternative to HillaryCare.
Instead of wallowing in despair and conspiracy theories, recognize that the baddies often win by default.
All in with the dissident right indeed. A most curious collection of perspectives, but the only place anywhere in America where vibrant dialogue and ideas are shared freely.
And yes, there is little point in dwelling on the very real conspiracies to lock us down and reduce our standard of living. Without some alternative plan it is just so much ranting and raving. Personally, I am for cancelling about 90 of the Federal government, that would reduce spending, and most people wouldn't even notice the difference. I would also institute some kind of land reform/debt reform that would allow those young people who want to, to return to the land, food production, delivery and value-adding. I would also end all public funding for Edu, except maybe land-grant colleges in the old-school fashion. I would also probably institute some kind of modernized CCC, for restoring wetlands etc healing the earth, to give young men particularly something useful and meaningful to do.
But Neither Trump nor Republicans seem capable of any of that, and Democrats are a lost cause. Mostly at this point I'm just trying to get people to think about local consciousness, local infrastructure, local production of essentials. But even that is a challenge for modern Americans.
Thanks too for the restack.
Which 90 percent? Debt service, Social Security and Medicare constitute about half the federal government today. People would notice.
They might notice if you disbanded the military.
And even those who tawk about disbanding the Department of Energy fail to realize that this constitutes unilateral nuclear disarmament. At least half the DOE budget is maintaining our nuclear weapons. Another significant part is keeping our nuclear power plants safe. Nuclear meltdowns are noticeable.
It is largely a figure of speech, just to introduce the concept, as the idea of reducing government is not really even on the table, quite the opposite, with both parties.
I imagine starting with Education, HHS, Labor, DOJ, Interior, EPA, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, etc. I assume there is as much administrative bloat there as there is in every other institution public and private. Also, no more funding for NGO's.
But I allow, you have put a lot more thought into this than I have. The reality is, a better path is likely the one outlined today by NS Lyons, parallel, grass roots community building.
The amounts of NGO and local government handouts exploded under Biden under the "Inflation Reduction [sic] Act." Trim that crap with a bulldozer. End the federal Department of Education and HUD. Require sponsors for any asylum seekers, and the sponsors have to buy a gold plan health insurance policy for those whom they sponsor and foot the education bills for any children.
And you still have a trillion+ dollar budget deficit. The time to fix our troubles was during the Reagan years. We needed to be realistic about retirement and ramp up the SS retirement age before the Boomers started to retire. Too late now. Now, it's either massive inflation, tax increases, or Euthanasia Day at the old folks home.
And yes, my nitpicking is important. The Right has lost most of the college educated in part because the Right's accounting is nearly as bad as the Left's biology. The Left is winning by default.
I have described Republican messaging as stuck in 1980, mistaking Biden for Jimmy Carter, both of them just about equally dead. Something like the opposite of inspiring.
A few I know speculated covid was in part about culling the elderly population. A friend in an assisted living facility in Alaska tells me it is quite the growth industry up there, the average resident contributing about $1000 to their upkeep, the facility billing $15,000 to the government.
Yes, probably the only thing to be done is prepare in the way NS Lyons is describing, for the collapse of the GAE imperium, to be ready to assume power in the vacuum.
Jimmy Carter was economically more conservative than either Bush or Donald Trump. That's the big Inconvenient Truth. Carter ended loose monetary policy and he ended price controls from the Nixon, Roosevelt, and Progressive eras. He was a weak president because the norther liberal Democrats were not behind him. Recall that Saturday Night Live lampooned Carter just as much as they lampooned Republican presidents.
While it may be too late, let us remember that H. Ross Perot made serious inroads as a third party candidate running on a platform of fiscal sanity. Had he not dropped out and had he picked a better running mate, he might have become president.
We would probably all agree that our most serious problem as individuals and People lies in our ability to think clearly and then to act accordingly.
Occasionally our thinking is confused first by our own imperfect natures and then by the bombardment of a globally coordinated campaign of misinformation augmented with negative subliminal programming.
Subliminal audio programming is probably the most powerful human resource technology known. The reason you do not already know about it is because it is being heavily suppressed by our enemies. The reason some people scoff at its mention is directly related to that. The last thing the invisible hand wants is for you to use it. Why ?
Because it works, and they want the monopoly on it.
Subliminal programming is a fact of modern life. This technology cannot be denied by sapient people. It literally determines who is the master and who is the slave. In the modern world negative subliminal programming is the tool that keeps the chains on the minds of our people.
Ethnic tendencies are automatic, unconscious mechanisms, but despite the power of these ancient mechanisms, they can be suppressed or diverted from their original purpose by cultural programming that takes advantage of some recently evolved cognitive machinery: the conscious processing mechanisms of the human prefrontal cortex. [Kevin MacDonald, Psychology and White Ethnocentrism, 2007, The Occidental Quarterly]
It is not necessary to re-invent the wheel. Please let me tell you how we can win the war.
In order to overcome the effects of negative subliminal programming, we simply have to bring positive subliminal programming into our people’s daily routines. The correct use of positive subliminal programming will enable us to eliminate the psychic problems created by our enemies.
"My wife and I had not been doing very well. We were edgy, finding fault with each other and talking about a divorce. We have a small boy together. I was not making as much progress as I should have been making at work and I did not know what to do. So I did what you suggested; put the CD on the home stereo and let it repeat on track one for a month. After two weeks things smoothed out a little. A little while later we went dancing. Things started going better at work. After a year we made a good deal on a better house. I have some very interesting new job offers which I have not acted on yet because I want to do it right. My level of political activity has increased considerably. My wife and I have not spoken about divorce since before listening to the CD." Then he put out his hand and said "thank you."
Positive subliminal programming overcomes the double-minded spiritual confusion presently enforced by the enemies negative subliminal programming. Its use enables our people to quickly realize that our past, present, and future genetic history transcends the artificial constructs of materialism, religion and the other tools of war.
Now: The diffusion of innovations is not an easy thing to do in a short period of time. Most people prefer not to recognize the effectiveness of any innovation. The Founding Fathers had a real hard time getting the cooperation of the population during the Revolutionary War. And Henry Ford had a hard time selling cars and tractors to people who thought horses were better for transportation and farm work. People only adopt new methods after those they admire and respect have adopted them. Salesmanship of new ideas is a subjective thing.
"Diffusion investigations show that most individuals do not evaluate an innovation on the basis of scientific studies of its consequences, although such objective evaluations are not entirely irrelevant, especially to the very first individuals who adopt. Instead, most people depend mainly upon a subjective evaluation of an innovation that is conveyed to them from other individuals like themselves who have previously adopted the innovation. This dependence on the experience of near peers suggests that the heart of the diffusions process consists of the modeling and imitation by potential adopters of the network partners who have adopted previously. So diffusion is a very social process."
"Subjective evaluations of a new idea from other individuals are especially likely to influence an individual at the decision stage and perhaps at the confirmation stage." [Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, Fourth Edition, 1995]
In the West, negative subliminal programming is one of the enemies main weapons. It has been refined and perfected. The powerful subliminal directions they command are the modern day source of our destroyed social identity. The beautiful America we seek is deliberately thwarted by the negative subliminal programming foisted upon our people. So far it has prevented our generation’s development of a successful group evolutionary strategy.
As we all know swords cut both ways. We now have the means to use the technology for our own purposes.
Anthropology shows us that the frontal cortex of the brain is what separates us from the chimpanzees. It is a recent development, supposedly less than a few hundred thousand years old.
The study of IMPLICIT or instinctive behavior and EXPLICIT or learned behavior shows that learned behavior is centered in the frontal cortex.
How does positive subliminal programming work?
It works by synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain which unifies and protects the mind from the enemies negative subliminal assault.
Harmonization causes the externally implanted double mind and its accompanying catatonic state to disappear due to your dramatically enhanced state of awareness.
It also stimulates the frontal cortex which is the center of the reasoning mind. This opens the individual person for the ultimate spiritual transformation: the desire to act on their God given ability for self directed evolution.
By using these tools we really can become The Ubermensch, now, in this generation, and bequeath to future generations the ability to do the same.
What do Subliminal Programming signals consist of?
All subliminal audio products consist of tones (called the carrier frequency) that stimulate the frontal cortex and verbal affirmations that stimulate the mind. These signals are repeated over and over and over and are amalgamated each listening, exactly the way language is acquired. The developers’ commentaries reveal that they use the most modern equipment to determine which tones and frequencies produce the most dramatic stimulation of the brain. They appear to have proven that listening to certain tones can cause the brain to actually develop dendrites, the neuro pathways used to conduct the brains business. Thus persons who expose themselves to these sounds under optimal conditions can quickly realize a better functioning mind. How about that!
The commentary by, on the development of their program called Dive, is more than worth anyone’s effort to acquire. The more one listens the more one gains. Explicit becomes Implicit, just like language.
Equilibrium probably does not require so much money, but I suppose if one is already paying a therapist I imagine this might be worth a try. A routine is important, and belief can have a positive effect.
Can you make your observation in other words?
So much money? What do you reference?