[note to readers: This is the ninth installment of a twelve part series on the training of the Octagon Society, Order of Spiritual Alchemy. Previously we have discussed the three preliminary laws, blame, shame and guilt, to get at and excise the detritus of trauma etc in preparation for the preliminary laws, and four of the primary laws, Acceptance, Happiness, Joy, and Peace to get about the work of intentionally building the life you want, of strengthening the self and opening up and expanding consciousness. Links to the previous installments can be found at the end.]
The Law of Forgiveness is without question the most challenging and misunderstood of the Laws in the Octagon Society, Order of Spiritual Alchemy training. I have written about it before, both in the OSA introduction, and in the context of the medical cartel, covid and Dr Peter Hotez, so some of what I am writing about here will be redundant for long-time readers of this Substack. Redundancy in this case, and in spiritual alchemy generally, is actually a good and necessary thing.
It is hard to imagine forgiveness in the context of Covid Policy. Early after lockdowns our elite tried to float Amnesty: we should all just agree everybody did the best we could with limited information, mistakes were made but we should leave that in the past and move on (and pretend it didn’t happen.) But covid revealed the authoritarians among us; Remdesivir, ventilators and the jabs looks like incentivized murder on an epic scale, aka democide + iatrogenocide - ongoing. There can be no amnesty for mass murder. Mistakes were not made.
This is where forgiveness is deeply misunderstood. When most people hear forgiveness they think absolution, that the person who perpetrated the harm is absolved from the awful thing they did. Forgiveness is not at all about the one who harmed you, forgiveness is between you and the Creator, the Divine, God. Forgiveness is about releasing yourself from what was done to you, that it not continue to harm you. Actively refusing to forgive is like-to become consumed with revenge, and revenge is not good for the soul. There is a fundamental difference between revenge and justice, justice is not emotional, revenge is so emotional that it is not relieved even after the deed is done, that rage, anger, fury continues to harm, simply focused on something new. Justice and revenge is an important distinction. I can forgive, but I will still demand FULL accountability.
It seems especially timely to talk about forgiveness now, in the context of 2024. Tension is likely to build as the year goes on, the writer J Coleman sees a lot of parallels between the gang wars he participated in in prison, and the greater society these days.
He liked my comment though:
I've been feeling it too. Though after the murderous authoritarianism of Covid policy, the trans movement mutilating and sterilizing children, the move to normalize pederasty, the increasing demonization of MAGA (white men) and the quasi-Marxism seeking to control every institution, I can't say we aren't dealing with actual evil.
Revenge isn’t much use against something so amorphous as a rising and ascendant evil. Revenge is a poor attitude in the face of the kind of abject evil Elizabeth Nickson writes about.
Revenge is not going to be an effective means to fight the act-of-war invasion of America, in progress, our Federal government is facilitating, in contravention of their mandate to protect us, and the Constitution.
A refusal to forgive is not going to heal the divide between the sexes.
Forgiveness again is not about absolution. Absolution is not for us to give, absolution or “damnation” is for God. Forgiveness is about giving your revenge up to God, while becoming free to be like the sword of justice without being encumbered by pain, fear, rage. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the pain of the terrible thing someone did to you, that you can fulfill the true fullness of your being, to fight clearly in the “war” between good and evil, that you might fully embrace that which is good. Forgiveness is about saving your soul.
It is also good to remember, sometimes the thing I need to forgive the most is myself.
As with all of the training of the Octagon society, that work really begins with Dad.
The Law of Forgiveness has eight separate and distinct steps to be practiced in order to qualify for advancement to the rank of 5/8. You are already familiar with those steps:
• Forgive your father for the things he did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive your mother for the things she did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive your children, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and cousins for the things they did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive your aunts, uncles, grandparents, great uncles, great aunts, and all your ancestors for the things they did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive your spouse, lovers, friends, fellow students and fellow employees for the things they did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive your enemies and antagonists for the things they did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive all other persons whatsoever for the things they did to hurt or harm you
• Forgive yourself for your negative thoughts and ideas, ill feelings toward others and yourself, bad attitudes, wrong beliefs, poor intentions and everything you did to hurt others or yourself
1. Your first task is to forgive your father for everything he ever did that hurt or harmed you in any way. Forgive your father for his negative thoughts and words. Forgive your father for his poor judgment. Forgive him for being mistaken and misguided. Forgive him for everything you can remember that he did, said or didn’t do or say that hurt you.
Having already accepted your father in spite of all these faults, errors, mistakes, poor judgment errors, and hurts, it seems like forgiveness should be an easy next step. It isn’t. It hurts to forgive our father because he hurt us and we relive that pain every time we remember. It takes an effort to relive the pain, accept our father and forgive him. Our ancient brothers and sisters used a strategy to help themselves achieve forgiveness. This strategy is called the Breath of Forgiveness. This is a continuation of the Breath of Acceptance, and is explained at the end of this section.
If one is willing to do this work, one begins to see how many grudges one has, for so many things so many people have done to us. That cumulative grudge is a heavy, very heavy weight to bear. That weight deforms us over time. It is for any of us to set down that weight at any time. Though it is true, it is not so easy to set down all at once.
You will likely find some things much easier to forgive than others, and at this time you may not be able to forgive everyone who hurt or harmed you, or everything that was done to you. That’s normal and natural. Again, progress rather than perfection is the goal of our work. Do the best you can at this time, and be prepared to forgive yourself for your limitations. As you proceed through the work of the Order of Spiritual Alchemy you’ll be returning to this work at intervals, and as you become aware of the psychological and spiritual benefits you gain from forgiveness, you’ll find that it’s easier to forgive things that seem unforgivable right now.
If you are willing to do this work, there is a good deal more information about breathing and meditation techniques to facilitate forgiveness on the Octagon Society, Law of Forgiveness web page.
This is the work of Spiritual Alchemy. Not forgiving those who have harmed me continues to harm me. It holds me back from the fullness of who I can be. It prevents me from achieving the life I want for myself. It prevents me from most effective clear action in the cause of justice.
Some think forgiveness lends a sense of peace, but it is not so much peace as relief, a sense of freedom and a shift in consciousness opening up new vistas of possibility.
Preliminary Lessons:
Primary Laws:
Showing anything said by the new President of Fizer is a dead giveaway as to your purpose. I say do not forgive them! Mistakes were no made, no excuse for what they did, and you must be a front for the pharma. industry. NO FORGIVNESS FOR GENOCIDE, EVER!
There is forgiveness after the sword of justice has excised its pound of flesh. Forgiveness without consequences is self flagellation. The main contradiction is that God is the only judge.