Editor’s note: Reader beware, this post is disturbing on a lot of levels. It is the result of a kind of fever dream, contemplating doom the last several days, while I battled an illness. It is also too long for email.
I was home in bed most of the 20th, not feeling well. I wrote and published a short post about the Russell Brand situation called Guilty, and read a lot of substack posts from other writers. Apparently the day before, 10,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border, none of whom we know anything about. Estimates hover between 5-7 million illegal crossings since Joe Biden was, um, installed as President. Expectations are, 8-10 million by the 2024 election. Presumably if Biden wins again, illegal crossings will number 40 mil or more, 2025-2028. By the 2028 election, half at least of those 50mil illegals will have drivers licenses, which means ballots, which means harvested ballots, which means the Dems will have their one party rule in America.1 I assume at this rate by the time the globalists get their 2030 Great Reset America will be a backwater at war within.
KJP wouldn't finish answering the question about those 10,000 illegal migrants in one day, because like the Biden Admin and the left generally, she has contempt for American laws and it’s citizenry, so I will finish for her. “When the GOP…refuses to allow 10million migrants a year legally, then we are going to keep the border open to let them in illegally, without limits. That is what the experts have decided America needs. And if that sounds like blackmail, well, too bad, but we are smarter, more intelligent, more moral and evolved than you are, so it really does not matter what you think.”
At this point the Chinese could send boatloads of heavily armed incorrigibles to the West Coast, and delusional liberals there would welcome them with open arms. They have so much shame about their white selves and America, they might not even object when the incorrigibles start killing off the men, declaring the coast vassal to The Party. Something about the arc of justice…
Liberals seem to think the people crossing the southern border all look like this:
When the vast majority look like this:
It is bad enough that so many young American men have been left to gaze at their navels. It is profoundly destructive to society, to have a lot of young men around with not a lot to do but think about making trouble. I have been hearing about a housing crisis for years, so apparently the solution is to let ten million migrants in and house them in hotels, while they watch TV and wait for food to be brought to them from NGOs being paid by the feds to do so, and otherwise compete with citizens for housing. Anyway, it is madness, patent insanity, but what am I going to do about it but write about it? Declare war against my Federal government? I am just one man.
Nelson Elliot wrote on the Tree of Woe substack, about the angst a lot of young men are feeling, in this society that seems to love patriarchal migrant men but hates white boys and male citizens generally (hey white women, have less kids and more abortions to save the planet and fight the patriarchy, so we can repopulate the country with patriarchal, brown men.)
Then somehow in the comments I got into it with an Islamist, who clearly has a lot of time to sit around thinking about the invasion, conquest, rape and pillage of America. It started out tame enough, but I sensed a deeper story. (Maybe I should have paid closer attention to that Temperance card I pulled the morning of the 20th.)
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
I've spent more time in woods than in schools.
Real "paganism" is never defeated, it merely retreats home, and grows stronger as it waits quietly.
Appreciation of the wonders of Creation is an innate human disposition.
It’s not really a definitive demonstrative case in favour of paganism &/or polytheistic thought.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
Sep 20·edited 13 hrs ago
Nor is if a definitive demonstrative case in favour of monotheism.
17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago
Disagree. Man got said disposition from "somewhere".
The explanations given (i.e. "it evolved", "it's random", "aliens", etc) all fail.
The only feasible explanation is that the Creator endowed him with said Wonder.
If it came from any other source (let's say for argument's sake we pick the materialists' top choice a la "evolution"):
There will be some Reducible &/or Supervenient sequence of propositions that Explain the "Wonder" in more 'scientific language'.
But this can never be done due to the irreducibility of Qualia.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
There is the creator, and then there is monotheism. The creator endowed us all with wonder, and monotheists decided it was reserved for monotheists, with prejudice.
Certainly some out there do give that impression.
But in terms of standard Islamic doctrine; there is no mention made that wonder is purely the worldly bounty of the Believer.
People of the Book & non-Believers likewise have access to it; they however use said Wonder toward improper Pursuits.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago
That "improper Pursuits" bit is why the founders of America were explicit about freedom of religion. That said, it is the scientific materialist, atheist Trans woke who are ascendant in America, who threaten the children of Pagans and Monotheists alike.
Also, I just read your substack. Where is part three? Sounds like you were ready to rape and pillage across America.
I think you do not really understand America and Americans.
14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago
"Freedom of religion" is dead.
I would argue it was dead on arrival (but that would be too tangential). Anyhow, it is no longer relevant on the chessboard. Just as there is a TIME for certain moves; there comes a point when the TIME is past and the move is Moot.
I would disagree that they are ascendant. Their Demon masters are giving them their "rewards"... but they too will be sacrificed in the Nuclear Bonfire if said Demonlords have their way.
Part-3 will come in when I decide to sit down properly one day & put the Doom P*** into proper words. Stay tuned!
Also: You are most welcome to disagree with my prognosis & tone regarding Murica & its inhabitants.
I doubt however that you would be able to vindicate said position & make an argument that I have not considered before.
At this point (for this small, tiny topic): I have heard all the "pro-Murica & Muricans" arguments.
None are satisfactory in my view.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
Thus far you are the most bleak and bloodthirsty writer I have encountered on substack. The Trans vision, as demonic as that is, is nothing compared to what you prophecy. I think your God is not a loving creator but more like the demiurge. Let us hope for humanity's sake you are just caught up in juvenile fever dreams, because the war you want is one no one wins.
13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago
It's unfortunate that you mistake Bluntness for actual Savagery (which Murica & its vassals are key pursuers of worldwide).
They are not "fever dreams", they are merely trends that can be easily predicted given the trajectory most things are on.
It's no different from me looking at the chessboard & going "Mate in 8 moves".
Does that make me a "cruel" chess player (a la showing 'no mercy')? Or merely being someone with Clean Technique & Calculation?
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
Your rape and pillage talk about the conquest of America might sound like chess bluntness and clean technique and calculation to you, but it sounds like mere pathological insanity to me, and like about half a billion Eurasians dead, trying.
I am describing in relatively PG terms the consequences of flirting with Demon Summoning.
The Carthaginians were Salted for doing so. Many others had a similar fate.
Why should Murica expect a different fate?
The future is clear: If you betray humanity & side with Demons; the "Carthage treatment" ought to be the *least* you can expect.
Human Nature is very predictable. If a man's 4 year old daughter is dismembered in a particular manner; he will return to the Vermin something tenfold worse.
Why should Murica expect Mercy given the fact that its "Elite" seek hegemony for their Demonlord masters?
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
Take your "Murica" and shove it where the sun does not shine. Are you writing this from America? Because if you are you are a fucking traitor, just like our demonic elite. I for one would like to take most of America's elite out to the Marianas Trench and make a deposit on a better future. Or you can take them to Eurasia and debase them like you seem so eager to do.
13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago
"You are a F****** traitor"
Also, don't be surprised when Muricans themselves (by Blood & Descent) Open the Gates, and collaborate with Eurasia to Slaughter everyone.
There is a Breaking point of Evil, after which all manner of treachery & betrayal is pursued. "Good" Men (or whoever is left) of Murica are reaching it soon.
Once they do, the Slaughter will commence.
13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago
I am in an undisclosed location in the non-West; so spare me your Moot ad hominem. Use better, more forceful Rhetoric.
As for your sentiment regarding "offing" the "Elite"; we are in agreement. Beheading is a bit too bland... something a bit more *direct* perhaps?
Flogging to Death comes to mind; but even that might be too merciful.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
My Rhetoric is fine. Stay where you are. But see, I make a kind of joke about offing my elite, but then you debase yourself dreaming about it.
13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago
" I make a kind of joke about offing my elite..."
This right here is the problem.
Folks like yourself are not taking the matter seriously.
Humanity itself is at stake; Demon are on the crux of entering our realms.
The fact that you Amuse yourself with Jest simply reaffirms to me why the West is an utter basket case; and only Brutal Force can be used (from the non-West) to prevent the Demon Summoning.
Because (to put it bluntly): "It's all a Big Joke" to you folks.
Assuming that the Nuclear Bonfire & Demon Summoning are thwarted (very optimistic, but let's run with this):
Summary executions like the ones outlined above will be doled out.
And it will be done block by block, room by room.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
I amuse myself with you. I am deadly serious. Stay the fuck out of America. We can deal with our own.
"I amuse myself with you."
You are welcome to do so!
Don't be surprised however when Coalition forces likewise "amuse" themselves Hunting down Demon collaborators.
13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago
Murica has a choice to make. Is it going to side with Humanity or with the Demons? If the latter, it MUST be Destroyed.
If the former, then this calamity is resolved.
There will be no "deal with our own" nonsense. The TIME and luxury of that is long past. Wake Up and Accept that Reality.
Addendum: So far the latter seems to be the trajectory it is pursuing; ergo why I say with firm conviction "The Slaughter Approaches".
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
Then you will probably die far from your homeland, your body looted and then burned. Or more like, you will grow old where you are, raving about hunting down demon collaborators.
Hardly. All of Humanity will land on both coasts and march inward. This of course, will have to be preceded by the First Strike by the Muricans several years prior.
Given the Western Chauvinistic nonsense prevalent still, as well as making nice with Demonkind being normalized nowadays... it's the most likely outcome at present.
12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago
>> Then you will probably die far from your homeland, your body looted and then burned. <<
I am not at all afraid of Fighting Demonkind & their lackeys; even if it means a Brutal, Miserable End.
Just as Captain Ahab in Moby Dick; the objective is Mutual Destruction.
I will be happiest in my Life if I can take down One Big Demonlord as I get Devoured by all his minions in the process.
The question you should be asking yourself however is which side are you on?
Because if you are on Team Demon; you are the Enemy... plain & simple!
Considering the fact that the "Elite" and their mouthpieces (like Yuval Harrari) speak so fondly about their Demon Masters coming into the flesh very SOON... you are deluded if you think you have the luxury to "grow old" in any manner whatsoever.
As I said earlier: Wake Up & Accept the Reality of the situation.
Namely, that Murica is that entity which seeks (via Human Sacrifice) to end Humanity and begin Demonkind's reign.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago
On the one hand you talk about the conquest, rape and pillage of America with glee, which is demonic. Then you talk about just hunting demonlords. So then is America to be made in the image of the modern middle east or commie China? Where is the good I am supposed to be on the side of?
The first Strike will be by Murica.
After it murders millions in Moscow, Shanghai, Beijing, etc using a wide variety of Nuclear & Biological weapons... the "Good Men" of Eurasia will Snap and commit all manner of Conquest, Pillage & Rape.
As I said earlier: the father whose 4 year daughter is dismembered acts a certain way & "returns tenfold" the Crime. Except in this case, this will not be a sole individual; but whole societies & peoples "returning it back hundredfold".
THAT is where Murica's role lies.
It is the "Great Satan" that will kickstart the Coming Great War.
Hunting down such lackeys (who sided with the "Elite" and Demonkind in general) will be inevitable.
Crimes of the worst sort are always inflicted by those who have lost everything to begin with & snapped.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
Well, if the elite of America do that, then I will hunt them down too.
If you read my stack, the point I was making was that Violence & Crimes (especially by those DESTROYED in such a manner as above) are completely out of Control.
There will be no "differentiation" made between the "Elite" and the nominal Murican once the Crimes are committed. As such, the Slaughter will be all-encompassing.
This is Human Nature 101. Call it "Cruel" or "You're Paranoid!" or whatnot. This is the reality, given the past few millenia.
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
I didn't say cruel or paranoid, I said mere pathological insanity. We are what we think about....
11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago
The man who wants to gouge out the eyes, pour acid down the bleeding retina, cut out the tongue and then fill up the oesophagus with burning Iron Nails...
He does all that to "repay back tenfold" the crime of his daughter being dismembered.
Is he "pathologically insane"? Or merely "acting as he should"?
This micro-case scales up to the Macro as well when it comes to "Crimes inflicted".
Writes Born on the Fourth of July
I'm talking about you, dude.
"" I said mere pathological insanity. We are what we think about.... ""
Not really. People think a lot about God Almighty. That doesn't make "them God in some way" (as the Hindus would claim).
So No. Also, I am simply describing how people *will behave* once a certain sequence of events (that are highly likely, given the current trajectory of things) prevail. The Slaughter approaches; and I am merely stating the Obvious.
Yep. The most dangerous thing in this world is a young man inflamed with passionate zeal by an idea. “Block by block, room by room” indeed.
I find it rather cheeky that Qais is concerned about my language, when he writes about the invasion, conquest, rape and pillage of my fellow Americans, speaking with such brutal imagery.
The thing is, his logic is sound. If we Americans are so petty and feckless that we allow our elite to drop nuke and bio- bombs on the major cities of Eurasia, I’m not sure what moral standing we would have anymore.
At this point, though, Ukraine money is going to feed the unspeakable, with the announcement that Funny Man Zelensky has asked Marina Ambromovic, dear friend to the Clintons and all around Satanist and pederast, to facilitate child sex trafficking fix the schools.
The left and the Biden administration are more openly sexualizing children, sacrificing them to the demon gods PhizerModerna and Transgenica. The Federal government has “lost” 100,000 children who crossed the border. Qais is not wrong that America’s elite are summoning demons.
But I think his logic is flawed, too. It seems to me most of the leadership of the world including Russia and China are engaged in surveilling all of humanity, so the elite of every country are protected from the people ever more. Wherever Qais is I suspect he has more to fear from his own government than America’s.
But it is true, the federal government has gone well beyond rogue into unspeakable lands, it is in no way beholden to the Constitution or the People, and it has become as deadly to Americans (covid policy, censor/cancel culture, lawlessness) as it has been to the rest of the world since WWII. The Federal Government and the Institutional/Banking State is an existential threat to humanity.
The right in America needs to get it’s shit together. We need to get over our reluctance to use power. We like to talk about it, we like to theorize, we hesitate to act. America depends on us acting. We are the master, the left is merely the emissary.
The Federal Gov and the left generally must be deposed, put in it’s proper subordinate place. It must. It will.
But that poses it’s own dilemma too, about over-reach, which I will discuss in a future post.
Editor’s Note: Reader Susan J called me out on this statement, about immigrants and voting. I looked into it, and the absolutism of my statement is not defensible. While mail-in balloting and legal ballot harvesting does indeed make for more likely fraud, it would be hard to have mass balloting for illegal immigrants and keep that hidden. While there are surely people trying to figure out how to game that, my acting like it is guranteed is fever dream stuff. Thank you Susan for holding me accountable.
That was intense. Americans on the whole are completely clueless about how we are thought of in the rest of the world. And like you said, the dumbasses would stupidly welcome the Chinese coming to kill them.
Here's the really crazy thing. You and the Islamist have much in common. We both want to save the world from the bad guys. But he comes from a culture where revenge and violence are much more acceptable, especially mob violence. He was saying "When the war between good and evil begins and they start killing children, there will be zero mercy on the children of the evil." The culture is so very different from what we are used to. But they seem themselves as the 'real men' because they are willing to fight in these gruesome ways for what they believe to be righteousness. And it may come to that one day. I'd rather be on the same team with people who worship God than with those who worship Satan. But I am willing to die for my faith in Jesus. Muslims, Jews, and Christians have much more in common than Hindus, atheists, Gnostics, and pagans who worship the earth.