If he isn't careful, Andrew Tate will end up as a frail old man in a nursing home, needing someone to wipe his ass. All of these tough talkers have that eventuality in the back of their minds.

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The tough talker in my father’s world was known as a blow-hard. Their last gasp comes when we all stop listening. Thanks UB, you give me hope!

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When you don't hold perverts accountable, you end up with more perversion. Not a matter of good or evil, or metaphysics. Accountability is based on agency. Individuals have agency, thus they are responsible for the shit they do.

The devil made me do it. What kind of an excuse is that? Guilty.

What kind of an accusation is that? Not guilty. Women were accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake; the mentally ill were tortured to drive out so-called demons. Enough of this foolishness.

I am an atheist by the way.

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Yes, as much as Christians, Muslims and Jews have historically despised each other, one thing they agreed about is "pagans" are evil. These days, nominal "atheits" are driving out masculinity and femininity (cutting off body parts) from the mentally ill, though some monotheists continue to blame "pagans".

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Organized religion can lay claim to the largest pile of bodies. Is that because pagans are morally superior, or fewer in number?

The collective kills more people than individuals do. Another numbers game?

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I suppose it depends on the timeline. The largest death toll the last 100 years has been from Marxist atheists, by far. But going way back to Rome, "pagans" did some damage. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what one believes about the gods, God or no, once that fire starts it burns mostly uncontrolled.

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I have always subscribed to the Bob Dylan philosophy that You Gotta Serve Somebody: https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3458764513820552090/

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Serve the Earth. The biosphere. Gaia. Or as Michael Dowd puts it: G🌍D

In case it doesn't show, the middle character is an earth emoji ^^

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Btw, I would love it if we "pagans", monotheists and atheists could come together and lay waste to pederasts...


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Ordinary perverts who have gone public would likely be the first casualties of that initiative. Not so for the powerful, or for the wiser pervs who continue to operate in the shadows.

But why have they gone public?

For the ordinary deviants, it appears they want to be validated. They crave that validation; they're tired of living in the shadows.

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Yep, kind of like validating your parking ticket. It is definitely 🤡 world. Is it that they are psychopaths shooting-from-the-hip, or are so many of us sociopaths we are allowing this to become instituted into our society?

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I don't believe so.

Jimmy Dore referenced an interview of Carl Sagan years ago:


An ignorant public can't be a democracy.

To be skeptical is to question everyone, from scientists to believers in Gods, demons, etc.

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I look forward to reading your future writings on metaphysics! It's difficult to determine what the correct understanding of metaphysics is, but one thing *is* clear: the reductionist materialism of postmodernism is childishly inadequate for explaining the evil we see in the world. I'm reminded of the passages in The Screwtape Letters about how the devils' job is difficult because if they push their agenda too hard or too fast, it wakes up their victims to spiritual realities that often frighten them into seeking God. The LGBTQ movement has succeeded in doing precisely that.

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That is one of the defining characteristics of the woke trans thing, the childishness of it. Only a child has a traumatic meltdown if you tell them no, or do not give them what they want, or question their thinking or motives - except an adult who never grew up. That childishness of course has not prevented them from demanding we bow before their childishness, or from taking over institutions at every level...and demanding we give them control of our kids. Which is the fundamental overshoot. "10% is not enough, we are coming for your children."

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As someone who has nit only studied the occult but has experience in it, I wouldn’t say, -- and do not think -- that no one should look into the "unseen" world. I even think that description, "ubseen", is a fallacy. It's not that these beings and forces are fully invisible, but rather are subtle, and move in ways that are hard to apprehend in most situations.

I'm not captive to the cosmonic language model of biblical translations either. I don't think that any being that isn't the First Cause Creator God is necessarily evil. I use that language because it seems closest to the metaphysical problem at hand. Namely, we are swamed with demons, and their idiots, supplicants and unwitting thralls.have gained both an institutional power and technological toolset that eclipses all former versions by an insanely wide margin.

In other words, the war is already upon us. And so I will speak in military terms, which the Judeo-Christian cosmology enunciated quite well in Revelation. If there are spiritual agents who are neither demons nor angels, they will also be forced to choose a side in the war of dueling singularities. Or, given the irrelevance of time in the spiritual context, they have already/always chosen, and our interactions with them are rather reflective of our own choices in spacetime.

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Having slept on it....yes, whatever other energetic beings there are in the unseen metaphysical, they are not strictly human, and so should not be treated as such. I would still maintain, one of the reasons we are swamped by demons who wear much technology as a veil as you suggest, is largely because of our largely forced and coerced ignorance of the metaphysical. That said, one should be cautious, yet it would be important for some to become like metaphysical-nauts, to help us navigate that and this world, seeking God, the angels and say, the spirits of the forest etc. If we be in a war, war does indeed create strange "bedfellows", and I for one would shirk no potential ally - with always one eye trained to the all-encompassing creator.

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You make me think. I am with about 12 men in the wilderness, now in my tent, so I am going to sleep on that and get back to you...

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If someone without a conscience considers themself a Christian, an Atheist, or a Pagan - does it matter?

If you're not born with a moral compass, no amount of culture or sacred texts will change that.

According to the theory of evolution, there are sociopaths because they are fit for survival.

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True enough. But that is a separate argument from the existence of a creator or not.

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So where does the argument that atheists have no moral compass come from?

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Some do, many don't truly follow a moral compass. Same for religious, political, spiritual, economic, medical educational etc

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UB, even dogs have a moral compass. They have community and recognize family. It is innately given. There is something connecting us beyond mere survival mechanism.

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We're a social species. If we were asocial, like crocodiles, we'd have a different moral compass.

Looking at the Dems attacking RFK Jr. I see they are one group that eat their own. Positively crocodilian.

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Good topic and good ideas. Liked it, love it, and will share my thoughts in person, given how much time we have!

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Safe travels!

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